blob: 3013e939c43a47808e4b9bc217344e077c14fffe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <EGL/eglext.h>
#include <GLES2/gl2.h>
#include <GLES2/gl2ext.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include "egl_stuff.h"
#include "synccontroltest.h"
#if !defined(KHRONOS_SUPPORT_INT64)
#error int64 not defined by Khronos :-(
namespace {
#ifndef EGL_CHROMIUM_sync_controls
#define EGL_CHROMIUM_sync_controls 1
EGLDisplay dpy,
EGLSurface surface,
khronos_uint64_t* ust,
khronos_uint64_t* msc,
khronos_uint64_t* sbc);
struct SyncValues {
khronos_uint64_t ust;
khronos_uint64_t msc;
khronos_uint64_t sbc;
// Sync2Sync error is for operations on the same clock, so we are mostly testing
// the jitter of the clock and that the system isn't dropping swaps
const int kAcceptableSync2SyncError = 250; // uS
// Clock error is for making sure that the system is reasonably close to the
// system clock. Given that we are measuring two seperate clocks and there are
// system calls between the values there is substantial variance in the
// delta. Problems the this check catch are normally order of magnitude
// differences.
const khronos_uint64_t kAcceptableClockError = 25000; // uS
const float kFillValueRed = 1.0;
const float kFillValueGreen = 0.0;
const float kFillValueBlue = 0.0;
const khronos_uint64_t kMicroSecondsPerSecond = 1000000;
const khronos_uint64_t kMicroSecondsPerMilliSecond = 1000;
khronos_uint64_t GetAbsTimeDelta(khronos_uint64_t t1, khronos_uint64_t t2) {
return (t1 > t2) ? (t1 - t2) : (t2 - t1);
} // namespace
class EGLSyncControlTest : public SyncControlTest {
virtual void Init();
virtual bool Loop(int interval);
EGLInterface* interface_;
EGLBoolean GetSyncValues(struct SyncValues &sync_values);
bool TestAgainstSystem(khronos_uint64_t ust);
SyncControlTest* SyncControlTest::Create() {
return new EGLSyncControlTest();
: interface_(static_cast<EGLInterface*>(g_main_gl_interface.get())),
egl_get_sync_values_(NULL) { }
EGLSyncControlTest::~EGLSyncControlTest() { }
void EGLSyncControlTest::Init() {
// Make sure that extension under test is present and usable
std::string extensions(" ");
extensions += eglQueryString(interface_->display(), EGL_EXTENSIONS);
extensions += " ";
std::string name(" EGL_CHROMIUM_sync_control ");
CHECK(extensions.find(name) != std::string::npos)
<< "Extension EGL_CHROMIUM_sync_control not available!";
egl_get_sync_values_ = reinterpret_cast<PFNEGLGETSYNCVALUESCHROMIUMPROC>(
<< "Function eglGetSyncValuesCHROMIUM is not available!";
bool EGLSyncControlTest::Loop(int interval) {
struct SyncValues first_call = { 0, 0, 0 };
struct SyncValues second_call = { 0, 0, 0 };
khronos_uint64_t real_ust_delta, expected_ust_delta, ust_delta_error;
bool test_val = true;
EGLBoolean ret;
glClearColor(kFillValueRed, kFillValueGreen, kFillValueBlue, 0.0);
ret = GetSyncValues(first_call);
if (!ret) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure: First eglGetSyncValuesCHROMIUM returned false.\n";
test_val = false;
} else if (!TestAgainstSystem(first_call.ust)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure: First ust value failed to test against system "
<< "time!";
test_val = false;
ret = GetSyncValues(second_call);
if (!ret) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure: Second eglGetSyncValuesCHROMIUM returned false.\n";
test_val = false;
} else if (!TestAgainstSystem(second_call.ust)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure: Second ust value failed to test against system "
<< "time!";
test_val = false;
if (first_call.ust >= second_call.ust) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure: First ust value is equal to or greater then the "
<< "second!";
test_val = false;
if (first_call.msc >= second_call.msc) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure: First msc value is equal to or greater then the "
<< "second!";
test_val = false;
if (first_call.sbc >= second_call.sbc) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure: First sbc value is equal to or greater then the "
<< "second!";
test_val = false;
real_ust_delta = second_call.ust - first_call.ust;
expected_ust_delta = (second_call.msc - first_call.msc) * interval;
ust_delta_error = (real_ust_delta > expected_ust_delta) ?
(real_ust_delta - expected_ust_delta) :
(expected_ust_delta - real_ust_delta);
if ((second_call.msc - first_call.msc) * kAcceptableSync2SyncError <
ust_delta_error) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure: ust delta is not within acceptable error "
<< "(" << (second_call.ust - first_call.ust) << "instead of "
<< (second_call.msc - first_call.msc) * interval << ")!";
test_val = false;
if (!test_val) {
LOG(ERROR) << "First call to eglGetSyncValuesCHROMIUM returned:\n\t"
<< "ust=" << first_call.ust << "\n\t"
<< "msc=" << first_call.msc << "\n\t"
<< "sbc=" << first_call.sbc;
LOG(ERROR) << "Second call to eglGetSyncValuesCHROMIUM returned:\n\t"
<< "ust=" << second_call.ust << "\n\t"
<< "msc=" << second_call.msc << "\n\t"
<< "sbc=" << second_call.sbc;
return test_val;
EGLBoolean EGLSyncControlTest::GetSyncValues(struct SyncValues &sync_values) {
EGLBoolean ret;
ret = egl_get_sync_values_(interface_->display(),
return ret;
bool EGLSyncControlTest::TestAgainstSystem(khronos_uint64_t ust) {
struct timespec real_time;
struct timespec monotonic_time;
khronos_uint64_t sec, nsec;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &real_time);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &monotonic_time);
sec = real_time.tv_sec;
nsec = real_time.tv_nsec;
khronos_uint64_t real_time_us =
sec * kMicroSecondsPerSecond +
nsec / kMicroSecondsPerMilliSecond;
sec = monotonic_time.tv_sec;
nsec = monotonic_time.tv_nsec;
khronos_uint64_t monotonic_time_us =
sec * kMicroSecondsPerSecond +
nsec / kMicroSecondsPerMilliSecond;
if (GetAbsTimeDelta(ust, real_time_us) < kAcceptableClockError) {
return true;
if (GetAbsTimeDelta(ust, monotonic_time_us) < kAcceptableClockError) {
return true;
LOG(ERROR) << "UST value, " << ust << ", not within error, "
<< kAcceptableClockError << ", of either real time, "
<< real_time_us << ", or monotonic time, " << monotonic_time_us;
return false;