blob: f96c10320a703083016ce1f44919d329de038745 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
#include "germ/germ_zygote.h"
#include "germ/proto_bindings/soma_sandbox_spec.pb.h"
namespace germ {
// Class representing a Germ container. A container may be in the following
// states:
// STOPPED: The container is stopped. This is a container's initial state.
// RUNNING: The container is running.
// DYING: The container has been killed, but it has not been reaped yet (so it
// is still associated with a PID). Once the container has been reaped, it
// transitions to STOPPED.
// A container's life cycle normally something like this:
// Launch Terminate Reap
// STOPPED --------> RUNNING -----------> DYING ------> STOPPED
// A container may also go directly from RUNNING to STOPPED if it terminates on
// its own (without Terminate being called on it).
class Container : public base::RefCounted<Container> {
enum class State {
explicit Container(const soma::SandboxSpec& spec);
const soma::SandboxSpec& spec() const { return spec_; }
const std::string& name() const { return; }
pid_t init_pid() const { return init_pid_; }
State state() const { return state_; }
State desired_state() const { return desired_state_; }
void set_desired_state(State desired_state) {
DCHECK(desired_state == State::STOPPED || desired_state == State::RUNNING);
desired_state_ = desired_state;
void set_spec(const soma::SandboxSpec& spec) {
spec_ = spec;
// Launches the container. The container must be STOPPED. On success, returns
// true and transitions the container to RUNNING.
bool Launch(GermZygote* launcher);
// Terminates the container by sending SIGTERM. If the container does not die
// after |kill_delay|, we send SIGKILL. The container must be RUNNING. On
// success, returns true and transitions the container to DYING.
bool Terminate(GermZygote* zygote);
// Called when container init has been reaped. The container should be RUNNING
// or DYING. Transitions the container to STOPPED.
void OnReap();
// Send a signal to the container's init pid. The container must be either
// RUNNING or DYING. Returns true on success.
bool Kill(GermZygote* zygote, int signal);
// Callback which sends SIGKILL to the container init process.
void SendSIGKILL(GermZygote* zygote, uint64 generation);
soma::SandboxSpec spec_;
pid_t init_pid_;
State state_;
// The desired state. ContainerManager is responsible for setting this and
// performing the necessary actions to bring the container into the desired
// state.
State desired_state_;
// When a container is terminated we send SIGTERM and schedule a SIGKILL to be
// sent after some delay. In the interim, the container may have been
// successfully terminated and relaunched. To avoid this issue, we keep a
// generation counter that is incremented each time the container is launched.
// Then in the SIGKILL callback, we return immediately if the container has a
// different generation than at the time the SIGKILL was scheduled.
uint64 generation_;
friend class TestContainer;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Container::State state);
} // namespace germ