blob: b3ad197acf2d54c2401bee3674881b8ff7e83f24 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "authpolicy/log_colors.h"
namespace authpolicy {
// Other useful colors: light gray=37, white=97
constexpr char kColorReset[] = "\033[0m";
constexpr char kColorCommand[] = "\033[31m"; // Red
constexpr char kColorCommandStdout[] = "\033[33m"; // Yellow
constexpr char kColorCommandStderr[] = "\033[35m"; // Magenta
constexpr char kColorKrb5Trace[] = "\033[36m"; // Cyan
constexpr char kColorPolicy[] = "\033[34m"; // Blue
constexpr char kColorGpo[] = "\033[32m"; // Green
constexpr char kColorFlags[] = "\033[90m"; // Dark gray
constexpr char kColorStatus[] = "\033[94m"; // Bright blue
constexpr char kColorCaches[] = "\033[93m"; // Light yellow
constexpr char kColorRequest[] = "\033[107;1;30m"; // Bold black on white
constexpr char kColorRequestSuccess[] = "\033[42;1;97m"; // Bold white on green
constexpr char kColorRequestFail[] = "\033[41;1;97m"; // Bold white on red
} // namespace authpolicy