blob: b4e433b52fb5245a29fb41137ed11a34635ecd65 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "authpolicy/samba_interface.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "authpolicy/errors.h"
#include "authpolicy/process_executor.h"
namespace {
// Temporary data. Note: Use a #define, so we can concat strings below.
#define TMP_DIR "/tmp/authpolicyd"
// Persisted samba data.
#define STATE_DIR "/var/lib/authpolicyd"
// Temporary samba data.
#define SAMBA_TMP_DIR TMP_DIR "/samba"
// Kerberos configuration file.
#define KRB5_FILE_PATH TMP_DIR "/krb5.conf"
// Samba configuration file data.
const char kSmbConfData[] =
"\tnetbios name = %s\n"
"\tsecurity = ADS\n"
"\tworkgroup = %s\n"
"\trealm = %s\n"
"\tlock directory = " SAMBA_TMP_DIR "/lock\n"
"\tcache directory = " SAMBA_TMP_DIR "/cache\n"
"\tstate directory = " SAMBA_TMP_DIR "/state\n"
"\tprivate directory = " SAMBA_TMP_DIR "/private\n"
"\tkerberos method = secrets and keytab\n"
"\tclient signing = mandatory\n"
"\tclient min protocol = SMB2\n"
"\tclient max protocol = SMB3_11\n" // TODO(ljusten): Remove once
"\tclient ipc min protocol = SMB2\n" // is resolved.
"\tclient schannel = yes\n"
"\tclient ldap sasl wrapping = sign\n";
// Kerberos configuration file data.
const char kKrb5ConfData[] =
"\t# Only allow AES. (No DES, no RC4.)\n"
"\tdefault_tgs_enctypes = aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96\n"
"\tdefault_tkt_enctypes = aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96\n"
"\tpermitted_enctypes = aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96\n"
"\t# Prune weak ciphers from the above list. With current settings it’s a "
"no-op, but still.\n"
"\tallow_weak_crypto = false\n"
"\t# Default is 300 seconds, but we might add a policy for that in the "
"\tclockskew = 300\n";
// Directories to create (Samba fails to do it on its own).
const char* kSambaDirs[] = {
SAMBA_TMP_DIR "/lock",
SAMBA_TMP_DIR "/cache",
SAMBA_TMP_DIR "/state",
SAMBA_TMP_DIR "/private"
// Location to download GPOs to.
const char kGpoLocalDir[] = SAMBA_TMP_DIR "/cache/gpo_cache/";
// Directory / filenames for user and device policy.
const char kPRegUserDir[] = "User";
const char kPRegDeviceDir[] = "Machine";
const char kPRegFileName[] = "Registry.pol";
// Configuration files.
const char kSmbFilePath[] = STATE_DIR "/smb.conf";
const char kKrb5FilePath[] = KRB5_FILE_PATH;
// Size limit when loading the smb.conf file (256 kb).
const size_t kSmbFileSizeLimit = 256 * 1024;
// Env variable for krb5.conf file.
const char kKrb5ConfEnvKey[] = "KRB5_CONFIG";
const char kKrb5ConfEnvValue[] = "FILE:" KRB5_FILE_PATH;
// Env variable for machine keytab (machine password for getting device policy).
const char kMachineEnvKey[] = "KRB5_KTNAME";
const char kMachineEnvValue[] = "FILE:" STATE_DIR "/krb5_machine.keytab";
// Executable paths. For security reasons use absolute file paths!
const char kNetPath[] = "/usr/bin/net";
const char kKInitPath[] = "/usr/bin/kinit";
const char kSmbClientPath[] = "/usr/bin/smbclient";
// 'net ads gpo list'' tokens
const char kGpoToken_Separator[] = "---------------------";
const char kGpoToken_Name[] = "name";
const char kGpoToken_Filesyspath[] = "filesyspath";
const char kGpoToken_VersionUser[] = "version_user";
const char kGpoToken_VersionMachine[] = "version_machine";
#undef STATE_DIR
#undef TMP_DIR
// Parses user_name@workgroup.domain into its components and normalizes
// (uppercases) the part behind the @. |out_realm| is workgroup.domain.
bool ParseUserPrincipalName(const std::string& user_principal_name,
std::string* out_user_name, std::string* out_realm,
std::string* out_workgroup,
std::string* out_normalized_user_principal_name,
const char** out_error_code) {
// Note that substr(at_pos + 1) could throw if std::string::npos + 1 != 0,
// hence we need to make sure we don't call it if at_pos = std::string::npos.
const size_t at_pos = user_principal_name.find('@');
bool error = at_pos == std::string::npos;
if (!error) {
*out_user_name = user_principal_name.substr(0, at_pos);
*out_realm = base::ToUpperASCII(user_principal_name.substr(at_pos + 1));
const size_t dot_pos = out_realm->find('.');
*out_workgroup = out_realm->substr(0, dot_pos);
*out_normalized_user_principal_name = *out_user_name + "@" + *out_realm;
error = dot_pos == std::string::npos || out_user_name->empty() ||
out_realm->empty() || out_workgroup->empty();
if (error) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse user principal name '" << user_principal_name
<< "'. Expected form 'user@workgroup.domain'.";
*out_error_code = errors::kParseUPNFailed;
return false;
return true;
// Parses the given |in_str| consisting of individual lines for
// ... \n
// |token| <token_separator> |out_result| \n
// ... \n
// and returns the first non-empty |out_result|. Whitespace is trimmed.
bool FindToken(const std::string& in_str, char token_separator,
const std::string& token, std::string* out_result) {
std::vector<std::string> lines = base::SplitString(
in_str, "\n", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_NONEMPTY);
for (const std::string& line : lines) {
size_t sep_pos = line.find(token_separator);
if (sep_pos != std::string::npos) {
std::string line_token;
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(line.substr(0, sep_pos), base::TRIM_ALL,
if (line_token == token) {
std::string result;
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(line.substr(sep_pos + 1), base::TRIM_ALL,
if (!result.empty()) {
*out_result = result;
return true;
return false;
// Retrieves the machine and realm name that was used in |JoinMachine|. Fails if
// the device has not been joined to the Active Directory domain yet. The
// machine name is required for fetching device policy.
bool GetMachineAndRealmName(std::string* out_machine_name,
std::string* out_realm,
const char** out_error_code) {
std::string smb_conf;
base::FilePath fp(kSmbFilePath);
if (!base::ReadFileToStringWithMaxSize(fp, &smb_conf, kSmbFileSizeLimit)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read samba conf file '" << kSmbFilePath << "'.";
*out_error_code = errors::kReadSmbConfFailed;
return false;
const char* error_token = nullptr;
if (!FindToken(smb_conf, '=', "netbios name", out_machine_name))
error_token = "machine name";
else if (!FindToken(smb_conf, '=', "realm", out_realm))
error_token = "realm";
if (error_token) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find " << error_token << " in samba conf file '"
<< kSmbFilePath << "'.";
*out_error_code = errors::kParseSmbConfFailed;
return false;
LOG(INFO) << "Found machine name = '" << *out_machine_name << "'";
LOG(INFO) << "Found realm = '" << *out_realm << "'";
return true;
// Retrieves the name of the domain controller. If the full server name is
// 'myserver.workgroup.domain', |domain_controller_name| is set to 'myserver'.
// Since the domain controller name is not expected to change, this function
// earlies out and returns true if called with a non-empty
// |domain_controller_name|. The domain controller name is required for proper
// kerberized authentication.
bool UpdateDomainControllerName(std::string* domain_controller_name,
const char** out_error_code) {
if (!domain_controller_name->empty())
return true;
authpolicy::ProcessExecutor net_cmd = authpolicy::ProcessExecutor::Create(
{kNetPath, "ads", "info", "-s", kSmbFilePath});
if (!net_cmd.Execute()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "net ads info failed with exit code "
<< net_cmd.GetExitCode();
*out_error_code = errors::kNetAdsInfoFailed;
return false;
const std::string& net_out = net_cmd.GetStdout();
if (!FindToken(net_out, ':', "LDAP server name", domain_controller_name)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find 'LDAP server name' in net response '"
<< net_out << "'.";
*out_error_code = errors::kParseNetAdsInfoFailed;
return false;
size_t dot_pos = domain_controller_name->find('.');
*domain_controller_name = domain_controller_name->substr(0, dot_pos);
LOG(INFO) << "Found DC name = '" << *domain_controller_name << "'";
return true;
// Creates the given directory recursively and sets error message on failure.
bool CreateDirectory(const char* dir, const char** out_error_code) {
base::FilePath fp(dir);
base::File::Error ferror;
if (!base::CreateDirectoryAndGetError(fp, &ferror)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create directory '" << dir
<< "': " << base::File::ErrorToString(ferror);
*out_error_code = errors::kCreateDirFailed;
return false;
return true;
// Writes the samba configuration file.
bool WriteSmbConf(const std::string& machine_name, const std::string& workgroup,
const std::string& realm, const char** out_error_code) {
std::string data = base::StringPrintf(kSmbConfData, machine_name.c_str(),
workgroup.c_str(), realm.c_str());
base::FilePath fp(kSmbFilePath);
if (!base::WriteFile(fp, data.c_str(), data.size())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write samba conf file '" << fp.value() << "'.";
*out_error_code = errors::kWriteSmbConfFailed;
return false;
return true;
// Writes the krb5 configuration file.
bool WriteKrb5Conf(const char** out_error_code) {
base::FilePath fp(kKrb5FilePath);
if (!base::WriteFile(fp, kKrb5ConfData, strlen(kKrb5ConfData))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write krb5 conf file '" << fp.value() << "'.";
*out_error_code = errors::kWriteKrb5ConfFailed;
return false;
return true;
struct GpoEntry {
GpoEntry() { Clear(); }
void Clear() {
version_user = 0;
version_machine = 0;
bool IsValid() const {
return !name.empty() && !filesyspath.empty() &&
!(version_user == 0 && version_machine == 0);
bool IsEmpty() const {
return name.empty() && filesyspath.empty() && version_user == 0 &&
version_machine == 0;
void Log() const {
LOG(INFO) << " Name: " << name;
LOG(INFO) << " Filesyspath: " << filesyspath;
LOG(INFO) << " Version-User: " << version_user;
LOG(INFO) << " Version-Machine: " << version_machine;
std::string name;
std::string filesyspath;
int version_user;
int version_machine;
void PushGpo(const GpoEntry& gpo, std::vector<GpoEntry>* gpo_list) {
if (gpo.IsValid()) {
} else if (!gpo.IsEmpty()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Ignoring invalid GPO";
bool GetGpoList(const std::string& user_or_machine_name,
std::vector<GpoEntry>* out_gpo_list,
const char** out_error_code) {
LOG(INFO) << "Getting GPO list for " << user_or_machine_name;
// Machine names are names ending with $, anything else is a user name.
authpolicy::ProcessExecutor net_cmd = authpolicy::ProcessExecutor::Create(
{kNetPath, "ads", "gpo", "list", user_or_machine_name, "-s",
if (!net_cmd.Execute()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "net ads gpo list failed with exit code "
<< net_cmd.GetExitCode();
*out_error_code = errors::kNetAdsGpoListFailed;
return false;
// GPO data is written to stderr, not stdin!
const std::string& net_out = net_cmd.GetStderr();
GpoEntry gpo;
std::vector<std::string> lines = base::SplitString(
net_out, "\n", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_NONEMPTY);
LOG(INFO) << "Parsing GPO list (" << lines.size() << " lines)";
bool found_separator = false;
for (const std::string& line : lines) {
if (line.find(kGpoToken_Separator) != std::string::npos) {
// Separator between entries. Process last gpo if any.
PushGpo(gpo, out_gpo_list);
found_separator = true;
} else {
// Collect data
std::vector<std::string> tokens = base::SplitString(
if (tokens.size() == 2) {
bool already_set = false;
if (tokens[0] == kGpoToken_Name) {
already_set = !; = tokens[1];
} else if (tokens[0] == kGpoToken_Filesyspath) {
already_set = !gpo.filesyspath.empty();
gpo.filesyspath = tokens[1];
} else if (tokens[0] == kGpoToken_VersionUser) {
already_set = gpo.version_user != 0;
// Expected to return false since token looks like '1 (0x00000001)'.
base::StringToInt(tokens[1], &gpo.version_user);
} else if (tokens[0] == kGpoToken_VersionMachine) {
already_set = gpo.version_machine != 0;
// Expected to return false since token looks like '1 (0x00000001)'.
base::StringToInt(tokens[1], &gpo.version_machine);
// Sanity check that we don't miss separators between GPOs.
if (already_set) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing net ads gpo list result. Net response: "
<< net_out;
*out_error_code = errors::kParseGpoFailed;
return false;
// Just in case there's no separator in the end.
PushGpo(gpo, out_gpo_list);
if (!found_separator) {
// This usually happens when something went wrong, e.g. connection error.
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get GPO list. Net response: " << net_out;
*out_error_code = errors::kParseGpoFailed;
return false;
LOG(INFO) << "Found " << out_gpo_list->size() << " GPOs.";
for (size_t n = 0; n < out_gpo_list->size(); ++n) {
LOG(INFO) << n + 1 << ")";
return true;
bool DownloadGpo(const GpoEntry& gpo,
const std::string& domain_controller_name,
const char* preg_dir,
std::vector<base::FilePath>* out_gpo_file_paths,
const char** out_error_code) {
LOG(INFO) << "Downloading GPO " <<;
// Split the filesyspath, e.g.
// \\chrome.lan\SysVol\chrome.lan\Policies\{3507856D-B824-4417-8CD8-CF144DC5CC3A}
// into \\chrome.lan\SysVol and the directory (rest).
std::vector<std::string> file_parts = base::SplitString(
gpo.filesyspath, "\\/", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL);
if (file_parts.size() < 4 || !file_parts[0].empty() ||
!file_parts[1].empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to split filesyspath '" << gpo.filesyspath
<< "' into service and directory parts.";
*out_error_code = errors::kParseGpoPathFailed;
return false;
std::string service =
base::StringPrintf("//%s.%s/%s", domain_controller_name.c_str(),
file_parts[2].c_str(), file_parts[3].c_str());
file_parts =
std::vector<std::string>(file_parts.begin() + 4, file_parts.end());
std::string smb_dir = base::JoinString(file_parts, "\\") + "\\" + preg_dir;
std::string linux_dir = kGpoLocalDir + smb_dir;
std::replace(linux_dir.begin(), linux_dir.end(), '\\', '/');
// Make local directory.
if (!CreateDirectory(linux_dir.c_str(), out_error_code)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create GPO directory '" << linux_dir << "'.";
return false;
// Download GPO into local directory.
authpolicy::ProcessExecutor smb_client_cmd =
{kSmbClientPath, service, "-D", smb_dir, "-s", kSmbFilePath, "-c",
base::StringPrintf("prompt OFF;lcd %s;mget %s", linux_dir.c_str(),
if (!smb_client_cmd.Execute()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "smbclient failed with exit code "
<< smb_client_cmd.GetExitCode();
*out_error_code = errors::kSmbClientFailed;
return false;
// Make sure the file actually downloaded and add it to the output list.
base::FilePath fp(linux_dir + "/" + kPRegFileName);
if (!base::PathExists(fp)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to download preg file '" << fp.value() << "'.";
*out_error_code = errors::kDownloadGpoFailed;
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
namespace authpolicy {
SambaInterface::SambaInterface() {
// Need to create samba dirs since samba can't create dirs recursively...
const char* error_code;
for (size_t n = 0; n < arraysize(kSambaDirs); ++n) {
if (!CreateDirectory(kSambaDirs[n], &error_code)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "SambaInterface initialization failed. Can't create "
<< "directory '" << kSambaDirs[n] << "'.";
bool SambaInterface::AuthenticateUser(const std::string& user_principal_name,
int password_fd,
std::string* out_account_id,
const char** out_error_code) {
// Split user_principal_name into parts and normalize.
std::string user_name, realm, workgroup, normalized_upn;
if (!ParseUserPrincipalName(user_principal_name, &user_name, &realm,
&workgroup, &normalized_upn, out_error_code))
return false;
// Write krb5 configuration file.
if (!WriteKrb5Conf(out_error_code))
return false;
// Call kinit to get the Kerberos ticket-granting-ticket.
ProcessExecutor kinit_cmd = ProcessExecutor::Create(
{kKInitPath, normalized_upn})
.SetEnv(kKrb5ConfEnvKey, kKrb5ConfEnvValue); // Kerberos config.
if (!kinit_cmd.Execute()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "kinit failed with exit code " << kinit_cmd.GetExitCode();
*out_error_code = errors::kKInitFailed;
return false;
// Call net ads search to find the user's object GUID, which is used as
// account id.
ProcessExecutor net_cmd = ProcessExecutor::Create(
{kNetPath, "ads", "search",
base::StringPrintf("(userPrincipalName=%s)", normalized_upn.c_str()),
"objectGUID", "-s", kSmbFilePath});
if (!net_cmd.Execute()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "net ads search failed with exit code "
<< net_cmd.GetExitCode();
*out_error_code = errors::kNetAdsSearchFailed;
return false;
// Parse net output to get user's account id.
const std::string& net_out = net_cmd.GetStdout();
if (!FindToken(net_out, ':', "objectGUID", out_account_id)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get user account id. Net response: " << net_out;
*out_error_code = errors::kParseNetAdsSearchFailed;
return false;
// Store user name for further reference.
account_id_user_name_map_[*out_account_id] = user_name;
return true;
bool SambaInterface::JoinMachine(const std::string& machine_name,
const std::string& user_principal_name,
int password_fd, const char** out_error_code) {
// Split user principle name into parts.
std::string user_name, realm, workgroup, normalized_upn;
if (!ParseUserPrincipalName(user_principal_name, &user_name, &realm,
&workgroup, &normalized_upn, out_error_code))
return false;
// Write samba configuration file.
std::string machine_name_upper = base::ToUpperASCII(machine_name);
if (!WriteSmbConf(machine_name_upper, workgroup, realm, out_error_code))
return false;
// Call net ads join to join the Active Directory domain.
ProcessExecutor net_cmd =
{kNetPath, "ads", "join", "-U", normalized_upn, "-s", kSmbFilePath})
.SetEnv(kMachineEnvKey, kMachineEnvValue); // Keytab file path.
if (!net_cmd.Execute()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "net ads join failed with exit code "
<< net_cmd.GetExitCode();
*out_error_code = errors::kNetAdsJoinFailed;
return false;
// Store for policy fetch
machine_name_ = machine_name_upper;
realm_ = realm;
return true;
bool SambaInterface::FetchUserGpos(const std::string& account_id,
std::vector<base::FilePath>* out_gpo_file_paths,
const char** out_error_code) {
// Get user name from account id (must be logged in to fetch user policy).
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator iter =
if (iter == account_id_user_name_map_.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No user logged in. Please call AuthenticateUser first.";
*out_error_code = errors::kNotLoggedIn;
return false;
const std::string& user_name = iter->second;
// Make sure we have the domain controller name.
if (!UpdateDomainControllerName(&domain_controller_name_, out_error_code))
return false;
// Get the list of GPOs for the given user name.
std::vector<GpoEntry> gpo_list;
if (!GetGpoList(user_name, &gpo_list, out_error_code))
return false;
// Download GPOs.
for (const GpoEntry& gpo : gpo_list) {
// If version_user == 0, there's no user policy stored in that GPO.
if (gpo.version_user == 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "Filtered out GPO " << << " (version_user is 0)";
if (!DownloadGpo(gpo, domain_controller_name_, kPRegUserDir,
out_gpo_file_paths, out_error_code))
return false;
return true;
bool SambaInterface::FetchDeviceGpos(
std::vector<base::FilePath>* out_gpo_file_paths,
const char** out_error_code) {
// If this method is called the first time and the machine wasn't joined in
// the current session (see JoinADDomain), the machine name is not yet known
// and has to be read from the smb conf.
if ((machine_name_.empty() || realm_.empty()) &&
!GetMachineAndRealmName(&machine_name_, &realm_, out_error_code))
return false;
// Make sure we have the domain controller name.
if (!UpdateDomainControllerName(&domain_controller_name_, out_error_code))
return false;
// Write krb5 configuration file.
if (!WriteKrb5Conf(out_error_code))
return false;
// Call kinit to get the Kerberos ticket-granting-ticket.
ProcessExecutor kinit_cmd = ProcessExecutor::Create(
{kKInitPath, machine_name_ + "$@" + realm_, "-k"})
.SetEnv(kKrb5ConfEnvKey, kKrb5ConfEnvValue) // Kerberos config.
.SetEnv(kMachineEnvKey, kMachineEnvValue); // Keytab file path.
if (!kinit_cmd.Execute()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "kinit failed with exit code " << kinit_cmd.GetExitCode();
*out_error_code = errors::kKInitFailed;
return false;
// Get the list of GPOs for the machine.
std::vector<GpoEntry> gpo_list;
if (!GetGpoList(machine_name_ + "$", &gpo_list, out_error_code))
return false;
// Download GPOs.
for (const GpoEntry& gpo : gpo_list) {
// If version_machine == 0, there's no device policy stored in that GPO.
if (gpo.version_machine == 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "Filtered out GPO " << << " (version_machine is 0)";
if (!DownloadGpo(gpo, domain_controller_name_, kPRegDeviceDir,
out_gpo_file_paths, out_error_code))
return false;
return true;
} // namespace authpolicy