blob: 89793ad103a7e2bdd7b02ea787f089e19cb72f6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace errors {
// Brillo error domain, see brillo::Error.
extern const char kDomain[];
// Brillo error codes, see brillo::Error.
extern const char kCreateDirFailed[]; // Failed to create a directory.
extern const char kDownloadGpoFailed[]; // Failed to download GPO.
extern const char kKInitFailed[]; // Error authenticating.
extern const char kNetAdsGpoListFailed[]; // Getting GPO list failed.
extern const char kNetAdsInfoFailed[]; // Getting DC name failed.
extern const char kNetAdsJoinFailed[]; // Joining machine to AD failed.
extern const char kNetAdsSearchFailed[]; // Getting account id failed.
extern const char kNotLoggedIn[]; // Can't fetch GPOs, not logged in.
extern const char kParseGpoFailed[]; // Can't parse gpo list result.
extern const char kParseGpoPathFailed[]; // Failed to parse GPO filesyspath.
extern const char kParseNetAdsInfoFailed[]; // Can't parse DC name info.
extern const char kParseNetAdsSearchFailed[]; // Can't parse account id info.
extern const char kParseSmbConfFailed[]; // Failed to parse samba conf file.
extern const char kParseUPNFailed[]; // Can't parse user principal name.
extern const char kPregFileNotFound[]; // Preg file path does not exist.
extern const char kPregParseError[]; // Failed to parse a preg file.
extern const char kPregReadError[]; // Failed to load a preg file.
extern const char kPregTooBig[]; // Preg file was too big.
extern const char kReadSmbConfFailed[]; // Failed to read samba conf file.
extern const char kSmbClientFailed[]; // Downloading GPOs failed.
extern const char kStorePolicyFailed[]; // Can't send to Session Manager.
extern const char kWriteKrb5ConfFailed[]; // Failed to write krb5 conf file.
extern const char kWriteSmbConfFailed[]; // Failed to write samba conf file.
} // namespace errors