blob: 4b76d89d75c624bc37b26bf4f80d0bb1aaf11bf5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "midis/device_tracker.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <utility>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/files/file_enumerator.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/location.h>
#include <base/memory/ptr_util.h>
#include <base/posix/safe_strerror.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h>
#include <brillo/message_loops/message_loop.h>
namespace {
// udev constants.
const char kUdev[] = "udev";
const char kUdevSubsystemSound[] = "sound";
const char kUdevPropertySoundInitialized[] = "SOUND_INITIALIZED";
const char kUdevActionChange[] = "change";
const char kUdevActionRemove[] = "remove";
const char kMidiPrefix[] = "midi";
const int kIoctlMaxRetries = 10;
} // namespace
namespace midis {
DeviceTracker::DeviceTracker() : udev_handler_(new UdevHandler(this)) {}
UdevHandler::UdevHandler(DeviceTracker* ptr)
: dev_tracker_(ptr), weak_factory_(this) {}
bool UdevHandler::InitUdevHandler() {
// Initialize UDEV monitoring.
udev_monitor_.reset(udev_monitor_new_from_netlink(udev_.get(), kUdev));
if (!udev_monitor_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "udev_monitor_new_from_netlink fails.";
return false;
int err = udev_monitor_filter_add_match_subsystem_devtype(
udev_monitor_.get(), kUdevSubsystemSound, nullptr);
if (err != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "udev_monitor_add_match_subsystem fails: "
<< base::safe_strerror(-err);
return false;
err = udev_monitor_enable_receiving(udev_monitor_.get());
if (err != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "udev_monitor_enable_receiving fails: "
<< base::safe_strerror(-err);
return false;
udev_monitor_fd_ = base::ScopedFD(udev_monitor_get_fd(udev_monitor_.get()));
FROM_HERE, udev_monitor_fd_.get(), brillo::MessageLoop::kWatchRead, true,
base::Bind(&UdevHandler::ProcessUdevFd, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
return true;
bool DeviceTracker::InitDeviceTracker() {
if (!udev_handler_->InitUdevHandler()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to init UdevHandler.";
return false;
return true;
void UdevHandler::ProcessUdevFd(int fd) {
std::unique_ptr<udev_device, UdevHandler::UdevDeviceDeleter> dev(
if (dev) {
std::string UdevHandler::GetMidiDeviceDname(struct udev_device* udev_device) {
std::string result;
const char* syspath = udev_device_get_syspath(udev_device);
if (syspath == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "udev_device_get_syspath failed.";
return result;
base::FileEnumerator enume(base::FilePath(syspath), false,
for (base::FilePath name = enume.Next(); !name.empty(); name = enume.Next()) {
const std::string cur_name = name.BaseName().value();
if (base::StartsWith(cur_name, kMidiPrefix, base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)) {
result = cur_name;
LOG(INFO) << "Located MIDI Device: " << result;
return result;
std::unique_ptr<struct snd_rawmidi_info> UdevHandler::GetDeviceInfo(
const std::string& dname) {
uint32_t card, device_num;
int ret;
ret = sscanf(dname.c_str(), "midiC%uD%u", &card, &device_num);
if (ret != 2) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't parse card,device number for entry: " << dname;
return nullptr;
base::FilePath dev_path("/dev/snd/controlC");
dev_path = dev_path.InsertBeforeExtension(std::to_string(card));
base::ScopedFD fd;
for (int retry_counter = 0; retry_counter < kIoctlMaxRetries;
++retry_counter) {
fd = base::ScopedFD(open(dev_path.value().c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC));
if (fd.is_valid()) break;
base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(2 * (retry_counter + 1)));
if (!fd.is_valid()) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Not able to open device for ioctl: " << dev_path.value();
return nullptr;
auto info = base::MakeUnique<snd_rawmidi_info>();
memset(info.get(), 0, sizeof(snd_rawmidi_info));
info->device = device_num;
ret = ioctl(fd.get(), SNDRV_CTL_IOCTL_RAWMIDI_INFO, info.get());
if (ret < 0) {
<< dev_path.value();
return nullptr;
return info;
dev_t UdevHandler::GetDeviceDevNum(struct udev_device* udev_device) {
return udev_device_get_devnum(udev_device);
const char* UdevHandler::GetDeviceSysNum(struct udev_device* udev_device) {
return udev_device_get_sysnum(udev_device);
std::unique_ptr<Device> UdevHandler::CreateDevice(
struct udev_device* udev_device) {
std::string dname = GetMidiDeviceDname(udev_device);
if (dname.empty()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Device connected wasn't a MIDI device.";
return nullptr;
auto info = GetDeviceInfo(dname);
if (!info) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't parse info for device: " << dname;
return nullptr;
std::string dev_name(reinterpret_cast<char*>(info->name));
return Device::Create(dev_name, info->card, info->device,
info->subdevices_count, info->flags);
void DeviceTracker::AddDevice(std::unique_ptr<Device> dev) {
uint32_t device_id =
udev_handler_->GenerateDeviceId(dev->GetCard(), dev->GetDeviceNum());
devices_.emplace(device_id, std::move(dev));
void DeviceTracker::RemoveDevice(uint32_t sys_num, uint32_t dev_num) {
auto it = devices_.find(udev_handler_->GenerateDeviceId(sys_num, dev_num));
if (it != devices_.end()) {
// TODO(pmalani): Whole bunch of book-keeping has to be done here.
// and notifications need to be sent to all clients.
LOG(INFO) << "Device: " << sys_num << "," << dev_num << " removed.";
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Device: " << sys_num << "," << dev_num << " not listed.";
void UdevHandler::ProcessUdevEvent(struct udev_device* udev_device) {
// We're only interested in card devices, and that too those that are
// initialized.
if (!udev_device_get_property_value(udev_device,
kUdevPropertySoundInitialized)) {
// Get the action. If no action, then we are doing first time enumeration
// and the device is treated as new.
const char* action = udev_device_get_action(udev_device);
if (!action) {
action = kUdevActionChange;
uint32_t sys_num;
if (!base::StringToUint(GetDeviceSysNum(udev_device), &sys_num)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error retrieving sysnum of device.";
uint32_t dev_num = static_cast<uint32_t>(GetDeviceDevNum(udev_device));
if (strncmp(action, kUdevActionChange, sizeof(kUdevActionChange) - 1) == 0) {
std::unique_ptr<Device> new_dev = CreateDevice(udev_device);
if (new_dev) {
} else if (strncmp(action, kUdevActionRemove,
sizeof(kUdevActionRemove) - 1) == 0) {
dev_tracker_->RemoveDevice(sys_num, dev_num);
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown action: " << action;
void DeviceTracker::ListDevices(std::vector<MidisDeviceInfo>* list) {
for (auto& id_device_pair : devices_) {
struct MidisDeviceInfo cur;
memset(&cur, 0, sizeof(MidisDeviceInfo));
std::string name = id_device_pair.second->GetName();
id_device_pair.second->GetName().c_str(), kMidisDeviceInfoNameSize);
cur.card = id_device_pair.second->GetCard();
cur.device_num = id_device_pair.second->GetDeviceNum();
cur.num_subdevices = id_device_pair.second->GetNumSubdevices();
cur.flags = id_device_pair.second->GetFlags();
} // namespace midis