blob: b11be02cf67edb676f840c7da3e53a227b821542 [file] [log] [blame]
Soma is the Brillo daemon that manages the on-disk presence of Brillo overlays.
Currently, this mostly entails determining the appropriate containment
policy for a given set of executables at runtime. By convention, an
appropriately packaged overlay installs sandbox specification files in
its own filesystem overlay at /usr/share/somad/<sandbox
name>.spec. Soma handles locating this file within the appropriate
overlay, interpreting it and exporting the info as a handy data
structure upon request.
The Soma API consists of two functions.
GetSandboxSpec() takes the fully-qualified name of an IPC endpoint and returns
a specification describing how it should be contained.
GetPersistentSandboxSpec() finds the specs of all sandboxes that should be
running at all times and returns them.
Talking to Soma
Soma uses proto2 RPC. The interface is defined in idl/soma.proto, while the
protobuf that describes a container is in idl/soma_sandbox_spec.proto.
See .proto files in idl/ for descriptions of the API and message format.
Sandbox specifications
Soma sandbox specifications are JSON files that comply with a subset of
the 'appc' specification used by Rocket and others
These JSON files are compiled into serialized protos at buildtime and
installed using the 'dobrsandbox' function provided by the
brillo-sandbox eclass.
TODO(cmasone): Once this settles down, explain all the fields in this example.
Currently only single-entry 'apps' list is supported.
The only fields supported inside an 'apps' entry are:
name: String
app.exec: List
app.user: Int Int
Example in