blob: 676db6bc6cd3a2b598b33bb31926bc525d7d1b71 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "oobe_config/load_oobe_config_rollback.h"
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/json/json_writer.h>
#include <base/values.h>
#include <power_manager-client/power_manager/dbus-constants.h>
#include "oobe_config/oobe_config.h"
#include "oobe_config/rollback_constants.h"
#include "oobe_config/rollback_data.pb.h"
using base::FilePath;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
namespace oobe_config {
OobeConfig* oobe_config,
bool allow_unencrypted,
org::chromium::PowerManagerProxy* power_manager_proxy)
: oobe_config_(oobe_config),
power_manager_proxy_(power_manager_proxy) {}
bool LoadOobeConfigRollback::CheckFirstStage() {
// Check whether we're in the first stage.
if (!oobe_config_->FileExists(kUnencryptedStatefulRollbackDataPath)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Rollback data "
<< kUnencryptedStatefulRollbackDataPath.value()
<< " does not exist.";
return false;
if (oobe_config_->FileExists(kFirstStageCompletedFile)) {
LOG(INFO) << "First stage already completed.";
return false;
// At this point, we should be in the first stage. We verify, that the other
// files are in a consistent state.
if (oobe_config_->FileExists(kSecondStageCompletedFile)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Second stage is completed but first stage is not.";
return false;
if (oobe_config_->FileExists(kEncryptedStatefulRollbackDataPath)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Both encrypted and unencrypted rollback data path exists.";
return false;
// Everything is awesome.
return true;
bool LoadOobeConfigRollback::CheckSecondStage() {
// Check whether we're in the second stage.
if (!oobe_config_->FileExists(kFirstStageCompletedFile)) {
LOG(INFO) << "First stage not yet completed.";
return false;
if (oobe_config_->FileExists(kSecondStageCompletedFile)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Second stage already completed.";
return false;
// At this point, we should be in the second stage. We verify, that the other
// files are in a consistent state.
if (!oobe_config_->FileExists(kUnencryptedStatefulRollbackDataPath)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Rollback data "
<< kUnencryptedStatefulRollbackDataPath.value()
<< " should exist in second stage.";
return false;
if (!oobe_config_->FileExists(kEncryptedStatefulRollbackDataPath)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Rollback data " << kEncryptedStatefulRollbackDataPath.value()
<< " should exist in second stage.";
return false;
return true;
bool LoadOobeConfigRollback::CheckThirdStage() {
if (!oobe_config_->FileExists(kSecondStageCompletedFile)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Second stage not yet completed.";
return false;
// At this point, we should be in the third stage. We verify, that the other
// files are in a consistent state.
if (!oobe_config_->FileExists(kFirstStageCompletedFile)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "First stage should be already completed.";
return false;
if (oobe_config_->FileExists(kUnencryptedStatefulRollbackDataPath)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Rollback data "
<< kUnencryptedStatefulRollbackDataPath.value()
<< " should not exist in third stage.";
return false;
if (!oobe_config_->FileExists(kEncryptedStatefulRollbackDataPath)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Rollback data " << kEncryptedStatefulRollbackDataPath.value()
<< " should exist in third stage.";
return false;
return true;
bool LoadOobeConfigRollback::GetOobeConfigJson(string* config,
string* enrollment_domain) {
*config = "";
*enrollment_domain = "";
// Precondition for running rollback.
if (!oobe_config_->FileExists(kRestoreTempPath)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Restore destination path doesn't exist.";
return false;
if (CheckFirstStage()) {
OobeConfig oobe_config;
// In the first stage we decrypt the proto from kUnencryptedRollbackDataPath
// and save it unencrypted to kEncryptedStatefulRollbackDataPath.
if (allow_unencrypted_) {
} else {
// TODO(zentaro): Add encrypted rollback restore.
LOG(ERROR) << "Encrypted rollback is not yet supported.";
return false;
// We create kFirstStageCompletedFile after this.
oobe_config.WriteFile(kFirstStageCompletedFile, "");
// If all succeeded, we reboot.
if (base::PathExists(kFirstStageCompletedFile) && power_manager_proxy_) {
LOG(INFO) << "Rebooting device.";
brillo::ErrorPtr error;
if (!power_manager_proxy_->RequestRestart(
"oobe_config: reboot after rollback restore first stage",
&error)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to reboot device, error: " << error->GetMessage();
return false;
if (CheckSecondStage()) {
// This shouldn't happen, the script failed to execute. We fail and return
// false.
LOG(ERROR) << "Rollback restore is in invalid state (stage 2).";
return false;
if (CheckThirdStage()) {
OobeConfig oobe_config;
// We load the proto from kEncryptedStatefulRollbackDataPath.
string rollback_data_str;
if (!oobe_config.ReadFile(kEncryptedStatefulRollbackDataPath,
&rollback_data_str)) {
return false;
RollbackData rollback_data;
if (!rollback_data.ParseFromString(rollback_data_str)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't parse proto.";
return false;
// We get the data for Chrome and assemble the config.
if (!AssembleConfig(rollback_data, config)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to assemble config.";
return false;
// If it succeeded, we remove all files from
// kEncryptedStatefulRollbackDataPath.
return true;
// We are not in any legitimate rollback stage.
return false;
bool LoadOobeConfigRollback::AssembleConfig(const RollbackData& rollback_data,
string* config) {
// Possible values are defined in
// chrome/browser/resources/chromeos/login/oobe_types.js.
// TODO(zentaro): Export these strings as constants.
base::DictionaryValue dictionary;
// Always skip next screen.
dictionary.SetBoolean("welcomeNext", true);
// Always skip network selection screen if possible.
dictionary.SetBoolean("networkUseConnected", true);
// We don't want updates after rolling back.
dictionary.SetBoolean("updateSkipNonCritical", true);
// TODO(zentaro): Set this through protobuf.
dictionary.SetBoolean("eulaAutoAccept", true);
dictionary.SetBoolean("eulaSendStatistics", false);
return base::JSONWriter::Write(dictionary, config);
} // namespace oobe_config