blob: 566772fa6eeb3d21fd2ab8e3cd0076437fa0a392 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# The OS build is running on.
OS = ""
# Specifies pkg-config program to retrieve information about packages.
pkg_config = ""
# The logical root directory for headers and libraries.
# Trailing slash should not be added (except root path).
sysroot = ""
# The libdir of the target board. e.g. /usr/lib64
libdir = ""
# The path to the directory where build artifacts are located.
build_root = ""
# The path to src/platform2.
platform2_root = ""
# Libbase revision number read from BASE_VER variable or file.
libbase_ver = ""
# Set true to allow C++ code to use exceptions.
enable_exceptions = false
# Additional flags for C compiler.
external_cflags = []
# Additional flags for C++ compiler.
external_cxxflags = []
# Additional flags for C and C++ preprocessor.
external_cppflags = []
# Additional flags for C and C++ linker.
external_ldflags = []
assert(pkg_config != "", "pkg-config script path must be set")
assert(libbase_ver != -1, "libbase_ver must be set")
assert(libdir != "", "libdir must be set")
if (target_os == "") {
target_os = host_os
if (target_cpu == "") {
target_cpu = host_cpu
if (current_cpu == "") {
current_cpu = target_cpu
if (current_os == "") {
current_os = target_os
# Practically sysroot is used as a prefix of paths, e.g.
# "${sysroot}/usr/include". If sysroot is root (= "/"), it will be
# "//usr/include". However, in GN, paths starting with "//" represents the path
# to the GN root, rather than the file system root, which is unexpected.
# To support that case, replace sysroot with "/.", if sysroot is "/".
if (sysroot == "/") {
sysroot = "/."
# All binary targets will get this list of configs by default.
_binary_target_configs = [ "//common-mk:compiler_defaults" ]
if (!enable_exceptions) {
_binary_target_configs += [ "//common-mk:no_exceptions" ]
set_defaults("executable") {
configs = _binary_target_configs
configs += [ "//common-mk:pie" ]
set_defaults("static_library") {
configs = _binary_target_configs
configs += [
set_defaults("shared_library") {
configs = _binary_target_configs
configs += [ "//common-mk:pic" ]
set_defaults("source_set") {
configs = _binary_target_configs