blob: 519f464d6ef0d7620cb884a37385f3255a5a2fbb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback_forward.h>
#include <base/command_line.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
namespace chromeos_metrics {
static constexpr char kMetricsARCInitPIDFile[] =
static const int kPageSize = 4096;
enum MemoryStatKind {
// Memory usage stats for processes. Units are bytes.
struct ProcessMemoryStats {
uint64_t rss_sizes[MEM_KINDS_COUNT] = {};
// Process group kinds, representing disjoint sets of processes.
enum ProcessGroupKind {
PG_VMS, // Except for ARCVM
PG_DAEMONS, // Everything that's not in one of the other categories.
// Names of process memory UMA histograms.
extern const char* const kProcessMemoryUMANames[PG_KINDS_COUNT]
// Types of chrome processes.
enum ChromeProcessKind {
// ProcessNode represents a process, and is used in building a process tree,
// where each node has pointers to nodes representing the parent and children of
// its process.
class ProcessNode {
explicit ProcessNode(int pid)
: pid_(pid), cmdline_(base::CommandLine::NO_PROGRAM) {}
ProcessNode(const ProcessNode&) = delete;
ProcessNode& operator=(const ProcessNode&) = delete;
~ProcessNode() {}
// GetPID returns the PID of the process.
const int GetPID() const { return pid_; }
// Returns the command line of the process.
const base::CommandLine GetCmdline() const { return cmdline_; }
// Returns the command line of the process as a string.
const std::string GetCmdlineString() const { return cmdline_string_; }
// Adds to |processes| this node and all its descendants.
void CollectSubtree(std::vector<ProcessNode*>* processes);
// Does the same as CollectSubtree, but only when the |filter| returns true.
using CollectSubtreeFilter =
base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const ProcessNode&)>;
void CollectSubtree(std::vector<ProcessNode*>* processes,
const CollectSubtreeFilter& filter);
// Fills the process node with data from /proc.
bool RetrieveProcessData(const base::FilePath& procfs_root);
// Links this process node to its parent based on the node PID,
// and adds the node to the parent's children list.
void LinkToParent(
const std::unordered_map<int, std::unique_ptr<ProcessNode>>& processes);
// Finds the type of chrome process from its command line.
const ChromeProcessKind GetChromeKind(std::string cmdline) const;
// Returns true if the process name starts with |prefix|.
const bool HasPrefix(const std::string& prefix) const;
const int pid_;
int ppid_ = 0;
std::string name_;
base::CommandLine cmdline_;
std::string cmdline_string_;
// All ProcessNode instances are owned by process_map_ in ProcessInfo.
ProcessNode* parent_ = nullptr;
std::vector<ProcessNode*> children_;
// If ARC is running, returns true and places the ARC init PID in |pid_out|.
bool GetARCInitPID(const base::FilePath& run_root, int* pid_out);
// Looks in |processes| for a process whose cmdline starts with |prefix|.
// Returns true if found, and stores the process into |process|.
bool FindProcessWithPrefix(
const std::string& prefix,
const std::unordered_map<int, std::unique_ptr<ProcessNode>>& processes,
ProcessNode** process);
// Class for collecting information about all processes.
class ProcessInfo {
ProcessInfo(const base::FilePath& procfs_root, const base::FilePath& run_root)
: procfs_root_(procfs_root), run_root_(run_root) {}
ProcessInfo(const ProcessInfo&) = delete;
ProcessInfo& operator=(const ProcessInfo&) = delete;
~ProcessInfo() {}
// Takes a snapshot of existing processes and builds the process tree.
void Collect();
// Classifies processes in process_map_ into groups.
void Classify();
// Returns process group |g| (for instance, g = PG_RENDERERS).
const std::vector<ProcessNode*>& GetGroup(ProcessGroupKind group_kind);
// Maps PIDs to nodes in the process tree. This is the owner of all process
// nodes.
std::unordered_map<int, std::unique_ptr<ProcessNode>> process_map_;
// Disjoint groups of processes.
std::vector<ProcessNode*> groups_[PG_KINDS_COUNT];
// Paths to /proc and /run, or mocks for testing.
base::FilePath procfs_root_;
base::FilePath run_root_;
// Accumulates memory usage stats for a group of processes. |procfs_path|
// contains /proc or the path of a mock /proc filesystem. Processes that no
// longer exist are ignored.
void AccumulateProcessGroupStats(const base::FilePath& procfs_path,
const std::vector<ProcessNode*>& processes,
ProcessMemoryStats* stats);
// GetMemoryUsage fills |stats| with memory usage stats for |pid|. The
// information is from /proc/<pid>/totmaps or /proc/<pid>/smaps_rollup,
// depending on which is available. These files are expected to contain some
// chromiumos-specific kernel changes (the smaps_rollup changes have been
// upstreamed). If some fields are missing, only some of the stats wil be
// valid.
void GetMemoryUsage(const base::FilePath& procfs_path,
int pid,
ProcessMemoryStats* stats);
} // namespace chromeos_metrics