blob: f96a0f8ec362bf3132f27956db580ba370ba7ea3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// Support for virtual sockets.
use std::fmt;
use std::io;
use std::mem::{self, size_of};
use std::os::raw::{c_int, c_uchar, c_uint, c_ushort};
use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, IntoRawFd, RawFd};
use std::result;
use std::str::FromStr;
use libc::{self, c_void, sa_family_t, size_t, sockaddr, socklen_t, F_GETFL, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK};
// The domain for vsock sockets.
const AF_VSOCK: sa_family_t = 40;
// Vsock equivalent of INADDR_ANY. Indicates the context id of the current endpoint.
pub const VMADDR_CID_ANY: c_uint = c_uint::max_value();
// Vsock equivalent of binding on port 0. Binds to a random port.
pub const VMADDR_PORT_ANY: c_uint = c_uint::max_value();
// The number of bytes of padding to be added to the sockaddr_vm struct. Taken directly
// from linux/vm_sockets.h.
const PADDING: usize = size_of::<sockaddr>()
- size_of::<sa_family_t>()
- size_of::<c_ushort>()
- (2 * size_of::<c_uint>());
struct sockaddr_vm {
svm_family: sa_family_t,
svm_reserved1: c_ushort,
svm_port: c_uint,
svm_cid: c_uint,
svm_zero: [c_uchar; PADDING],
pub struct AddrParseError;
impl fmt::Display for AddrParseError {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(fmt, "failed to parse vsock address")
/// An address associated with a virtual socket.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct SocketAddr {
pub cid: c_uint,
pub port: c_uint,
pub trait ToSocketAddr {
fn to_socket_addr(&self) -> result::Result<SocketAddr, AddrParseError>;
impl ToSocketAddr for SocketAddr {
fn to_socket_addr(&self) -> result::Result<SocketAddr, AddrParseError> {
impl ToSocketAddr for str {
fn to_socket_addr(&self) -> result::Result<SocketAddr, AddrParseError> {
impl<'a, T: ToSocketAddr + ?Sized> ToSocketAddr for &'a T {
fn to_socket_addr(&self) -> result::Result<SocketAddr, AddrParseError> {
impl FromStr for SocketAddr {
type Err = AddrParseError;
/// Parse a vsock SocketAddr from a string. vsock socket addresses are of the form
/// "vsock:cid:port".
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<SocketAddr, AddrParseError> {
let components: Vec<&str> = s.split(':').collect();
if components.len() != 3 || components[0] != "vsock" {
return Err(AddrParseError);
Ok(SocketAddr {
cid: components[1].parse().map_err(|_| AddrParseError)?,
port: components[2].parse().map_err(|_| AddrParseError)?,
impl fmt::Display for SocketAddr {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(fmt, "{}:{}", self.cid, self.port)
/// Sets `fd` to be blocking or nonblocking. `fd` must be a valid fd of a type that accepts the
/// `O_NONBLOCK` flag. This includes regular files, pipes, and sockets.
unsafe fn set_nonblocking(fd: RawFd, nonblocking: bool) -> io::Result<()> {
let flags = libc::fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0);
if flags < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
let flags = if nonblocking {
flags | O_NONBLOCK
} else {
flags & !O_NONBLOCK
let ret = libc::fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags);
if ret < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
/// A virtual stream socket.
pub struct VsockStream {
fd: RawFd,
impl VsockStream {
pub fn connect<A: ToSocketAddr>(addr: A) -> io::Result<VsockStream> {
let sockaddr = addr
.map_err(|_| io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EINVAL))?;
// Safe because this just creates a vsock socket, and the return value is checked.
let sockfd =
unsafe { libc::socket(libc::AF_VSOCK, libc::SOCK_STREAM | libc::SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0) };
if sockfd < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
let mut svm: sockaddr_vm = Default::default();
svm.svm_family = AF_VSOCK;
svm.svm_cid = sockaddr.cid;
svm.svm_port = sockaddr.port;
// Safe because this just connects a vsock socket, and the return value is checked.
let ret = unsafe {
&svm as *const sockaddr_vm as *const sockaddr,
size_of::<sockaddr_vm>() as socklen_t,
if ret < 0 {
let connect_err = io::Error::last_os_error();
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we are the only
// owner of the file descriptor.
unsafe { libc::close(sockfd) };
return Err(connect_err);
Ok(VsockStream { fd: sockfd })
pub fn try_clone(&self) -> io::Result<VsockStream> {
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let dup_fd = unsafe { libc::fcntl(self.fd, libc::F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC, 0) };
if dup_fd < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
Ok(VsockStream { fd: dup_fd })
pub fn set_nonblocking(&mut self, nonblocking: bool) -> io::Result<()> {
// Safe because the fd is valid and owned by this stream.
unsafe { set_nonblocking(self.fd, nonblocking) }
impl io::Read for VsockStream {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
// Safe because this will only modify the contents of |buf| and we check the return value.
let ret = unsafe {
buf as *mut [u8] as *mut c_void,
buf.len() as size_t,
if ret < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
Ok(ret as usize)
impl io::Write for VsockStream {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let ret = unsafe {
buf as *const [u8] as *const c_void,
buf.len() as size_t,
if ret < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
Ok(ret as usize)
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
// No buffered data so nothing to do.
impl AsRawFd for VsockStream {
fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd {
impl IntoRawFd for VsockStream {
fn into_raw_fd(self) -> RawFd {
let fd = self.fd;
impl Drop for VsockStream {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we are the only
// owner of the file descriptor.
unsafe { libc::close(self.fd) };
/// Represents a virtual socket server.
pub struct VsockListener {
fd: RawFd,
impl VsockListener {
/// Creates a new `VsockListener` bound to the specified port on the current virtual socket
/// endpoint.
pub fn bind(port: c_uint) -> io::Result<VsockListener> {
// The compiler should optimize this out since these are both compile-time constants.
assert_eq!(size_of::<sockaddr_vm>(), size_of::<sockaddr>());
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let fd: RawFd = unsafe {
if fd < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
let mut svm: sockaddr_vm = Default::default();
svm.svm_family = AF_VSOCK;
svm.svm_cid = VMADDR_CID_ANY;
svm.svm_port = port;
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let ret = unsafe {
&svm as *const sockaddr_vm as *const sockaddr,
size_of::<sockaddr_vm>() as socklen_t,
if ret < 0 {
let bind_err = io::Error::last_os_error();
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we are the only
// owner of the file descriptor.
unsafe { libc::close(fd) };
return Err(bind_err);
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let ret = unsafe { libc::listen(fd, 1) };
if ret < 0 {
let listen_err = io::Error::last_os_error();
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we are the only
// owner of the file descriptor.
unsafe { libc::close(fd) };
return Err(listen_err);
Ok(VsockListener { fd })
/// Returns the port that this listener is bound to.
pub fn local_port(&self) -> io::Result<u32> {
let mut svm: sockaddr_vm = Default::default();
// Safe because we give a valid pointer for addrlen and check the length.
let mut addrlen = size_of::<sockaddr_vm>() as socklen_t;
let ret = unsafe {
// Get the socket address that was actually bound.
&mut svm as *mut sockaddr_vm as *mut sockaddr,
&mut addrlen as *mut socklen_t,
if ret < 0 {
let getsockname_err = io::Error::last_os_error();
return Err(getsockname_err);
// If this doesn't match, it's not safe to get the port out of the sockaddr.
assert_eq!(addrlen as usize, size_of::<sockaddr_vm>());
/// Accepts a new incoming connection on this listener. Blocks the calling thread until a
/// new connection is established. When established, returns the corresponding `VsockStream`
/// and the remote peer's address.
pub fn accept(&self) -> io::Result<(VsockStream, SocketAddr)> {
let mut svm: sockaddr_vm = Default::default();
// Safe because this will only modify |svm| and we check the return value.
let mut socklen: socklen_t = size_of::<sockaddr_vm>() as socklen_t;
let fd = unsafe {
&mut svm as *mut sockaddr_vm as *mut sockaddr,
&mut socklen as *mut socklen_t,
if fd < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
if svm.svm_family != AF_VSOCK {
return Err(io::Error::new(
format!("unexpected address family: {}", svm.svm_family),
VsockStream { fd },
SocketAddr {
cid: svm.svm_cid,
port: svm.svm_port,
pub fn set_nonblocking(&mut self, nonblocking: bool) -> io::Result<()> {
// Safe because the fd is valid and owned by this stream.
unsafe { set_nonblocking(self.fd, nonblocking) }
impl AsRawFd for VsockListener {
fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd {
impl Drop for VsockListener {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we are the only
// owner of the file descriptor.
unsafe { libc::close(self.fd) };