blob: f7908d92741003baadfc71ed567b7a136a9b4509 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cinttypes>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "cros-camera/camera_algorithm.h"
#include "cros-camera/export.h"
namespace cros {
// The class is for a camera HAL to access camera algorithm library.
// The class is thread-safe.
// Example usage:
// #include <cros-camera/camera_algorithm_bridge.h>
// auto algo = CameraAlgorithmBridge::CreateVendorAlgoInstance();
// algo->Initialize(this);
// std::vector<int32_t> handles(2);
// handles[0] = algo->RegisterBuffer(buffer_fd0);
// handles[1] = algo->RegisterBuffer(buffer_fd1);
// std::vector<uint8_t> req_headers(2);
// algo->Request(req_headers[0], handles[0]);
// algo->Request(req_headers[1], handles[1]);
// /* |return_callback_fn| is called to return buffer */
// algo->Deregister(handles);
class CROS_CAMERA_EXPORT CameraAlgorithmBridge {
// This method creates and returns the CameraAlgorithmBridge instance of
// vendor algorithms.
// Returns:
// Unique pointer to instance on success; nullptr on failure.
static std::unique_ptr<CameraAlgorithmBridge> CreateVendorAlgoInstance();
virtual ~CameraAlgorithmBridge() {}
// This method is one-time initialization that registers a callback function
// for the camera algorithm library to return a buffer handle. It must be
// called before any other functions.
// Args:
// |callback_ops|: Pointer to callback functions. The callback functions
// will be called on a different thread from the one calling
// Initialize, and the caller needs to take care of the
// synchronization.
// Returns:
// 0 on success; corresponding error code on failure.
virtual int32_t Initialize(
const camera_algorithm_callback_ops_t* callback_ops) = 0;
// This method registers a buffer to the camera algorithm library and gets
// the handle associated with it.
// Args:
// |buffer_fd|: The buffer file descriptor to register.
// Returns:
// A handle on success; corresponding error code on failure.
virtual int32_t RegisterBuffer(int buffer_fd) = 0;
// This method posts a request for the camera algorithm library to process the
// given buffer. This method is asynchronous and returns immediately after the
// bridge sends the IPC message out. A callback to the registered
// |callback_ops| will be invoked to return the processing status and buffer
// handle.
// Args:
// |req_id|: The ID that uniquely identifies this request and needs to be
// sent back in camera_algorithm_callback_ops_t.return_callback().
// |req_header|: The request header indicating request details. The
// interpretation depends on the HAL implementation.
// |buffer_handle|: Handle of the buffer to process.
virtual void Request(uint32_t req_id,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& req_header,
int32_t buffer_handle) = 0;
// This method deregisters buffers to the camera algorithm library. The camera
// algorithm shall release all the registered buffers on return of this
// function.
// Args:
// |buffer_handles|: The buffer handles to deregister.
// Returns:
// A handle on success; -1 on failure.
virtual void DeregisterBuffers(
const std::vector<int32_t>& buffer_handles) = 0;
CameraAlgorithmBridge() {}
// Disallow copy and assign
CameraAlgorithmBridge(const CameraAlgorithmBridge&) = delete;
void operator=(const CameraAlgorithmBridge&) = delete;
} // namespace cros