blob: 255daf5e0a081cbeff726d4beca7037a5bf9829a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Chrome OS Configuration access library (FDT).
Chrome OS Configuration access library for a master configuration using flat
device tree.
from __future__ import print_function
from collections import OrderedDict
import os
import fdt
import validate_config
from libcros_config_host_base import BaseFile, CrosConfigBaseImpl, DeviceConfig
from libcros_config_host_base import FirmwareInfo, TouchFile
def GetFilename(node_path, props, fname_template):
"""Create a filename based on the given template and properties
node_path: Path of the node generating this filename (for error
reporting only)
props: Dict of properties which can be used in the template:
key: Variable name
value: Value of that variable
fname_template: Filename template
template = fname_template.replace('$', '')
return template.format(props, **props)
except KeyError as e:
raise ValueError(("node '%s': Format string '%s' has properties '%s' "
"but lacks '%s'")
% (node_path, template, props.keys(), e.message))
def GetPropFilename(node_path, props, fname_prop):
"""Create a filename based on the given template and properties
node_path: Path of the node generating this filename (for error
reporting only)
props: Dict of properties which can be used in the template:
key: Variable name
value: Value of that variable
fname_prop: Name of property containing the template
template = props[fname_prop]
return GetFilename(node_path, props, template)
class CrosConfigFdt(CrosConfigBaseImpl):
"""Flat Device Tree implementation of CrosConfig.
This uses a device-tree file to hold this config. This provides efficient
run-time access since there is no need to parse the whole file. It also
supports links from one node to another, reducing redundancy in the config.
Map of phandles to the assocated CrosConfigFdt.Node:
key: Integer phandle value (>= 1)
value: Associated CrosConfigFdt.Node object
family: Family node (CrosConfigFdt.Node object)
models: All models in the CrosConfigFdt tree, in the form of a
<model name: string, model: CrosConfigFdt.Node>
phandle_props: Set of properties which can be phandles (i.e. point to
another part of the config)
root: Root node (CrosConigImpl.Node object)
validator: Validator for the config (CrosConfigValidator object)
def __init__(self, infile):
self.infile = infile
self.models = OrderedDict()
self.validator = validate_config.GetValidator()
self.phandle_props = self.validator.GetPhandleProps()
self._fdt = fdt.Fdt(self.infile)
self.phandle_to_node = {}
self.root = CrosConfigFdt.MakeNode(self, self._fdt.GetRoot()) = self.root.subnodes['chromeos'].subnodes['family']
def GetDeviceConfigs(self):
return self.models.values()
def _GetProperty(self, absolute_path, property_name):
"""Internal function to read a property from anywhere in the tree
absolute_path: within the root node (e.g. '/chromeos/family/firmware')
property_name: Name of property to get
Property object, or None if not found
return self.root.PathProperty(absolute_path, property_name)
def GetNode(self, absolute_path):
"""Internal function to get a node from anywhere in the tree
absolute_path: within the root node (e.g. '/chromeos/family/firmware')
Node object, or None if not found
return self.root.PathNode(absolute_path)
def GetFamilyNode(self, relative_path):
def GetFamilyProperty(self, relative_path, property_name):
"""Read a property from a family node
relative_path: Relative path within the family (e.g. '/firmware')
property_name: Name of property to get
Property object, or None if not found
return, property_name)
def GetTargetDirectories():
"""Gets a dict of directory targets for each PropFile property
key: Property name
value: Ansolute path for this property
validator = validate_config.GetValidator()
return validator.GetTargetDirectories()
def GetPhandleProperties():
"""Gets a dict of properties which contain phandles
key: Property name
value: Ansolute path for this property
validator = validate_config.GetValidator()
return validator.GetPhandleProps()
class Node(DeviceConfig):
"""Represents a single node in the CrosConfig tree, including Model.
A node can have several subnodes nodes, as well as several properties. Both
can be accessed via .subnodes and .properties respectively. A few helpers
are also provided to make node traversal a little easier.
name: The name of the this node.
subnodes: Child nodes, in the form of a dictionary:
<node name: string, child node: CrosConfigFdt.Node>
properties: All properties attached to this node in the form of a
dictionary: <name: string,
property: CrosConfigFdt.Property>
def __init__(self, cros_config, fdt_node):
self.cros_config = cros_config
self.subnodes = OrderedDict() = OrderedDict()
self.default = None
self.submodels = {}
self._fdt_node = fdt_node =
# Subnodes are set up in Model.ScanSubnodes() = OrderedDict((n, CrosConfigFdt.Property(p))
for n, p in fdt_node.props.iteritems())
def GetPath(self):
"""Get the full path to a node.
path to node as a string
return self._fdt_node.path
def FollowPhandle(self, prop_name):
"""Follow a property's phandle
prop_name: Property name to check
Node that the property's phandle points to, or None if none
prop =
if not prop:
return None
return self.cros_config.phandle_to_node[prop.GetPhandle()]
def GetName(self):
def GetProperties(self, path):
result = {}
node = self.PathNode(path)
if node and
for prop in
result[] = prop.value
return result
def FollowShare(self):
"""Follow a node's shares property
Some nodes support sharing the properties of another node, e.g. firmware
and whitelabel. This follows that share if it can find it. We don't need
to be too careful to ignore invalid properties (e.g. whitelabel can only
be in a model node) since validation takes care of that.
Node that the share points to, or None if none
# Note that the 'or i in self.subnodes' part is for yaml, where we use a
# json file within libcros_config_host and this does not support links
# between nodes (instead every use of a node blows it out fully at that
# point in the tree). For now this is modelled as a subnode with the
# name of the phandle, but at some point this will move to merging the
# target node's properties with this node, so this whole function will
# become unnecessary.
share_prop = [i for i in self.cros_config.phandle_props
if i in or i in self.subnodes]
if share_prop:
return self.FollowPhandle(share_prop[0])
return None
def PathNode(self, relative_path):
"""Returns the CrosConfigFdt.Node at the relative path.
This method is useful for accessing a nested child object at a relative
path from a Node (or Model). The path must be separated with '/'
delimiters. Return None if the path is invalid.
relative_path: A relative path string separated by '/', '/thermal'
A CrosConfigFdt.Node at the path, or None if it doesn't exist
if not relative_path:
return self
path_parts = [path for path in relative_path.split('/') if path]
if not path_parts:
return self
part = path_parts[0]
if part in self.subnodes:
sub_node = self.subnodes[part]
# Handle a 'shares' property, which means we can grab nodes / properties
# from the associated node.
shared = self.FollowShare()
if shared and part in shared.subnodes:
sub_node = shared.subnodes[part]
return None
return sub_node.PathNode('/'.join(path_parts[1:]))
def Property(self, property_name):
"""Get a property from a node
This is a trivial function but it does provide some insulation against our
internal data structures.
property_name: Name of property to find
CrosConfigFdt.Property object that was found, or None if none
def GetStr(self, property_name):
"""Get a string value from a property
property_name: Name of property to access
String value of property, or '' if not present
prop = self.Property(property_name)
return prop.value if prop else ''
def GetStrList(self, property_name):
"""Get a string-list value from a property
property_name: Name of property to access
List of strings representing the value of the property, or [] if not
prop = self.Property(property_name)
if not prop:
return []
if not isinstance(prop.value, list):
return [prop.value]
return prop.value
def GetBool(self, property_name):
"""Get a boolean value from a property
property_name: Name of property to access
True if the property is present, False if not
return property_name in
def GetProperty(self, path, name):
result = self.PathProperty(path, name)
return result.value if result else ''
def PathProperty(self, relative_path, property_name):
"""Returns the value of a property relatative to this node
This function honours the 'shared' property, by following the phandle and
searching there, at any component of the path. It also honours the
'default' property which is defined for nodes.
relative_path: A relative path string separated by '/', e.g. '/thermal'
property_name: Name of property to look up, e.g 'dptf-dv'
String value of property, or None if not found
child_node = self.PathNode(relative_path)
if not child_node:
shared = self.FollowShare()
if shared:
child_node = shared.PathNode(relative_path)
if child_node:
prop =
if not prop:
shared = child_node.FollowShare()
if shared:
prop =
if prop:
return prop
if self.default:
return self.default.PathProperty(relative_path, property_name)
return None
def MergeProperties(props, node, ignore=''):
if node:
for name, prop in
if (name not in props and not name.endswith('phandle') and
name != ignore):
props[name] = prop.value
def GetMergedProperties(self, node, phandle_prop):
"""Obtain properties in two nodes linked by a phandle
This is used to create a dict of the properties in a main node along with
those found in a linked node. The link is provided by a property in the
main node containing a single phandle pointing to the linked node.
The result is a dict that combines both nodes' properties, with the
linked node filling in anything missing. The main node's properties take
Phandle properties and 'reg' properties are not included. The 'default'
node is checked as well.
node: Main node to obtain properties from
phandle_prop: Name of the phandle property to follow to get more
dict containing property names and values from both nodes:
key: property name
value: property value
# First get all the property keys/values from the main node
props = OrderedDict((, prop.value)
for prop in
if not in [phandle_prop, 'bcs-type', 'reg'])
# Follow the phandle and add any new ones we find
self.MergeProperties(props, node.FollowPhandle(phandle_prop), 'bcs-type')
if self.default:
# Get the path of this node relative to its model. For example:
# '/chromeos/models/pyro/thermal' will return '/thermal' in subpath.
# Once is completed, we will be able to do this in a
# nicer way.
_, _, _, _, subpath = node.GetPath().split('/', 4)
default_node = self.default.PathNode(subpath)
if default_node:
self.MergeProperties(props, default_node, phandle_prop)
self.MergeProperties(props, default_node.FollowPhandle(phandle_prop))
return OrderedDict(sorted(props.iteritems()))
def ScanSubnodes(self):
"""Collect a list of submodels"""
if ( in self.cros_config.models and
'submodels' in self.subnodes.keys()):
for name, subnode in self.subnodes['submodels'].subnodes.iteritems():
self.submodels[name] = subnode
def SubmodelPathProperty(self, submodel_name, relative_path, property_name):
"""Reads a property from a submodel.
submodel_name: Submodel to read from
relative_path: A relative path string separated by '/'.
property_name: Name of property to read
Value of property as a string, or None if not found
submodel = self.submodels.get(submodel_name)
if not submodel:
return None
return submodel.PathProperty(relative_path, property_name)
def GetFirmwareConfig(self):
"""Returns a map hierarchy of the firmware config."""
firmware = self.PathNode('/firmware')
if not firmware or firmware.GetBool('no-firmware'):
return {}
return self.GetMergedProperties(firmware, 'shares')
def SetupModelProps(self, props):
props['model'] =
props['MODEL'] =
def GetTouchFirmwareFiles(self):
files = {}
for device_name, props in self.GetTouchBspInfo():
# Add a special property for the capitalised model name
fw_prop_name = 'firmware-bin'
fw_target_dir = self.cros_config.validator.GetModelTargetDir(
'/touch/ANY', fw_prop_name)
if not fw_target_dir:
raise ValueError(("node '%s': Property '%s' does not have a " +
'target directory (internal error)') %
(device_name, fw_prop_name))
sym_prop_name = 'firmware-sym'
sym_target_dir = self.cros_config.validator.GetModelTargetDir(
'/touch/ANY', 'firmware-symlink')
if not sym_target_dir:
raise ValueError(("node '%s': Property '%s' does not have a " +
'target directory (internal error)') %
(device_name, sym_prop_name))
src = GetPropFilename(self.GetPath(), props, fw_prop_name)
dest = src
sym_fname = GetPropFilename(self.GetPath(), props, 'firmware-symlink')
files[device_name] = TouchFile(src, os.path.join(fw_target_dir, dest),
os.path.join(sym_target_dir, sym_fname))
return files.values()
def GetTouchBspInfo(self):
touch = self.PathNode('/touch')
if touch:
for device in touch.subnodes.values():
props = self.GetMergedProperties(device, 'touch-type')
yield [, props]
def AllPathNodes(self, relative_path, whitelabel=False):
"""List all path nodes which match the relative path (including submodels)
This looks in the model and all its submodels for this relative path.
relative_path: A relative path string separated by '/', '/thermal'
whitelabel: True to look in the whitelabels subnode as well (for
whiltelabel alternative schema)
Dict of:
key: Name of this model/submodel
value: Node object for this model/submodel
path_nodes = {}
node = self.PathNode(relative_path)
if node:
path_nodes[] = node
for submodel_node in self.submodels.values():
node = submodel_node.PathNode(relative_path)
if node:
path_nodes[] = node
if whitelabel:
whitelabels = self.PathNode('/whitelabels')
if whitelabels:
for node in whitelabels.subnodes.values():
path_nodes[] = node
return path_nodes
def GetArcFiles(self):
files = {}
prop = 'hw-features'
arc = self.PathNode('/arc')
target_dir = self.cros_config.validator.GetModelTargetDir('/arc', prop)
if arc and prop in
files['base'] = BaseFile([prop].value,
return files.values()
def GetAudioFiles(self):
card = None # To keep pylint happy since we use it in this function:
name = ''
def _AddAudioFile(prop_name, dest_template, dirname=''):
"""Helper to add a single audio file
If present in the configuration, this adds an audio file containing the
source and destination file.
if prop_name in props:
target_dir = self.cros_config.validator.GetModelTargetDir(
'/audio/ANY', prop_name)
if not target_dir:
raise ValueError(
("node '%s': Property '%s' does not have a " +
'target directory (internal error)') % (, prop_name))
files[name, prop_name] = BaseFile(
GetPropFilename(self.GetPath(), props, prop_name),
os.path.join(target_dir, dirname,
GetFilename(self.GetPath(), props, dest_template)))
files = {}
audio_nodes = self.AllPathNodes('/audio')
for name, audio in audio_nodes.iteritems():
for card in audio.subnodes.values():
# First get all the property keys/values from the current node
props = self.GetMergedProperties(card, 'audio-type')
cras_dir = props.get('cras-config-dir')
if not cras_dir:
raise ValueError(
("node '%s': Should have a cras-config-dir") % (card.GetPath()))
_AddAudioFile('volume', '{card}', cras_dir)
_AddAudioFile('dsp-ini', 'dsp.ini', cras_dir)
# Allow renaming this file to something other than HiFi.conf
# Non-Intel platforms don't use topology-bin
topology = props.get('topology-bin')
if topology:
return files.values()
def GetThermalFiles(self):
files = {}
prop = 'dptf-dv'
for name, thermal in self.AllPathNodes('/thermal').iteritems():
target_dir = self.cros_config.validator.GetModelTargetDir(
'/thermal', prop)
if prop in
files[name] = BaseFile([prop].value,
return files.values()
def GetFirmwareInfo(self):
whitelabel = self.FollowPhandle('whitelabel')
base_model = whitelabel if whitelabel else self
firmware_node = self.PathNode('/firmware')
base_firmware_node = base_model.PathNode('/firmware')
# If this model shares firmware with another model, get our
# images from there.
image_node = base_firmware_node.FollowPhandle('shares')
if image_node:
# Override the node - use the shared firmware instead.
node = image_node
shared_model =
node = base_firmware_node
shared_model = None
key_id = firmware_node.GetStr('key-id')
if firmware_node.GetBool('no-firmware'):
return {}
have_image = True
if (whitelabel and base_firmware_node and
# For zero-touch whitelabel devices, we don't need to generate anything
# since the device will never report this model at runtime. The
# signature ID will come from customization_id.
have_image = False
# Firmware configuration supports both sharing the same fw image across
# multiple models and pinning specific models to different fw revisions.
# For context, see:
# In order to support this, the firmware build target needs to be
# decoupled from models (since it can be shared). This was supported
# in the config with 'build-targets', which drives the actual firmware
# build/targets.
# This takes advantage of that same config to determine what the target
# FW image will be named in the build output. This allows a many to
# many mapping between models and firmware images.
build_node = node.PathNode('build-targets')
if build_node:
bios_build_target = build_node.GetStr('coreboot')
ec_build_target = build_node.GetStr('ec')
bios_build_target, ec_build_target = None, None
main_image_uri = node.GetStr('main-image')
main_rw_image_uri = node.GetStr('main-rw-image')
ec_image_uri = node.GetStr('ec-image')
pd_image_uri = node.GetStr('pd-image')
create_bios_rw_image = node.GetBool('create-bios-rw-image')
extra = node.GetStrList('extra')
tools = node.GetStrList('tools')
whitelabels = self.PathNode('/whitelabels')
if whitelabels or firmware_node.GetBool('sig-id-in-customization-id'):
sig_id = 'sig-id-in-customization-id'
sig_id =
info = FirmwareInfo(, shared_model, key_id, have_image,
bios_build_target, ec_build_target, main_image_uri,
main_rw_image_uri, ec_image_uri, pd_image_uri, extra,
create_bios_rw_image, tools, sig_id)
# Handle the alternative schema, where whitelabels are in a single model
# and have whitelabel tags to distinguish them.
result = OrderedDict()
result[] = info
if whitelabels:
# Sort these to get a deterministic ordering with yaml (for tests).
for name in sorted(whitelabels.subnodes):
whitelabel = whitelabels.subnodes[name]
key_id = whitelabel.GetStr('key-id')
whitelabel_name = '%s-%s' % (,
result[whitelabel_name] = info._replace(
return result
def GetWallpaperFiles(self):
"""Get a set of wallpaper files used for this model"""
wallpapers = set()
for node in self.AllPathNodes('/', whitelabel=True).values():
wallpaper ='wallpaper')
if wallpaper:
return wallpapers
def MakeNode(cros_config, fdt_node):
"""Make a new Node in the tree
This create a new Node or Model object in the tree and recursively adds all
subnodes to it. Any phandles found update the phandle_to_node map.
cros_config: CrosConfig object
fdt_node: fdt.Node object containing the device-tree node
node = CrosConfigFdt.Node(cros_config, fdt_node)
if fdt_node.parent and == 'models':
cros_config.models[] = node
if 'phandle' in
phandle = fdt_node.props['phandle'].GetPhandle()
cros_config.phandle_to_node[phandle] = node
node.default = node.FollowPhandle('default')
for subnode in fdt_node.subnodes.values():
node.subnodes[] = CrosConfigFdt.MakeNode(cros_config, subnode)
return node
class Property(object):
"""FDT implementation of a property
name: The name of the property.
value: The value of the property.
type: The Python type of the property.
def __init__(self, fdt_prop):
self._fdt_prop = fdt_prop =
self.value = fdt_prop.value
self.type = fdt_prop.type
def GetPhandle(self):
"""Get the value of a property as a phandle
Property's phandle as an integer (> 0)
return self._fdt_prop.GetPhandle()