blob: 1813ee183df1b18e49f252fefdcf0d79dc1ff4c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <metrics/metrics_library.h>
namespace chaps {
inline constexpr char kReinitializingToken[] =
inline constexpr char kTPMAvailability[] = "Platform.Chaps.TPMAvailability";
inline constexpr char kDatabaseCorrupted[] = "Chaps.DatabaseCorrupted";
inline constexpr char kDatabaseRepairFailure[] = "Chaps.DatabaseRepairFailure";
inline constexpr char kDatabaseCreateFailure[] = "Chaps.DatabaseCreateFailure";
inline constexpr char kDatabaseOpenedSuccessfully[] =
inline constexpr char kDatabaseOpenAttempt[] = "Chaps.DatabaseOpenAttempt";
inline constexpr char kChapsSessionHistogramPrefix[] = "Platform.Chaps.Session";
inline constexpr char kChapsTokenManagerHistogramPrefix[] =
// List of reasons to initializing token. These entries
// should not be renumbered and numeric values should never be reused.
// These values are persisted to logs.
enum class ReinitializingTokenStatus {
kFailedToUnseal = 0,
kBadAuthorizationData = 1,
kFailedToDecryptRootKey = 2,
kFailedToValidate = 3,
// The TPM availability status. These entries
// should not be renumbered and numeric values should never be reused.
// These values are persisted to logs.
enum class TPMAvailabilityStatus {
kTPMAvailable = 0,
kTPMUnavailable = 1,
// The token manager command execution status. These values are persisted to
// logs. Entries should not be renumbered and numeric values should never be
// reused. Please keep in sync with "TokenManagerStatus" in
// tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml in the Chromium repo.
enum class TokenManagerStatus {
kCommandSuccess = 0,
kInitStage2Failed = 1,
kInvalidIsolateCredential = 2,
kLoadExistingToken = 3,
kFailedToLoadSoftwareToken = 4,
kUnknownPath = 5,
kIncorrectOldAuthorizationData = 6,
kFailedToChangeAuthData = 7,
kFailedToWriteAuthKeyBlob = 8,
kFailedToWriteAuthDataHashBlob = 9,
kTokenNotInitialized = 10,
kFailedToDecryptRootKey = 11,
kFailedToEncryptRootKey = 12,
kFailedToWriteRootKeyBlob = 13,
// This class provides wrapping functions for callers to report Chaps related
// metrics without bothering to know all the constant declarations.
class ChapsMetrics : private MetricsLibrary {
ChapsMetrics() = default;
ChapsMetrics(const ChapsMetrics&) = delete;
ChapsMetrics& operator=(const ChapsMetrics&) = delete;
virtual ~ChapsMetrics() = default;
// The |status| value is reported to the
// "Platform.Chaps.ReinitializingToken" enum histogram.
virtual void ReportReinitializingTokenStatus(
ReinitializingTokenStatus status);
// The |status| value is reported to the "Platform.Chaps.TPMAvailability" enum
// histogram.
virtual void ReportTPMAvailabilityStatus(TPMAvailabilityStatus status);
// Cros events are translated to an enum and reported to the generic
// "Platform.CrOSEvent" enum histogram. The |event| string must be registered
// in metrics/
virtual void ReportCrosEvent(const std::string& event);
// The |operation| and |status| value is reported to the
// "Platform.Chaps.Session" enum histogram.
virtual void ReportChapsSessionStatus(const std::string& operation,
int status);
// The |operation| and |status| value is reported to the
// "Platform.Chaps.TokenManager" enum histogram.
virtual void ReportChapsTokenManagerStatus(const std::string& operation,
TokenManagerStatus status);
void set_metrics_library_for_testing(
MetricsLibraryInterface* metrics_library) {
metrics_library_ = metrics_library;
MetricsLibraryInterface* metrics_library_{this};
} // namespace chaps