blob: c5947c9227a840073c5719b656976e8723f46fbd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "pkcs11/cryptoki.h"
namespace chaps {
// This class encapsulates an array of CK_ATTRIBUTEs and provides serialization.
class EXPORT_SPEC Attributes {
// This constructor initializes with a NULL array.
// This constructor does not take ownership of the array. I.e. No memory
// deallocation will be performed when the object destructs.
Attributes(CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR attributes, CK_ULONG num_attributes);
Attributes(const Attributes&) = delete;
Attributes& operator=(const Attributes&) = delete;
virtual ~Attributes();
CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR attributes() const { return attributes_; }
CK_ULONG num_attributes() const { return num_attributes_; }
// This method serializes the current array of attributes.
virtual bool Serialize(std::vector<uint8_t>* serialized_attributes) const;
// This method parses a serialized array of attributes into a new CK_ATTRIBUTE
// array. Any previous array will be deleted if necessary and discarded.
virtual bool Parse(const std::vector<uint8_t>& serialized_attributes);
// This method parses a serialized array of attributes and fills the current
// attribute array with the values. No memory will be allocated. The number
// and type of attributes parsed must match exactly the number and type of
// attributes in the current array. Also, the current array must have all
// necessary memory allocated to receive parsed values.
virtual bool ParseAndFill(const std::vector<uint8_t>& serialized_attributes);
// This method determines if a given attribute holds a nested attribute array.
static bool IsAttributeNested(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type);
// Frees all allocated memory blocks by |AllocateCkAttributeArray| and
// |AllocateCkByteArray|. Also resets |attributes_| and |num_attributes_| if
// |attributes_| is also allocated by |AllocateCkAttributeArray|.
void Free();
// Allocates memory for |num| |CK_ATTRIBUTE|s, records the result in
// |allocated_attribute_arrays_| before returns it.
CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR AllocateCkAttributeArray(size_t num);
// Allocates memory for |CK_BYTE|s in size of |size|, records the result in
// |allocated_byte_arrays_| before returns it.
CK_BYTE_PTR AllocateCkByteArray(size_t size);
bool SerializeInternal(CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR attributes,
CK_ULONG num_attributes,
bool is_nesting_allowed,
std::string* serialized_attributes) const;
bool ParseInternal(const std::string& serialized_attributes,
bool is_nesting_allowed,
CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR* attributes,
CK_ULONG* num_attributes);
bool ParseAndFillInternal(const std::string& serialized_attributes,
bool is_nesting_allowed,
CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR attributes,
CK_ULONG num_attributes);
static CK_ULONG IntToValueLength(int i);
static std::string AttributeValueToString(const CK_ATTRIBUTE& attributes);
// The array being managed (i.e. the 'current' array).
CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR attributes_;
CK_ULONG num_attributes_;
// A container that keeps track of all allocated attribute arrays.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CK_ATTRIBUTE[]>> allocated_attribute_arrays_;
// A container that keeps track of all allocated byte arrays.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CK_BYTE[]>> allocated_byte_arrays_;
} // namespace chaps