blob: 8ae63e05ae6ce7fb679131fe9ebfc8cae857a744 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/optional.h>
#include <base/strings/string_piece.h>
#include <mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding.h>
#include <mojo/public/cpp/system/buffer.h>
#include "mojo/cros_healthd.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/wilco_dtc_supportd.mojom.h"
namespace diagnostics {
// Implements the "WilcoDtcSupportdService" Mojo interface exposed by the
// wilco_dtc_supportd daemon (see the API definition at
// mojo/wilco_dtc_supportd.mojom)
class MojoService final
: public chromeos::wilco_dtc_supportd::mojom::WilcoDtcSupportdService {
using MojomWilcoDtcSupportdClientPtr =
using MojomWilcoDtcSupportdService =
using MojomWilcoDtcSupportdServiceRequest =
using MojomWilcoDtcSupportdWebRequestHttpMethod =
using MojomWilcoDtcSupportdWebRequestStatus =
using MojomWilcoDtcSupportdEvent =
using MojomSendWilcoDtcMessageToUiCallback =
using MojomPerformWebRequestCallback = base::Callback<void(
MojomWilcoDtcSupportdWebRequestStatus, int, base::StringPiece)>;
using MojomGetConfigurationDataCallback =
base::Callback<void(const std::string&)>;
class Delegate {
using SendGrpcUiMessageToWilcoDtcCallback =
base::Callback<void(std::string response_json_message)>;
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
// Called when wilco_dtc_supportd daemon mojo function
// |SendUiMessageToWilcoDtc| was called.
// Calls gRPC HandleMessageFromUiRequest method on wilco_dtc and puts
// |json_message| to the gRPC |HandleMessageFromUiRequest| request message.
// Result of the call is returned via |callback|; if the request succeeded,
// it will receive the message returned by the wilco_dtc.
virtual void SendGrpcUiMessageToWilcoDtc(
base::StringPiece json_message,
const SendGrpcUiMessageToWilcoDtcCallback& callback) = 0;
// Called when wilco_dtc_supportd daemon mojo function
// |NotifyConfigurationDataChanged| was called.
// Calls gRPC HandleConfigurationDataChanged method on wilco_dtc to notify
// that new JSON configuration data is available and can be retrieved by
// calling |GetConfigurationData|.
virtual void NotifyConfigurationDataChangedToWilcoDtc() = 0;
// |delegate| - Unowned pointer; must outlive this instance.
// |self_interface_request| - Mojo interface request that will be fulfilled
// by this instance. In production, this interface request is created by the
// browser process, and allows the browser to call our methods.
// |client_ptr| - Mojo interface to the WilcoDtcSupportdServiceClient
// endpoint. In production, it allows this instance to call browser's methods.
MojoService(Delegate* delegate,
MojomWilcoDtcSupportdServiceRequest self_interface_request,
MojomWilcoDtcSupportdClientPtr client_ptr);
~MojoService() override;
// chromeos::wilco_dtc_supportd::mojom::WilcoDtcSupportdService overrides:
void SendUiMessageToWilcoDtc(
mojo::ScopedHandle json_message,
const SendUiMessageToWilcoDtcCallback& callback) override;
void NotifyConfigurationDataChanged() override;
// Calls to WilcoDtcSupportdClient.
void SendWilcoDtcMessageToUi(
const std::string& json,
const MojomSendWilcoDtcMessageToUiCallback& callback);
void PerformWebRequest(MojomWilcoDtcSupportdWebRequestHttpMethod http_method,
const std::string& url,
const std::vector<std::string>& headers,
const std::string& request_body,
const MojomPerformWebRequestCallback& callback);
void GetConfigurationData(const MojomGetConfigurationDataCallback& callback);
void HandleEvent(const MojomWilcoDtcSupportdEvent event);
void GetCrosHealthdDiagnosticsService(
// Unowned. The delegate should outlive this instance.
Delegate* const delegate_;
// Mojo binding that connects |this| with the message pipe, allowing the
// remote end to call our methods.
const mojo::Binding<MojomWilcoDtcSupportdService> self_binding_;
// Mojo interface to the WilcoDtcSupportdServiceClient endpoint.
// In production this interface is implemented in the Chrome browser process.
MojomWilcoDtcSupportdClientPtr client_ptr_;
} // namespace diagnostics