blob: 661e4f7bc28cd4e991e0be4719ebfa87746f2acb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fcntl.h> // for open
#include <sys/mount.h> // for MS_SLAVE
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/files/file_descriptor_watcher_posix.h>
#include <base/message_loop/message_loop.h>
#include <brillo/flag_helper.h>
#include <brillo/syslog_logging.h>
#include <libminijail.h>
#include <metrics/metrics_library.h>
#include "crash-reporter/arc_collector.h"
#include "crash-reporter/arc_service_failure_collector.h"
#include "crash-reporter/bert_collector.h"
#include "crash-reporter/chrome_collector.h"
#include "crash-reporter/constants.h"
#include "crash-reporter/crash_reporter_failure_collector.h"
#include "crash-reporter/early_crash_meta_collector.h"
#include "crash-reporter/ec_collector.h"
#include "crash-reporter/generic_failure_collector.h"
#include "crash-reporter/kernel_collector.h"
#include "crash-reporter/kernel_warning_collector.h"
#include "crash-reporter/paths.h"
#include "crash-reporter/selinux_violation_collector.h"
#include "crash-reporter/service_failure_collector.h"
#include "crash-reporter/udev_collector.h"
#include "crash-reporter/unclean_shutdown_collector.h"
#include "crash-reporter/user_collector.h"
#include "crash-reporter/util.h"
#include "crash-reporter/vm_support.h"
using base::FilePath;
namespace {
const char kKernelCrashDetected[] =
const char kUncleanShutdownDetected[] =
const char kBootCollectorDone[] = "/run/crash_reporter/boot-collector-done";
bool always_allow_feedback = false;
MetricsLibrary s_metrics_lib;
bool IsFeedbackAllowed() {
if (always_allow_feedback)
return true;
VmSupport* vm_support = VmSupport::Get();
if (vm_support)
return vm_support->GetMetricsConsent();
return s_metrics_lib.AreMetricsEnabled();
bool TouchFile(const FilePath& file_path) {
return base::WriteFile(file_path, "", 0) == 0;
bool SetUpLockFile() {
base::FilePath lock_file = paths::Get(paths::kCrashSenderLockFile);
if (!TouchFile(lock_file)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not touch lock file: " << lock_file.value();
return false;
// Allow crash-access group to read and write crash lock file.
return util::SetGroupAndPermissions(lock_file, constants::kCrashGroupName,
// Set up necessary crash reporter state.
// This function will change ownership and permissions on many files (to allow
// `crash` to read/write them) so it MUST run as root.
int Initialize(UserCollector* user_collector,
UdevCollector* udev_collector,
bool early) {
// Try to create the lock file for crash_sender. Creating this early ensures
// that no one else can make a directory or such with this name. If the lock
// file isn't a normal file, crash_sender will never work correctly.
if (!SetUpLockFile()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't set up lock file";
return 1;
// Set up all the common crash state directories first. If we can't guarantee
// these basic paths, just give up & don't turn on anything else.
if (!CrashCollector::InitializeSystemCrashDirectories(early))
return 1;
// Set up metrics flag directory. Returns with non-zero if we cannot create
// it.
if (!CrashCollector::InitializeSystemMetricsDirectories())
return 1;
int ret = 0;
if (!user_collector->Enable(early))
ret = 1;
return ret;
int BootCollect(KernelCollector* kernel_collector,
ECCollector* ec_collector,
BERTCollector* bert_collector,
UncleanShutdownCollector* unclean_shutdown_collector,
EarlyCrashMetaCollector* early_crash_meta_collector) {
bool was_kernel_crash = false;
bool was_unclean_shutdown = false;
/* TODO(drinkcat): Distinguish between EC crash and unclean shutdown. */
// Invoke to collect firmware bert dump.
if (kernel_collector->is_enabled()) {
was_kernel_crash = kernel_collector->Collect();
was_unclean_shutdown = unclean_shutdown_collector->Collect();
// Touch a file to notify the metrics daemon that a kernel
// crash has been detected so that it can log the time since
// the last kernel crash.
if (IsFeedbackAllowed()) {
if (was_kernel_crash) {
} else if (was_unclean_shutdown) {
// We only count an unclean shutdown if it did not come with
// an associated kernel crash.
// Must enable the unclean shutdown collector *after* collecting.
// Copy lsb-release and os-release into system crash spool. Done after
// collecting so that boot-time collected crashes will be associated with the
// previous boot.
// Collect early boot crashes.
// Presence of this files unblocks powerd from performing lid-closed action
// (
return 0;
int HandleUserCrash(UserCollector* user_collector,
const std::string& user,
const bool crash_test,
const bool early) {
// Handle a specific user space crash.
CHECK(!user.empty()) << "--user= must be set";
// Make it possible to test what happens when we crash while
// handling a crash.
if (crash_test) {
*(volatile char*)0 = 0;
return 0;
// Accumulate logs to help in diagnosing failures during user collection.
// Handle the crash, get the name of the process from procfs.
bool handled = user_collector->HandleCrash(user, nullptr);
if (!handled)
return 1;
return 0;
int HandleArcCrash(ArcCollector* arc_collector, const std::string& user) {
bool handled = arc_collector->HandleCrash(user, nullptr);
if (!handled)
return 1;
return 0;
int HandleArcJavaCrash(ArcCollector* arc_collector,
const std::string& crash_type,
const ArcCollector::BuildProperty& build_property) {
bool handled = arc_collector->HandleJavaCrash(crash_type, build_property);
if (!handled)
return 1;
return 0;
int HandleChromeCrash(ChromeCollector* chrome_collector,
const std::string& chrome_dump_file,
pid_t pid,
uid_t uid,
const std::string& exe) {
CHECK(!chrome_dump_file.empty()) << "--chrome= must be set";
CHECK(pid != (pid_t)-1) << "--pid= must be set";
CHECK(uid != (uid_t)-1) << "--uid= must be set";
CHECK(!exe.empty()) << "--exe= must be set";
bool handled =
chrome_collector->HandleCrash(FilePath(chrome_dump_file), pid, uid, exe);
if (!handled)
return 1;
return 0;
int HandleChromeCrashThroughMemfd(ChromeCollector* chrome_collector,
int memfd,
pid_t pid,
uid_t uid,
const std::string& exe,
const std::string& dump_dir) {
CHECK(memfd >= 0) << "--chrome_memfd= must be set";
CHECK(pid >= (pid_t)0) << "--pid= must be set";
CHECK(uid >= (uid_t)0) << "--uid= must be set";
CHECK(!exe.empty()) << "--exe= must be set";
bool handled =
chrome_collector->HandleCrashThroughMemfd(memfd, pid, uid, exe, dump_dir);
if (!handled)
return 1;
return 0;
int HandleUdevCrash(UdevCollector* udev_collector,
const std::string& udev_event) {
// Handle a crash indicated by a udev event.
CHECK(!udev_event.empty()) << "--udev= must be set";
// Accumulate logs to help in diagnosing failures during user collection.
bool handled = udev_collector->HandleCrash(udev_event);
if (!handled)
return 1;
return 0;
int HandleKernelWarning(KernelWarningCollector* kernel_warning_collector,
KernelWarningCollector::WarningType type) {
// Accumulate logs to help in diagnosing failures during collection.
bool handled = kernel_warning_collector->Collect(type);
if (!handled)
return 1;
return 0;
int HandleSuspendFailure(GenericFailureCollector* suspend_failure_collector) {
// Accumulate logs to help in diagnosing failures during collection.
bool handled = suspend_failure_collector->Collect();
return handled ? 0 : 1;
int HandleServiceFailure(ServiceFailureCollector* service_failure_collector,
const std::string& service_name) {
// Accumulate logs to help in diagnosing failures during collection.
bool handled = service_failure_collector->Collect();
if (!handled)
return 1;
return 0;
int HandleSELinuxViolation(
SELinuxViolationCollector* selinux_violation_collector) {
bool handled = selinux_violation_collector->Collect();
return handled ? 0 : 1;
void HandleCrashReporterFailure(
CrashReporterFailureCollector* crash_reporter_failure_collector) {
// Accumulate logs to help in diagnosing failures during collection.
// Ensure stdout, stdin, and stderr are open file descriptors. If
// they are not, any code which writes to stderr/stdout may write out
// to files opened during execution. In particular, when
// crash_reporter is run by the kernel coredump pipe handler (via
// kthread_create/kernel_execve), it will not have file table entries
// 1 and 2 (stdout and stderr) populated. We populate them here.
void OpenStandardFileDescriptors() {
int new_fd = -1;
// We open /dev/null to fill in any of the standard [0, 2] file
// descriptors. We leave these open for the duration of the
// process. This works because open returns the lowest numbered
// invalid fd.
do {
new_fd = open("/dev/null", 0);
CHECK_GE(new_fd, 0) << "Unable to open /dev/null";
} while (new_fd >= 0 && new_fd <= 2);
// Reduce privs that we don't need. But we still need:
// - The top most /proc to pull details out of it.
// - Read access to the crashing process's memory (regardless of user).
// - Write access to the crash spool dir.
void EnterSandbox(bool write_proc, bool log_to_stderr) {
// If we're not root, we won't be able to jail ourselves (well, we could if
// we used user namespaces, but maybe later). Need to double check handling
// when called by chrome to process its crashes.
if (getuid() != 0)
struct minijail* j = minijail_new();
// Remount mounts as MS_SLAVE to prevent crash_reporter from holding on to
// mounts that might be unmounted in the root mount namespace.
minijail_remount_mode(j, MS_SLAVE);
if (!log_to_stderr)
minijail_bind(j, "/dev/log", "/dev/log", 0);
// If we're initializing the system, we need to write to /proc/sys/.
if (!write_proc) {
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
DEFINE_bool(init, false, "Initialize crash logging");
DEFINE_bool(boot_collect, false, "Run per-boot crash collection tasks");
DEFINE_bool(clean_shutdown, false, "Signal clean shutdown");
DEFINE_bool(crash_test, false, "Crash test");
DEFINE_bool(early, false,
"Modifies crash-reporter to work during early boot");
DEFINE_bool(preserve_across_clobber, false,
"Persist early user crash reports across clobbers.");
DEFINE_string(user, "", "User crash info (pid:signal:exec_name)");
DEFINE_string(udev, "", "Udev event description (type:device:subsystem)");
DEFINE_bool(kernel_warning, false, "Report collected kernel warning");
DEFINE_bool(kernel_wifi_warning, false,
"Report collected kernel wifi warning");
DEFINE_bool(kernel_suspend_warning, false,
"Report collected kernel suspend warning");
DEFINE_bool(log_to_stderr, false, "Log to stderr instead of syslog.");
DEFINE_string(arc_service_failure, "",
"The specific ARC service name that failed");
DEFINE_bool(suspend_failure, false, "Report collected suspend failure logs.");
DEFINE_bool(crash_reporter_crashed, false,
"Report crash_reporter itself crashing");
DEFINE_string(service_failure, "", "The specific service name that failed");
DEFINE_bool(selinux_violation, false, "Report collected SELinux violation");
// TODO( Remove --chrome flag after Chrome switches from
// breakpad to crashpad.
// Note: --chrome is being replaced by --chrome_memfd;
// --chrome_dump_dir is only used for tests and only used when
// --chrome_memfd is used and not when --chrome is used.
DEFINE_string(chrome, "", "Chrome crash dump file");
DEFINE_int32(chrome_memfd, -1, "Chrome crash dump memfd");
DEFINE_string(chrome_dump_dir, "",
"Directory to write Chrome minidumps, used for tests only");
DEFINE_int32(pid, -1, "PID of crashing process");
DEFINE_int32(uid, -1, "UID of crashing process");
DEFINE_string(exe, "", "Executable name of crashing process");
DEFINE_int64(crash_loop_before, -1,
"UNIX timestamp. If invoked before this time, use the special "
"login-crash-loop handling system. (Keep crash report in memory "
"and then pass to debugd for immediate upload.)");
DEFINE_bool(core2md_failure, false, "Core2md failure test");
DEFINE_bool(directory_failure, false, "Spool directory failure test");
DEFINE_string(filter_in, "", "Ignore all crashes but this for testing");
always_allow_feedback, false,
"Force if feedback is allowed check to return true, used for tests only");
DEFINE_string(arc_java_crash, "",
"Read Java crash log of the given type from standard input");
DEFINE_string(arc_device, "", "Metadata for --arc_java_crash");
DEFINE_string(arc_board, "", "Metadata for --arc_java_crash");
DEFINE_string(arc_cpu_abi, "", "Metadata for --arc_java_crash");
DEFINE_string(arc_fingerprint, "", "Metadata for --arc_java_crash");
FilePath my_path = base::MakeAbsoluteFilePath(FilePath(argv[0]));
brillo::FlagHelper::Init(argc, argv, "Chromium OS Crash Reporter");
base::MessageLoopForIO message_loop;
base::FileDescriptorWatcher watcher(&message_loop);
// In certain cases, /dev/log may not be available: log to stderr instead.
if (FLAGS_log_to_stderr) {
} else {
brillo::OpenLog(my_path.BaseName().value().c_str(), true);
if (FLAGS_always_allow_feedback) {
CHECK(util::IsTestImage()) << "--always_allow_feedback is only for tests";
always_allow_feedback = true;
// Now that we've processed the command line, sandbox ourselves.
EnterSandbox(FLAGS_init || FLAGS_clean_shutdown, FLAGS_log_to_stderr);
EarlyCrashMetaCollector early_crash_meta_collector;
// Decide if we should use Crash-Loop sending mode. If session_manager sees
// several Chrome crashes in a brief period, it will log the user out. On the
// last Chrome startup before it logs the user out, it will set the
// --crash_loop_before flag. The value of the flag will be a time_t timestamp
// giving the last second at which a crash would be considered a crash loop
// and thus log the user out. If we have another crash before that second,
// we have detected a crash-loop and we want to invoke special handling
// (specifically, we don't want to save the crash in the user's home directory
// because that will be inaccessible to crash_sender once the user is logged
// out).
CrashCollector::CrashSendingMode crash_sending_mode =
if (FLAGS_crash_loop_before >= 0) {
base::Time crash_loop_before =
if (base::Time::Now() <= crash_loop_before) {
crash_sending_mode = CrashCollector::kCrashLoopSendingMode;
LOG(INFO) << "Using crash loop sending mode";
KernelCollector kernel_collector;
kernel_collector.Initialize(IsFeedbackAllowed, FLAGS_early);
ECCollector ec_collector;
ec_collector.Initialize(IsFeedbackAllowed, FLAGS_early);
BERTCollector bert_collector;
bert_collector.Initialize(IsFeedbackAllowed, FLAGS_early);
UserCollector user_collector;
UserCollector::FilterOutFunction filter_out = [](pid_t) { return false; };
ArcCollector arc_collector;
true, // generate_diagnostics
FLAGS_directory_failure, FLAGS_filter_in,
false /* early */);
// Filter out ARC processes.
if (ArcCollector::IsArcRunning())
filter_out = std::bind(&ArcCollector::IsArcProcess, &arc_collector,
user_collector.Initialize(my_path.value(), IsFeedbackAllowed,
true, // generate_diagnostics
FLAGS_core2md_failure, FLAGS_directory_failure,
FLAGS_filter_in, std::move(filter_out),
UncleanShutdownCollector unclean_shutdown_collector;
unclean_shutdown_collector.Initialize(IsFeedbackAllowed, FLAGS_early);
UdevCollector udev_collector;
udev_collector.Initialize(IsFeedbackAllowed, FLAGS_early);
ChromeCollector chrome_collector(crash_sending_mode);
chrome_collector.Initialize(IsFeedbackAllowed, FLAGS_early);
KernelWarningCollector kernel_warning_collector;
kernel_warning_collector.Initialize(IsFeedbackAllowed, FLAGS_early);
ArcServiceFailureCollector arc_service_failure_collector;
arc_service_failure_collector.Initialize(IsFeedbackAllowed, FLAGS_early);
ServiceFailureCollector service_failure_collector;
service_failure_collector.Initialize(IsFeedbackAllowed, FLAGS_early);
GenericFailureCollector suspend_failure_collector(
suspend_failure_collector.Initialize(IsFeedbackAllowed, FLAGS_early);
SELinuxViolationCollector selinux_violation_collector;
selinux_violation_collector.Initialize(IsFeedbackAllowed, FLAGS_early);
CrashReporterFailureCollector crash_reporter_failure_collector;
crash_reporter_failure_collector.Initialize(IsFeedbackAllowed, FLAGS_early);
if (FLAGS_init) {
return Initialize(&user_collector, &udev_collector, FLAGS_early);
if (FLAGS_boot_collect) {
return BootCollect(&kernel_collector, &ec_collector, &bert_collector,
if (FLAGS_clean_shutdown) {
int ret = 0;
if (!unclean_shutdown_collector.Disable())
ret = 1;
if (!user_collector.Disable())
ret = 1;
return ret;
if (!FLAGS_udev.empty()) {
return HandleUdevCrash(&udev_collector, FLAGS_udev);
if (FLAGS_kernel_warning) {
return HandleKernelWarning(&kernel_warning_collector,
if (FLAGS_kernel_wifi_warning) {
return HandleKernelWarning(&kernel_warning_collector,
if (FLAGS_kernel_suspend_warning) {
return HandleKernelWarning(&kernel_warning_collector,
if (!FLAGS_arc_service_failure.empty()) {
return HandleServiceFailure(&arc_service_failure_collector,
if (FLAGS_suspend_failure) {
return HandleSuspendFailure(&suspend_failure_collector);
if (!FLAGS_service_failure.empty()) {
return HandleServiceFailure(&service_failure_collector,
if (FLAGS_selinux_violation) {
return HandleSELinuxViolation(&selinux_violation_collector);
if (FLAGS_crash_reporter_crashed) {
return 0;
if (!FLAGS_chrome.empty()) {
CHECK(FLAGS_chrome_memfd == -1)
<< "--chrome= and --chrome_memfd= cannot be both set";
return HandleChromeCrash(&chrome_collector, FLAGS_chrome, FLAGS_pid,
FLAGS_uid, FLAGS_exe);
if (FLAGS_chrome_memfd != -1) {
CHECK(FLAGS_chrome_dump_dir.empty() || util::IsTestImage())
<< "--chrome_dump_dir is only for tests";
return HandleChromeCrashThroughMemfd(&chrome_collector, FLAGS_chrome_memfd,
FLAGS_pid, FLAGS_uid, FLAGS_exe,
if (!FLAGS_arc_java_crash.empty()) {
ArcCollector::BuildProperty build_property = {
.device = FLAGS_arc_device,
.board = FLAGS_arc_board,
.cpu_abi = FLAGS_arc_cpu_abi,
.fingerprint = FLAGS_arc_fingerprint};
return HandleArcJavaCrash(&arc_collector, FLAGS_arc_java_crash,
int exit_code = HandleUserCrash(&user_collector, FLAGS_user, FLAGS_crash_test,
if (ArcCollector::IsArcRunning())
exit_code |= HandleArcCrash(&arc_collector, FLAGS_user);
return exit_code;