blob: dca9830186eec295bc5b28c72e2aae2e33a69374 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
#include <base/memory/shared_memory.h>
#include <base/synchronization/lock.h>
#include <camera/camera_metadata.h>
#include "cros-camera/camera_buffer_manager.h"
namespace cros {
class FrameBuffer {
enum {
virtual ~FrameBuffer();
// If mapped successfully, the address will be assigned to |data_| and return
// 0. Otherwise, returns -EINVAL.
virtual int Map() = 0;
// Unmaps the mapped address. Returns 0 for success.
virtual int Unmap() = 0;
uint8_t* GetData(size_t plane) const;
uint8_t* GetData() const { return data_[0]; }
size_t GetDataSize() const { return data_size_; }
size_t GetBufferSize() const { return buffer_size_; }
uint32_t GetWidth() const { return width_; }
uint32_t GetHeight() const { return height_; }
uint32_t GetFourcc() const { return fourcc_; }
size_t GetStride(size_t plane) const;
size_t GetStride() const { return stride_[0]; }
size_t GetNumPlanes() const { return num_planes_; }
virtual void SetFourcc(uint32_t fourcc);
virtual int SetDataSize(size_t data_size);
virtual int GetFd() const { return -1; }
virtual buffer_handle_t GetBufferHandle() const { return nullptr; }
std::vector<uint8_t*> data_;
std::vector<size_t> stride_;
// The number of bytes used in the buffer.
size_t data_size_;
// The number of bytes allocated in the buffer.
size_t buffer_size_;
// Frame resolution.
uint32_t width_;
uint32_t height_;
// This is V4L2_PIX_FMT_* in linux/videodev2.h.
uint32_t fourcc_;
// The number of planes.
uint32_t num_planes_;
// SharedFrameBuffer is used for the buffer from base::SharedMemory.
class SharedFrameBuffer : public FrameBuffer {
explicit SharedFrameBuffer(int buffer_size);
~SharedFrameBuffer() override;
// No-op for the two functions.
int Map() override { return 0; }
int Unmap() override { return 0; }
void SetWidth(uint32_t width);
void SetHeight(uint32_t height);
void SetFourcc(uint32_t fourcc) override;
int SetDataSize(size_t data_size) override;
int GetFd() const override {
return base::SharedMemory::GetFdFromSharedMemoryHandle(
void SetData();
void SetStride();
std::unique_ptr<base::SharedMemory> shm_buffer_;
// V4L2FrameBuffer is used for the buffer from V4L2CameraDevice. Maps the fd
// in constructor. Unmaps and closes the fd in destructor.
class V4L2FrameBuffer : public FrameBuffer {
V4L2FrameBuffer(base::ScopedFD fd,
int buffer_size,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
uint32_t fourcc);
// Unmaps |data_| and closes |fd_|.
int Map() override;
int Unmap() override;
int GetFd() const override { return fd_.get(); }
// File descriptor of V4L2 frame buffer.
base::ScopedFD fd_;
bool is_mapped_;
// Lock to guard |is_mapped_|.
base::Lock lock_;
// GrallocFrameBuffer uses CameraBufferManager to manage the buffer.
class GrallocFrameBuffer : public FrameBuffer {
// Wraps external buffer from upper framework. Fill |width_| and |height_|
// according to the parameters.
GrallocFrameBuffer(buffer_handle_t buffer, uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
// Allocate the buffer internally.
GrallocFrameBuffer(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t fourcc);
// Fill |buffer_size_| and |data_|.
int Map() override;
int Unmap() override;
buffer_handle_t GetBufferHandle() const override { return buffer_; }
// The currently used buffer for |buffer_mapper_| operations.
buffer_handle_t buffer_;
// Used to import gralloc buffer.
CameraBufferManager* buffer_manager_;
// Whether the |buffer_| is allocated by this class.
bool is_buffer_owner_;
bool is_mapped_;
// Lock to guard |is_mapped_|.
base::Lock lock_;
} // namespace cros