blob: 7bfd65ff42702d9b732039f8cd580b37f499d3ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <shill/net/rtnl_handler.h>
#include <shill/net/rtnl_listener.h>
#include "arc/network/datapath.h"
#include "arc/network/device.h"
#include "arc/network/device_manager.h"
#include "arc/network/ipc.pb.h"
#include "arc/network/shill_client.h"
namespace arc_networkd {
class ArcService {
class Context : public Device::Context {
~Context() = default;
// Tracks the lifetime of the ARC++ container.
void Start();
void Stop();
bool IsStarted() const;
bool IsLinkUp() const override;
// Returns true if the internal state changed.
bool SetLinkUp(bool link_up);
bool HasIPv6() const;
// Returns false if |routing_tid| is invalid.
bool SetHasIPv6(int routing_tid);
// Resets the IPv6 attributes.
void ClearIPv6();
int RoutingTableID() const;
// Returns the current value and increments the counter.
int RoutingTableAttempts();
// For ARCVM only.
const std::string& TAP() const;
void SetTAP(const std::string& tap);
// Indicates the device was started.
bool started_;
// Indicates Android has brought up the interface.
bool link_up_;
// The routing table ID found for the interface.
int routing_table_id_;
// The number of times table ID lookup was attempted.
int routing_table_attempts_;
// For ARCVM, the name of the bound TAP device.
std::string tap_;
class Impl {
virtual ~Impl() = default;
virtual GuestMessage::GuestType guest() const = 0;
virtual uint32_t id() const = 0;
virtual bool Start(uint32_t id) = 0;
virtual void Stop(uint32_t id) = 0;
virtual bool IsStarted(uint32_t* id = nullptr) const = 0;
virtual bool OnStartDevice(Device* device) = 0;
virtual void OnStopDevice(Device* device) = 0;
virtual void OnDefaultInterfaceChanged(const std::string& new_ifname,
const std::string& prev_ifname) = 0;
Impl() = default;
// Encapsulates all ARC++ container-specific logic.
class ContainerImpl : public Impl {
ContainerImpl(DeviceManagerBase* dev_mgr,
Datapath* datapath,
GuestMessage::GuestType guest);
~ContainerImpl() = default;
GuestMessage::GuestType guest() const override;
uint32_t id() const override;
bool Start(uint32_t pid) override;
void Stop(uint32_t pid) override;
bool IsStarted(uint32_t* pid = nullptr) const override;
bool OnStartDevice(Device* device) override;
void OnStopDevice(Device* device) override;
void OnDefaultInterfaceChanged(const std::string& new_ifname,
const std::string& prev_ifname) override;
// Handles RT netlink messages in the container net namespace and if it
// determines the link status has changed, toggles the device services
// accordingly.
void LinkMsgHandler(const shill::RTNLMessage& msg);
void SetupIPv6(Device* device);
void TeardownIPv6(Device* device);
uint32_t pid_;
DeviceManagerBase* dev_mgr_;
Datapath* datapath_;
GuestMessage::GuestType guest_;
// These are installed in the ARC net namespace.
std::unique_ptr<shill::RTNLHandler> rtnl_handler_;
std::unique_ptr<shill::RTNLListener> link_listener_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ContainerImpl> weak_factory_{this};
// Encapsulates all ARC VM-specific logic.
class VmImpl : public Impl {
VmImpl(DeviceManagerBase* dev_mgr, Datapath* datapath);
~VmImpl() = default;
GuestMessage::GuestType guest() const override;
uint32_t id() const override;
bool Start(uint32_t cid) override;
void Stop(uint32_t cid) override;
bool IsStarted(uint32_t* cid = nullptr) const override;
bool OnStartDevice(Device* device) override;
void OnStopDevice(Device* device) override;
void OnDefaultInterfaceChanged(const std::string& new_ifname,
const std::string& prev_ifname) override;
uint32_t cid_;
DeviceManagerBase* dev_mgr_;
Datapath* datapath_;
// All pointers are required and cannot be null, and are owned by the caller.
ArcService(ShillClient* shill_client,
DeviceManagerBase* dev_mgr,
Datapath* datapath);
bool Start(uint32_t id);
void Stop(uint32_t id);
void OnDeviceAdded(Device* device);
void OnDeviceRemoved(Device* device);
void OnDefaultInterfaceChanged(const std::string& new_ifname,
const std::string& prev_ifname);
void StartDevice(Device* device);
void StopDevice(Device* device);
// Returns true if the device should be processed by the service.
bool AllowDevice(Device* device) const;
ShillClient* shill_client_;
DeviceManagerBase* dev_mgr_;
Datapath* datapath_;
std::unique_ptr<Impl> impl_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ArcService> weak_factory_{this};
namespace test {
extern GuestMessage::GuestType guest;
} // namespace test
} // namespace arc_networkd