blob: f1b031db65b1e0e1af82f301d20e6faff722ed36 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include "shill/manager.h"
#include "shill/mockable.h"
#include "shill/vpn/ipsec_connection.h"
#include "shill/vpn/l2tp_connection.h"
#include "shill/vpn/vpn_connection.h"
#include "shill/vpn/vpn_driver.h"
namespace shill {
// TODO(b/165170125): Once the current L2TPIPsecDriver is removed, rename this
// class to L2TPIPsecDriver.
class NewL2TPIPsecDriver : public VPNDriver {
NewL2TPIPsecDriver(Manager* manager, ProcessManager* process_manager);
NewL2TPIPsecDriver(const NewL2TPIPsecDriver&) = delete;
NewL2TPIPsecDriver& operator=(const NewL2TPIPsecDriver&) = delete;
~NewL2TPIPsecDriver() override;
// Inherited from VPNDriver.
base::TimeDelta ConnectAsync(EventHandler* handler) override;
void Disconnect() override;
IPConfig::Properties GetIPProperties() const override;
std::string GetProviderType() const override;
void OnConnectTimeout() override;
// Disconnects from the VPN service before suspend or when the current default
// physical service becomes unavailable. The reconnection behavior relies on
// whether the user sets "Automatically connect to this network".
void OnBeforeSuspend(const ResultCallback& callback) override;
void OnDefaultPhysicalServiceEvent(
DefaultPhysicalServiceEvent event) override;
friend class NewL2TPIPsecDriverUnderTest;
static const VPNDriver::Property kProperties[];
void NotifyServiceOfFailure(Service::ConnectFailure failure);
void StartIPsecConnection();
// Isolates the creation of VPNConnections for the ease of unit tests. These
// two functions are static, but we do not declare them as const also for the
// ease of unit tests.
mockable std::unique_ptr<VPNConnection> CreateIPsecConnection(
std::unique_ptr<IPsecConnection::Config> config,
std::unique_ptr<VPNConnection::Callbacks> callbacks,
std::unique_ptr<VPNConnection> l2tp_connection,
EventDispatcher* dispatcher,
ProcessManager* process_manager);
mockable std::unique_ptr<VPNConnection> CreateL2TPConnection(
std::unique_ptr<L2TPConnection::Config> config,
ControlInterface* control_interface,
DeviceInfo* device_info,
EventDispatcher* dispatcher,
ProcessManager* process_manager);
// Callbacks from IPsecConnection.
void OnIPsecConnected(const std::string& link_name,
int interface_index,
const IPConfig::Properties& ip_properties);
void OnIPsecFailure(Service::ConnectFailure failure);
void OnIPsecStopped();
// Inherit from VPNDriver to add custom properties.
KeyValueStore GetProvider(Error* error) override;
void ReportConnectionMetrics();
EventHandler* event_handler_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<VPNConnection> ipsec_connection_;
IPConfig::Properties ip_properties_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<NewL2TPIPsecDriver> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace shill