blob: c3350189eab078c0c7fe1288ee01158cdc1d161f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <hardware/camera3.h>
#include <base/callback_helpers.h>
#include <base/containers/flat_map.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
#include <base/synchronization/lock.h>
#include <base/threading/thread.h>
#include <base/timer/timer.h>
#include <camera/camera_metadata.h>
#include <mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_receiver.h>
#include <mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_remote.h>
#include <system/camera_metadata.h>
#include "camera/mojo/camera3.mojom.h"
#include "common/camera_hal3_helpers.h"
#include "common/stream_manipulator.h"
#include "common/utils/common_types.h"
#include "common/utils/cros_camera_mojo_utils.h"
#include "cros-camera/camera_buffer_manager.h"
#include "cros-camera/camera_metrics.h"
#include "hal_adapter/camera_metadata_inspector.h"
#include "hal_adapter/scoped_yuv_buffer_handle.h"
namespace cros {
class Camera3DeviceOpsDelegate;
class Camera3CallbackOpsDelegate;
// It is a watchdog-like monitor. It detects the kick event. If there is no
// kick event between 2 timeout it outputs log to indicate it. We can use it to
// detect if there is any continuous event stopped. e.g. capture request.
class CameraMonitor : public base::OneShotTimer {
explicit CameraMonitor(const std::string& name);
CameraMonitor(const CameraMonitor&) = delete;
CameraMonitor& operator=(const CameraMonitor&) = delete;
~CameraMonitor() override = default;
void Attach();
void Detach();
void StartMonitor(base::OnceClosure timeout_callback = base::DoNothing());
void Kick();
bool HasBeenKicked();
void SetTaskRunnerOnThread(base::Callback<void()> callback);
void StartMonitorOnThread();
void MaybeResumeMonitorOnThread();
void MonitorTimeout();
std::string name_;
// A thread that handles timeouts of request/response monitors.
base::Thread thread_;
base::Lock lock_;
bool is_kicked_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
base::OnceClosure timeout_callback_;
class CameraDeviceAdapter : public camera3_callback_ops_t {
camera3_device_t* camera_device,
uint32_t device_api_version,
const camera_metadata_t* static_info,
base::RepeatingCallback<int(int)> get_internal_camera_id_callback,
base::RepeatingCallback<int(int)> get_public_camera_id_callback,
base::Callback<void()> close_callback,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<StreamManipulator>> stream_manipulators);
using HasReprocessEffectVendorTagCallback =
base::Callback<bool(const camera_metadata_t&)>;
using ReprocessEffectCallback =
base::Callback<int32_t(const camera_metadata_t&,
using AllocatedBuffers =
base::flat_map<uint64_t, std::vector<mojom::Camera3StreamBufferPtr>>;
// Starts the camera device adapter. This method must be called before all
// the other methods are called.
bool Start(HasReprocessEffectVendorTagCallback
ReprocessEffectCallback reprocess_effect_callback);
// Bind() is called by CameraHalAdapter in OpenDevice() on the mojo IPC
// handler thread in |module_delegate_|.
void Bind(mojo::PendingReceiver<mojom::Camera3DeviceOps> device_ops_receiver);
// Callback interface for Camera3DeviceOpsDelegate.
// These methods are callbacks for |device_ops_delegate_| and are executed on
// the mojo IPC handler thread in |device_ops_delegate_|.
int32_t Initialize(
mojo::PendingRemote<mojom::Camera3CallbackOps> callback_ops);
int32_t ConfigureStreams(
mojom::Camera3StreamConfigurationPtr config,
mojom::Camera3StreamConfigurationPtr* updated_config);
mojom::CameraMetadataPtr ConstructDefaultRequestSettings(
mojom::Camera3RequestTemplate type);
int32_t ProcessCaptureRequest(mojom::Camera3CaptureRequestPtr request);
void Dump(mojo::ScopedHandle fd);
int32_t Flush();
int32_t RegisterBuffer(uint64_t buffer_id,
mojom::Camera3DeviceOps::BufferType type,
std::vector<mojo::ScopedHandle> fds,
uint32_t drm_format,
mojom::HalPixelFormat hal_pixel_format,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& strides,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& offsets);
int32_t Close();
int32_t ConfigureStreamsAndGetAllocatedBuffers(
mojom::Camera3StreamConfigurationPtr config,
mojom::Camera3StreamConfigurationPtr* updated_config,
AllocatedBuffers* allocated_buffers);
bool IsRequestOrResultStalling();
// Implementation of camera3_callback_ops_t.
static void ProcessCaptureResult(const camera3_callback_ops_t* ops,
const camera3_capture_result_t* result);
static void ReturnResultToClient(const camera3_callback_ops_t* ops,
Camera3CaptureDescriptor result);
static void Notify(const camera3_callback_ops_t* ops,
const camera3_notify_msg_t* msg);
// Allocates buffers for given |streams|. Returns true and the allocated
// buffers will be put in |allocated_buffers| if the allocation succeeds.
// Otherwise, false is returned.
bool AllocateBuffersForStreams(
const std::vector<mojom::Camera3StreamPtr>& streams,
AllocatedBuffers* allocated_buffers);
// Frees all allocated stream buffers that are allocated locally.
void FreeAllocatedStreamBuffers();
int32_t RegisterBufferLocked(uint64_t buffer_id,
std::vector<mojo::ScopedHandle> fds,
uint32_t drm_format,
mojom::HalPixelFormat hal_pixel_format,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& strides,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& offsets);
int32_t RegisterBufferLocked(mojom::CameraBufferHandlePtr buffer);
// NOTE: All the fds in |result| (e.g. fences and buffer handles) will be
// closed after the function returns. The caller needs to dup a fd in
// |result| if the fd will be accessed after calling ProcessCaptureResult.
mojom::Camera3CaptureResultPtr PrepareCaptureResult(
const camera3_capture_result_t* result);
mojom::Camera3NotifyMsgPtr PrepareNotifyMsg(const camera3_notify_msg_t* msg);
// Caller must hold |buffer_handles_lock_|.
void RemoveBufferLocked(const camera3_stream_buffer_t& buffer);
// Waits until |release_fence| is signaled and then deletes |buffer|.
void RemoveBufferOnFenceSyncThread(
base::ScopedFD release_fence,
std::unique_ptr<camera_buffer_handle_t> buffer);
void ReprocessEffectsOnReprocessEffectThread(
std::unique_ptr<Camera3CaptureDescriptor> req);
void ProcessReprocessRequestOnDeviceOpsThread(
std::unique_ptr<Camera3CaptureDescriptor> req,
base::Callback<void(int32_t)> callback);
void ResetDeviceOpsDelegateOnThread();
void ResetCallbackOpsDelegateOnThread();
// The thread that all the camera3 device ops operate on.
base::Thread camera_device_ops_thread_;
// The thread that all the Mojo communications of camera3 callback ops operate
// on.
base::Thread camera_callback_ops_thread_;
// A thread to asynchronously wait for release fences and destroy
// corresponding buffer handles. |fence_sync_thread_lock_| is used to
// synchronize thread start/stop/status checking on different threads.
base::Lock fence_sync_thread_lock_;
base::Thread fence_sync_thread_;
// A thread to apply reprocessing effects
base::Thread reprocess_effect_thread_;
// The delegate that handles the Camera3DeviceOps mojo IPC.
std::unique_ptr<Camera3DeviceOpsDelegate> device_ops_delegate_;
// The delegate that handles the Camera3CallbackOps mojo IPC.
std::unique_ptr<Camera3CallbackOpsDelegate> callback_ops_delegate_;
// Lock to protect |callback_ops_delegate_| as it is accessed on multiple
// threads.
base::Lock callback_ops_delegate_lock_;
// A callback to get the internal camera ID given its public camera ID.
base::RepeatingCallback<int(int)> get_internal_camera_id_callback_;
// A callback to get the public camera ID given its internal camera ID.
base::RepeatingCallback<int(int)> get_public_camera_id_callback_;
// The callback to run when the device is closed.
base::Callback<void()> close_callback_;
// Since Close() can be called in |camera_device_ops_thread_| or in
// main thread, use lock to protect |close_called_|.
base::Lock close_lock_;
// Set when Close() is called. No more calls to the device APIs may be
// made once |close_called_| is set.
bool close_called_ GUARDED_BY(close_lock_);
// The real camera device.
camera3_device_t* camera_device_;
// The API version of the camera device (e.g., CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_5).
uint32_t device_api_version_;
// The non-owning read-only view of the static camera characteristics of this
// device.
const camera_metadata_t* static_info_;
// Stores the request template for a given request type. The local reference
// is needed here because we need to modify the templates from HAL if ZSL is
// supported.
std::array<android::CameraMetadata, CAMERA3_TEMPLATE_COUNT>
// A mapping from Andoird HAL for all the configured streams.
internal::ScopedStreams streams_;
// A mutex to guard |streams_|.
base::Lock streams_lock_;
// A mapping from the locally created buffer handle to the handle ID of the
// imported buffer. We need to return the correct handle ID in
// ProcessCaptureResult so the camera client, which allocated the imported
// buffer, can restore the buffer handle in the capture result before passing
// up to the upper layer.
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::unique_ptr<camera_buffer_handle_t>>
// A mapping that stores all buffer handles that are allocated when streams
// are configured locally. When the session is over, all of these handles
// should be freed.
std::map<uint64_t, buffer_handle_t> allocated_stream_buffers_;
// A queue of reprocessing buffers.
std::deque<ScopedYUVBufferHandle> reprocess_handles_;
// A queue of original input buffer handles replaced by reprocessing ones.
std::deque<uint64_t> input_buffer_handle_ids_;
// A mapping from the frame number to the result metadata generated by
// reprocessing effects
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, android::CameraMetadata>
// A pending reprocessing request task for HAL to run.
base::OnceClosure process_reprocess_request_callback_;
base::Lock process_reprocess_request_callback_lock_;
// A mutex to guard |buffer_handles_|.
base::Lock buffer_handles_lock_;
// A mutex to guard |reprocess_handles_| and |input_buffer_handle_ids_|.
base::Lock reprocess_handles_lock_;
// A mutex to guard |reprocess_result_metadata_|.
base::Lock reprocess_result_metadata_lock_;
// The callback to check reprocessing effect vendor tags.
HasReprocessEffectVendorTagCallback has_reprocess_effect_vendor_tag_callback_;
// The callback to handle reprocessing effect.
ReprocessEffectCallback reprocess_effect_callback_;
// The metadata inspector to dump capture requests / results in realtime
// for debugging if enabled.
std::unique_ptr<CameraMetadataInspector> camera_metadata_inspector_;
// Metrics for camera service.
std::unique_ptr<CameraMetrics> camera_metrics_;
// ANDROID_PARTIAL_RESULT_COUNT from static metadata.
int32_t partial_result_count_;
// Monitors for capture requests and capture results. If there is no capture
// requests/responses for a while the monitors will output a log to indicate
// this situation.
CameraMonitor capture_request_monitor_;
CameraMonitor capture_result_monitor_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<StreamManipulator>> stream_manipulators_;
} // namespace cros