blob: b818b2b1d39b862636603af46db2e2a39cf70872 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <brillo/brillo_export.h>
#include "libsegmentation/feature_management.h"
#include "libsegmentation/feature_management_interface.h"
namespace segmentation {
namespace fake {
// A fake implementation that simulates the manipulation of features properties
// with an in-memory table. By default, all features are unset so getters
// will return |false| or 0.
class BRILLO_EXPORT FeatureManagementFake : public FeatureManagementInterface {
FeatureManagementFake() = default;
bool IsFeatureEnabled(const std::string& name) override;
FeatureLevel GetFeatureLevel() override;
FeatureLevel GetMaxFeatureLevel() override;
ScopeLevel GetScopeLevel() override;
const std::set<std::string> ListFeatures(const FeatureUsage usage) override;
// Set the feature level for the device.
// @param level: the feature level.
void SetFeatureLevel(FeatureLevel level);
// Set the max feature level for any device.
// @param level: the feature level.
void SetMaxFeatureLevel(FeatureLevel level);
// Set the scope level for the device.
// @param level: the scope level.
void SetScopeLevel(ScopeLevel level);
// Set the value of the specific feature.
// After the feature is set, IsFeatureEnabled() returns |true|.
// @param name The name of feature.
void SetFeature(const std::string& name, const FeatureUsage usage);
// Unset the value of the specific feature.
// After the feature is unset, IsFeatureEnabled() returns |false|.
// @param name The name of feature.
void UnsetFeature(const std::string& name);
FeatureLevel system_features_level_;
FeatureLevel max_features_level_;
ScopeLevel system_scope_level_;
std::map<const FeatureUsage, std::set<std::string>>
} // namespace fake
} // namespace segmentation