blob: 0f9c45675ed937b0ff59157f0e59716fa0abc9f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <linux/input.h>
#include <map>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include "touch_keyboard/statemachine/slot.h"
namespace mtstatemachine {
constexpr int kNumSlots = 10;
// The information reported by a state machine for a single finger
struct MtFinger {
int x, y;
int p;
int touch_major;
class MtStateMachine {
/* Multi-touch State Machine
* This class implements a multitouch state machine and interprets the
* individual touch kernel events in a manageable way. To use a state machine
* instantiate a new MtStateMachine object at the beginning of your program
* and then continually call AddEvent() to pass the new touch kernel events
* for processing. AddEvent() will return 'true' at the end of an entire
* frame (SYN event) and then the snapshot map you passed will be populated
* and ready for use. The snapshot is a mapping from tracking IDs to finger
* data at the time of the SYN event.
MtStateMachine(): slot_(0) {}
// Consume an input event and update the internal state. If this was a SYN
// (which means it's the end of a full update) populate out_snapshot with
// the current state and return true. Otherwise leave out_snapshot unchanged
// and return false to indicate there is still more events on the way.
bool AddEvent(struct input_event const &ev,
std::map<int, struct MtFinger> *out_snapshot);
int slot_;
Slot slots_[kNumSlots];
// Populate out_snapshot with the current state of the MtStateMachine.
void FillSnapshot(std::map<int, struct MtFinger> *out_snapshot);
} // namespace mtstatemachine