blob: 22aaeb5e459a79f22c461c8f43bb49a41b61f63c [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Linter for checking GYP files used in platform2 projects."""
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import os
import re
import sys
import gyp_compiler
# Find chromite!
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
'..', '..', '..'))
from chromite.lib import commandline
from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
# Object holding the result of a lint check.
LintResult = collections.namedtuple('LintResult', (
# The name of the linter checking.
# The file the issue was found in.
# The message for this check.
# The type of result -- error, warning, etc...
def WalkGyp(functor, gypdata):
"""Walk |gypdata| and call |functor| on each node."""
def WalkNode(node):
ret = []
if isinstance(node, dict):
for k, v in node.items():
ret += functor(k, v)
ret += WalkNode(v)
elif isinstance(node, (tuple, list)):
for v in node:
ret += WalkNode(v)
return ret
return WalkNode(gypdata)
def GypLintLibFlags(gypdata):
"""-lfoo flags belong in 'libraries' and not 'ldflags'."""
def CheckNode(key, value):
ret = []
if key.startswith('ldflags'):
for flag in value:
if flag.startswith('-l'):
ret.append('-l flags should be in "libraries", not "ldflags": %s' %
return ret
return WalkGyp(CheckNode, gypdata)
def GypLintVisibilityFlags(gypdata):
"""Packages should not change -fvisibility settings."""
def CheckNode(key, value):
ret = []
if key.startswith('cflags'):
for flag in value:
if flag.startswith('-fvisibility'):
ret.append('do not use -fvisibility; to export symbols, use '
'brillo/brillo_export.h instead')
return ret
return WalkGyp(CheckNode, gypdata)
def GypLintDefineFlags(gypdata):
"""-D flags should be in 'defines', not cflags."""
def CheckNode(key, value):
ret = []
if key.startswith('cflags'):
for flag in value:
if flag.startswith('-D'):
ret.append('-D flags should be in "defines", not "%s": %s' %
(key, flag))
return ret
return WalkGyp(CheckNode, gypdata)
def GypLintCommonTesting(gypdata):
"""Packages should use common_test.gypi instead of -lgtest/-lgmock."""
def CheckNode(key, value):
ret = []
if key.startswith('ldflags') or key.startswith('libraries'):
if '-lgtest' in value or '-lgmock' in value:
ret.append('use common-mk/common_test.gypi for tests instead of '
'linking against -lgtest/-lgmock directly')
return ret
return WalkGyp(CheckNode, gypdata)
# It's not easy to auto-discover pkg-config files as we don't require a chroot
# or a fully installed sysroot to run this linter. Plus, there's no clean way
# to correlate -lfoo names with pkg-config .pc file names. List the packages
# that we tend to use in platform2 projects.
'-lblkid': 'blkid',
'-lcap': 'libcap',
'-lcrypto': 'libcrypto',
'-ldbus-1': 'dbus-1',
'-ldbus-c++-1': 'dbus-c++-1',
'-ldbus-glib-1': 'dbus-glib-1',
'-lexpat': 'expat',
'-lfuse': 'fuse',
'-lglib-2.0': 'glib-2.0',
'-lgobject-2.0': 'gobject-2.0',
'-lgthread-2.0': 'gthread-2.0',
'-lminijail': 'libminijail',
'-lpcre': 'libpcre',
'-lpcrecpp': 'libpcrecpp',
'-lpcreposix': 'libpcreposix',
'-lprotobuf': 'protobuf',
'-lprotobuf-lite': 'protobuf-lite',
'-lssl': 'libssl',
'-ludev': 'libudev',
'-lusb-1.0': 'libusb-1.0',
'-luuid': 'uuid',
'-lz': 'zlib',
KNOWN_PC_LIBS = frozenset(KNOWN_PC_FILES.keys())
def GypLintPkgConfigs(gypdata):
"""Use pkg-config files for known libs instead of manual -lfoo linkage."""
def CheckNode(key, value):
ret = []
if key.startswith('ldflags') or key.startswith('libraries'):
for v in KNOWN_PC_LIBS & set(value):
ret.append(('use pkg-config instead: delete "%s" from "%s" and add '
'"%s" to "deps"') % (v, key, KNOWN_PC_FILES[v]))
return ret
return WalkGyp(CheckNode, gypdata)
def RawLintWhitespace(data):
"""Make sure whitespace is sane."""
ret = []
if not data.endswith('\n'):
ret.append('missing newline at end of file')
return ret
def LineIsComment(line):
"""Whether this entire line is a comment (and whitespace).
Note: This doesn't handle inline comments like:
[ # Blah blah.
But we discourage those in general, so shouldn't be a problem.
return line.lstrip().startswith('#')
def LinesLintWhitespace(lines):
"""Make sure whitespace is sane."""
ret = []
for i, line in enumerate(lines, 1):
if '\t' in line:
ret.append('use spaces, not tabs: line %i: %s' % (i, line))
if line.rstrip() != line:
ret.append('delete trailing whitespace: line %i: %s' % (i, line))
if lines:
if not lines[0]:
ret.append('delete leading blanklines')
if not lines[-1]:
ret.append('delete trailing blanklines')
return ret
def LinesLintDanglingCommas(lines):
"""Check for missing dangling commas."""
ret = []
for i, line in enumerate(lines, 1):
if not LineIsComment(line):
if len(line) > 1 and line.endswith(('}', ']', "'")):
ret.append('add a dangling comma: line %i: %s' % (i, line))
return ret
def LinesLintSingleQuotes(lines):
"""Check for double quote usage."""
ret = []
for i, line in enumerate(lines, 1):
if not LineIsComment(line):
if line.endswith('"'):
ret.append('use single quotes instead of double quotes: line %i: %s' %
(i, line))
return ret
# The regex used to find gyplint options in the file.
# This matches the regex pylint uses.
OPTIONS_RE = re.compile(r'^\s*#.*\bgyplint:\s*([^\n;]+)', flags=re.MULTILINE)
# Object holding linter settings.
LintSettings = collections.namedtuple('LinterSettings', (
# Linters to skip.
def ParseOptions(options, name=None):
"""Parse out the linter settings from |options|.
Currently we support:
disable=<linter name>
options: A list of linter options (e.g. ['foo=bar']).
name: The file we're parsing.
A LintSettings object.
skip = set()
for option in options:
key, value = option.split('=', 1)
key = key.strip()
value = value.strip()
if key == 'disable':
skip.update(x.strip() for x in value.split(','))
raise ValueError('%s: unknown gyplint option: %s' % (name, key))
return LintSettings(skip)
def RunLinters(prefix, name, data, settings=None):
"""Run linters starting with |prefix| against |data|."""
if settings is None:
settings = ParseOptions([])
linters = [x for x in globals()
if x.startswith(prefix) and x not in settings.skip]
ret = []
for linter in linters:
functor = globals().get(linter)
for result in functor(data):
ret.append(LintResult(linter, name, result, logging.ERROR))
return ret
def CheckGyp(name, gypdata, settings=None):
"""Check |gypdata| for common mistakes."""
return RunLinters('GypLint', name, gypdata, settings=settings)
def CheckGypData(name, data):
"""Check |data| (gyp file as a string) for common mistakes."""
gypdata = gyp_compiler.CheckedEval(data)
except Exception as e:
return [LintResult('gyp.input.CheckedEval', name, 'invalid format: %s' % e,
# Parse the gyplint flags in the file.
m = OPTIONS_RE.findall(data)
settings = ParseOptions(m, name=name)
lines = data.splitlines()
ret = []
# Run linters on the raw data first (for style/syntax).
ret += RunLinters('RawLint', name, data, settings=settings)
ret += RunLinters('LinesLint', name, lines, settings=settings)
# Then run linters against the parsed AST.
ret += CheckGyp(name, gypdata, settings)
return ret
def CheckGypFile(gypfile):
"""Check |gypfile| for common mistakes."""
with open(gypfile) as fp:
return CheckGypData(gypfile,
def FilterFiles(files, extensions):
"""Filter out |files| based on |extensions|."""
for f in files:
# Chop of the leading period as we'll get back ".bin".
extension = os.path.splitext(f)[1][1:]
if extension in extensions and not os.path.basename(f).startswith('.'):
logging.debug('Checking %s', f)
yield f
logging.debug('Skipping %s', f)
def FilterPaths(paths, extensions):
"""Walk |paths| recursively and filter out content in it."""
files = []
dirs = []
for path in paths:
if os.path.isdir(path):
for gypfile in FilterFiles(files, extensions):
yield gypfile
for gypdir in dirs:
for root, _, files in os.walk(gypdir):
for gypfile in FilterFiles(files, extensions):
yield os.path.join(root, gypfile)
def GetParser():
"""Return an argument parser."""
parser = commandline.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument('--extensions', default='gyp,gypi',
help='Comma delimited file extensions to check. '
'(default: %(default)s)')
parser.add_argument('files', nargs='*',
help='Files to run lint.')
return parser
def main(argv):
parser = GetParser()
opts = parser.parse_args(argv)
if not opts.files:
logging.warning('No files provided to lint. Doing nothing.')
return 0
extensions = set(opts.extensions.split(','))
num_files = 0
for gypfile in FilterPaths(opts.files, extensions):
results = CheckGypFile(gypfile)
if results:
logging.error('**** %s: found %i issue(s)', gypfile, len(results))
for result in results:
logging.log(result.type, '%s: %s', result.linter, result.msg)
num_files += 1
if num_files:
logging.error('%i file(s) failed linting', num_files)
return 1 if num_files else 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
commandline.ScriptWrapperMain(lambda _: main)