blob: 7e1f746ba76002d832768331732749eafd09472b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "shill/socket_info.h"
namespace shill {
class SocketInfoReader {
virtual ~SocketInfoReader();
// Returns the file path (/proc/net/tcp by default) from where TCP/IPv4
// socket information are read. Overloadded by unit tests to return a
// different file path.
virtual base::FilePath GetTcpv4SocketInfoFilePath() const;
// Returns the file path (/proc/net/tcp6 by default) from where TCP/IPv6
// socket information are read. Overloadded by unit tests to return a
// different file path.
virtual base::FilePath GetTcpv6SocketInfoFilePath() const;
// Loads TCP socket information from /proc/net/tcp and /proc/net/tcp6.
// Existing entries in |info_list| are always discarded. Returns false
// if when neither /proc/net/tcp nor /proc/net/tcp6 can be read.
virtual bool LoadTcpSocketInfo(std::vector<SocketInfo>* info_list);
FRIEND_TEST(SocketInfoReaderTest, AppendSocketInfo);
FRIEND_TEST(SocketInfoReaderTest, ParseConnectionState);
FRIEND_TEST(SocketInfoReaderTest, ParseIPAddress);
FRIEND_TEST(SocketInfoReaderTest, ParseIPAddressAndPort);
FRIEND_TEST(SocketInfoReaderTest, ParsePort);
FRIEND_TEST(SocketInfoReaderTest, ParseSocketInfo);
FRIEND_TEST(SocketInfoReaderTest, ParseTimerState);
FRIEND_TEST(SocketInfoReaderTest, ParseTransimitAndReceiveQueueValues);
bool AppendSocketInfo(const base::FilePath& info_file_path,
std::vector<SocketInfo>* info_list);
bool ParseSocketInfo(const std::string& input, SocketInfo* socket_info);
bool ParseIPAddressAndPort(
const std::string& input, IPAddress* ip_address, uint16_t* port);
bool ParseIPAddress(const std::string& input, IPAddress* ip_address);
bool ParsePort(const std::string& input, uint16_t* port);
bool ParseTransimitAndReceiveQueueValues(
const std::string& input,
uint64_t* transmit_queue_value, uint64_t* receive_queue_value);
bool ParseConnectionState(const std::string& input,
SocketInfo::ConnectionState* connection_state);
bool ParseTimerState(const std::string& input,
SocketInfo::TimerState* timer_state);
} // namespace shill