blob: 17f5b0617ddc0a27edc3cc73dd778e040edc08e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <time.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/cancelable_callback.h>
#include "shill/metrics.h"
#include "shill/net/byte_string.h"
#include "shill/refptr_types.h"
namespace shill {
class ActiveLinkMonitor;
class DeviceInfo;
class EventDispatcher;
class PassiveLinkMonitor;
class Time;
class LinkMonitor {
typedef base::Closure FailureCallback;
typedef base::Closure GatewayChangeCallback;
// The default number of milliseconds between ARP requests used by
// ActiveLinkMonitor. Needed by Metrics.
static const int kDefaultTestPeriodMilliseconds;
// The default list of technologies for which link monitoring is enabled.
// Needed by DefaultProfile.
static const char kDefaultLinkMonitorTechnologies[];
// Failure threshold count used by ActiveLinkMonitor. Needed by Metrics.
static const int kFailureThreshold;
LinkMonitor(const ConnectionRefPtr& connection,
EventDispatcher* dispatcher, // Owned by caller; can't be NULL.
Metrics* metrics, // Owned by caller; must not be NULL.
DeviceInfo* device_info,
const FailureCallback& failure_callback,
const GatewayChangeCallback& gateway_change_callback);
virtual ~LinkMonitor();
// Starts link-monitoring on the selected connection. Returns
// true if successful, false otherwise.
virtual bool Start();
// Stop link-monitoring on the selected connection. Clears any
// accumulated statistics.
virtual void Stop();
// Inform LinkMonitor that the system is resuming from sleep.
// LinkMonitor will immediately start the ActiveLinkMonitor, using a lower
// timeout than normal.
virtual void OnAfterResume();
// Return modified cumulative average of the gateway ARP response
// time. Returns zero if no samples are available. For each
// missed ARP response, the sample is assumed to be the full
// test period.
virtual int GetResponseTimeMilliseconds() const;
// Returns true if the LinkMonitor was ever able to find the default
// gateway via broadcast ARP.
virtual bool IsGatewayFound() const;
const ByteString& gateway_mac_address() const {
return gateway_mac_address_;
friend class LinkMonitorTest;
void OnActiveLinkMonitorFailure(Metrics::LinkMonitorFailure failure,
int broadcast_failure_count,
int unicast_failure_count);
void OnActiveLinkMonitorSuccess();
void OnPassiveLinkMonitorResultCallback(bool status);
// The connection on which to perform link monitoring.
ConnectionRefPtr connection_;
// Dispatcher on which to create delayed tasks.
EventDispatcher* dispatcher_;
// Metrics instance on which to post performance results.
Metrics* metrics_;
// Failure callback method to call if LinkMonitor fails.
FailureCallback failure_callback_;
// Callback method to call if gateway mac address changes.
GatewayChangeCallback gateway_change_callback_;
std::unique_ptr<ActiveLinkMonitor> active_link_monitor_;
std::unique_ptr<PassiveLinkMonitor> passive_link_monitor_;
// The MAC address of the default gateway.
ByteString gateway_mac_address_;
// The time at which the link monitor started.
struct timeval started_monitoring_at_;
// Time instance for performing GetTimeMonotonic().
Time* time_;
} // namespace shill