blob: 38b1ed7d7f981ec740f66f99e6913cecbb27e29a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "shill/vpn/wireguard_driver.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/callback_helpers.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/stl_util.h>
#include <base/strings/strcat.h>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <base/strings/string_split.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
#include "shill/logging.h"
#include "shill/manager.h"
#include "shill/process_manager.h"
namespace shill {
namespace Logging {
static auto kModuleLogScope = ScopeLogger::kVPN;
static std::string ObjectID(const WireguardDriver*) {
return "(wireguard_driver)";
} // namespace Logging
namespace {
const char kWireguardPath[] = "/usr/sbin/wireguard";
const char kWireguardToolsPath[] = "/usr/sbin/wg";
const char kDefaultInterfaceName[] = "wg0";
// Directory where wireguard configuration files are exported. The owner of this
// directory is vpn:vpn, so both shill and wireguard client can access it.
const char kWireguardConfigDir[] = "/run/wireguard";
// Timeout value for spawning the userspace wireguard process and configuring
// the interface via wireguard-tools.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kConnectTimeout = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(10);
// User and group we use to run wireguard binaries.
const char kVpnUser[] = "vpn";
const char kVpnGroup[] = "vpn";
constexpr gid_t kVpnGid = 20174;
} // namespace
// TODO(b/177876632): These should be moved to dbus-constants once we have
// confirmed the fields we need.
const char kWireguardPrivateKey[] = "Wireguard.PrivateKey";
const char kWireguardAddress[] = "Wireguard.Address";
const char kWireguardPeerPublicKey[] = "Wireguard.Peer.PublicKey";
const char kWireguardPeerPresharedKey[] = "Wireguard.Peer.PresharedKey";
const char kWireguardPeerEndPoint[] = "Wireguard.Peer.EndPoint";
const char kWireguardPeerAllowedIPs[] = "Wireguard.Peer.AllowedIPs";
const char kWireguardPeerPersistentKeepalive[] =
// static
const VPNDriver::Property WireguardDriver::kProperties[] = {
{kProviderHostProperty, 0},
{kProviderTypeProperty, 0},
// Properties for the interface. ListenPort is not here since we current
// only support the "client mode".
{kWireguardPrivateKey, 0},
// Address for the wireguard interface. Note that this is not required for
// configuring the interface by wireguard-tools, but is required for
// populating routing entries in IPProperties, so we put it here instead of
// in the StaticIPParameters. See PopulateIPProperties() for details.
// TODO(b/177876632): Verify that putting other properties for the interface
// (i.e., DNS and MTU) are in the StaticIPParameters works.
{kWireguardAddress, 0},
// Properties for a peer. Currently we only support one peer.
{kWireguardPeerPublicKey, 0},
{kWireguardPeerPresharedKey, 0},
{kWireguardPeerEndPoint, 0},
// Note that AllowedIPs is a list of CIDR addresses. We treat it as a
// comma-separated string instead of an array here for simplicity now.
{kWireguardPeerAllowedIPs, 0},
{kWireguardPeerPersistentKeepalive, 0},
WireguardDriver::WireguardDriver(Manager* manager,
ProcessManager* process_manager)
: VPNDriver(
manager, process_manager, kProperties, base::size(kProperties)) {}
WireguardDriver::~WireguardDriver() {
base::TimeDelta WireguardDriver::ConnectAsync(EventHandler* event_handler) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
event_handler_ = event_handler;
return kConnectTimeout;
void WireguardDriver::Disconnect() {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
event_handler_ = nullptr;
IPConfig::Properties WireguardDriver::GetIPProperties() const {
return ip_properties_;
std::string WireguardDriver::GetProviderType() const {
return kProviderWireguard;
void WireguardDriver::OnConnectTimeout() {
FailService(Service::kFailureConnect, "Connect timeout");
void WireguardDriver::ConnectInternal() {
// Claims the interface before the wireguard process creates it.
// TODO(b/177876632): Actually when the tunnel interface is ready, it cannot
// guarantee that the wireguard-tools can talk with the userspace wireguard
// process now. We should also wait for another event that the UAPI socket
// appears (which is a UNIX-domain socket created by the userspace wireguard
// process at a fixed path: `/var/run/wireguard/wg0.sock`).
if (!SpawnWireguard()) {
FailService(Service::kFailureInternal, "Failed to spawn wireguard process");
bool WireguardDriver::SpawnWireguard() {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
// TODO(b/177876632): Change this part after we decide the userspace binary to
// use. For wireguard-go, we need to change the way to invoke minijail; for
// wireugard-rs, we need to add `--disable-drop-privileges` or change the
// capmask.
std::vector<std::string> args = {
uint64_t capmask = CAP_TO_MASK(CAP_NET_ADMIN);
wireguard_pid_ = process_manager()->StartProcessInMinijail(
FROM_HERE, base::FilePath(kWireguardPath), args,
/*environment=*/{}, kVpnUser, kVpnGroup, capmask,
/*inherit_supplementary_groups=*/true, /*close_nonstd_fds=*/true,
return wireguard_pid_ > -1;
void WireguardDriver::WireguardProcessExited(int exit_code) {
wireguard_pid_ = -1;
base::StringPrintf("wireguard process exited unexpectedly with code=%d",
bool WireguardDriver::AppendConfig(const std::string& key_in_config,
const std::string& key_in_args,
bool is_required,
std::vector<std::string>* lines) {
std::string value = args()->Lookup<std::string>(key_in_args, "");
if (value.empty()) {
if (is_required) {
LOG(ERROR) << key_in_args << " is required but is empty or not set.";
return false;
return true;
lines->push_back(base::StrCat({key_in_config, "=", value}));
return true;
bool WireguardDriver::GenerateConfigFile() {
std::vector<std::string> lines;
// [Interface] section
if (!AppendConfig("PrivateKey", kWireguardPrivateKey, true, &lines)) {
return false;
// TODO(b/177876632): FwMark can be set here.
// [Peer] section
if (!AppendConfig("PublicKey", kWireguardPeerPublicKey, true, &lines) ||
!AppendConfig("PresharedKey", kWireguardPeerPresharedKey, false,
&lines) ||
!AppendConfig("AllowedIPs", kWireguardPeerAllowedIPs, true, &lines) ||
!AppendConfig("EndPoint", kWireguardPeerEndPoint, true, &lines) ||
!AppendConfig("PersistentKeepalive", kWireguardPeerPersistentKeepalive,
false, &lines)) {
return false;
// Writes |lines| into the file.
const base::FilePath config_dir = base::FilePath(kWireguardConfigDir);
if (!base::CreateTemporaryFileInDir(config_dir, &config_file_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create wireguard config file.";
return false;
std::string contents = base::JoinString(lines, "\n");
if (!base::WriteFile(config_file_, contents)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write wireguard config file";
return false;
// Makes the config file group-readable and change its group to "vpn". Note
// that the owner of a file may change the group of the file to any group of
// which that owner is a member, so we can change the group to "vpn" here
// since "shill" is a member of "vpn".
if (chmod(config_file_.value().c_str(), S_IRGRP) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to make config file group-readable";
return false;
if (chown(config_file_.value().c_str(), -1, kVpnGid) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to change gid of config file";
return false;
return true;
void WireguardDriver::ConfigureInterface(const std::string& /*interface_name*/,
int interface_index) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
if (!event_handler_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Missing event_handler_";
interface_index_ = interface_index;
if (!GenerateConfigFile()) {
FailService(Service::kFailureInternal, "Failed to generate config file");
std::vector<std::string> args = {"setconf", kDefaultInterfaceName,
pid_t pid = process_manager()->StartProcessInMinijail(
FROM_HERE, base::FilePath(kWireguardToolsPath), args,
/*environment=*/{}, kVpnUser, kVpnGroup, /*caps=*/0, true, true,
if (pid == -1) {
FailService(Service::kFailureInternal, "Failed to run `wg setconf`");
void WireguardDriver::OnConfigurationDone(int exit_code) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": exit_code=" << exit_code;
if (exit_code != 0) {
base::StringPrintf("Failed to run `wg setconf`, code=%d", exit_code));
if (!PopulateIPProperties()) {
FailService(Service::kFailureInternal, "Failed to populate ip properties");
event_handler_->OnDriverConnected(kDefaultInterfaceName, interface_index_);
bool WireguardDriver::PopulateIPProperties() {
ip_properties_.default_route = false;
const auto address =
IPAddress(args()->Lookup<std::string>(kWireguardAddress, ""));
if (!address.IsValid()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "WireguardAddress property is not valid";
return false;
ip_properties_.address_family =;
ip_properties_.address = address.ToString();
// When we arrive here, the value of AllowedIPs has already been validated
// by wireguard-tools. AllowedIPs is comma-separated list of CIDR-notation
// addresses (e.g., ",").
std::string allowed_ips_str =
args()->Lookup<std::string>(kWireguardPeerAllowedIPs, "");
std::vector<std::string> allowed_ip_list = base::SplitString(
allowed_ips_str, ",", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_NONEMPTY);
for (const auto& allowed_ip_str : allowed_ip_list) {
IPAddress allowed_ip;
// Currently only supports IPv4 addresses.
if (!allowed_ip.SetAddressAndPrefixFromString(allowed_ip_str)) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Invalid allowed ip: " << allowed_ip_str;
return false;
// We don't need a gateway here, so use the "default" address as the
// gateways, and then RoutingTable will skip RTA_GATEWAY when installing
// this entry.
return true;
void WireguardDriver::FailService(Service::ConnectFailure failure,
const std::string& error_details) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Driver error: " << error_details;
if (event_handler_) {
event_handler_->OnDriverFailure(failure, error_details);
event_handler_ = nullptr;
void WireguardDriver::Cleanup() {
if (wireguard_pid_ != -1) {
wireguard_pid_ = -1;
interface_index_ = -1;
ip_properties_ = {};
if (!config_file_.empty()) {
if (!base::DeleteFile(config_file_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to delete wireguard config file";
} // namespace shill