blob: a679c8a5866186e929814815cbedbcf18e20534a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback_helpers.h>
#include <base/callback_forward.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <brillo/brillo_export.h>
#include <shill/dbus-proxies.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
namespace shill {
constexpr base::TimeDelta kDefaultDBusTimeout =
// Shill D-Bus client for listening to common manager, service and device
// properties. This class is the result of an effort to consolidate a lot of
// duplicated boilerplate across multiple platform2 packages.
// TODO(garrick): Integrate into applicable platform2 packages.
class BRILLO_EXPORT Client {
// IPConfig for a device. If the device does not have a valid ipv4/ipv6
// config, the corresponding fields will be empty or 0.
// TODO(jiejiang): add the following fields into this struct:
// - IPv4 search domains
// - IPv6 search domains
// - MTU (one only per network)
struct IPConfig {
bool operator==(const IPConfig& that) const {
return this->ipv4_prefix_length == that.ipv4_prefix_length &&
this->ipv4_address == that.ipv4_address &&
this->ipv4_gateway == that.ipv4_gateway &&
this->ipv4_dns_addresses == that.ipv4_dns_addresses &&
this->ipv6_prefix_length == that.ipv6_prefix_length &&
this->ipv6_address == that.ipv6_address &&
this->ipv6_gateway == that.ipv6_gateway &&
this->ipv6_dns_addresses == that.ipv6_dns_addresses;
int ipv4_prefix_length;
std::string ipv4_address;
std::string ipv4_gateway;
std::vector<std::string> ipv4_dns_addresses;
int ipv6_prefix_length;
// Note due to the limitation of shill, we will only get one IPv6 address
// from it. This address should be the privacy address for device with type
// of ethernet or wifi.
// TODO(garrick): Support multiple IPv6 configurations.
std::string ipv6_address;
std::string ipv6_gateway;
std::vector<std::string> ipv6_dns_addresses;
// Represents a subset of properties from org.chromium.flimflam.Device.
// TODO(jiejiang): add the following fields into this struct:
// - the DBus path of the Service associated to this Device if any
// - the connection state of the Service, if possible by translating back to
// the enum shill::Service::ConnectState
struct Device {
// A subset of shill::Technology::Type.
enum class Type {
// From shill::ConnectState.
enum class ConnectionState {
bool operator==(const Device& that) const {
return this->type == that.type && this->ifname == that.ifname &&
this->ipconfig == that.ipconfig;
Type type;
ConnectionState state;
std::string ifname;
IPConfig ipconfig;
template <class Proxy>
class PropertyAccessor {
PropertyAccessor(Proxy* proxy,
const base::TimeDelta& timeout = kDefaultDBusTimeout)
: proxy_(proxy), timeout_(timeout.InMilliseconds()) {
virtual ~PropertyAccessor() = default;
PropertyAccessor(const PropertyAccessor&) = delete;
PropertyAccessor& operator=(const PropertyAccessor&) = delete;
// Synchronous setter.
virtual bool Set(const std::string& name,
const brillo::Any& value,
brillo::ErrorPtr* error) {
return proxy_->SetProperty(name, value, error, timeout_);
// Asynchronous setter.
virtual void Set(const std::string& name,
const brillo::Any& value,
const base::Callback<void()>& success,
const base::Callback<void(brillo::Error*)>& error) {
proxy_->SetPropertyAsync(name, value, success, error, timeout_);
// Get all properties.
virtual bool Get(brillo::VariantDictionary* properties,
brillo::ErrorPtr* error) const {
return proxy_->GetProperties(properties, error, timeout_);
// Get one property or its default empty value if not found.
template <class T>
bool Get(const std::string& name,
T* property,
brillo::ErrorPtr* error) const {
brillo::VariantDictionary properties;
if (!Get(&properties, error))
return false;
*property = brillo::GetVariantValueOrDefault<T>(properties, name);
return true;
// TODO(garrick): Async getters.
// TODO(garrick): Clear.
// Register a handler for changes to a property.
void Watch(const std::string& name,
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const brillo::Any&)> handler) {
void OnPropertyChangeRegistration(const std::string& interface,
const std::string& name,
bool success) {
if (!success) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed to watch property [" << name << "] on ["
<< interface << "]";
void OnPropertyChange(const std::string& name, const brillo::Any& value) {
const auto it = handlers_.find(name);
if (it != handlers_.end())
for (const auto& h : it->second)
Proxy* proxy_;
const int timeout_;
std::vector<base::RepeatingCallback<void(const brillo::Any&)>>>
base::WeakPtrFactory<PropertyAccessor> weak_factory_{this};
using ManagerPropertyAccessor =
using ServicePropertyAccessor =
using DefaultServiceChangedHandler =
base::Callback<void(const std::string& type)>;
using DeviceChangedHandler = base::Callback<void(const Device* const)>;
explicit Client(scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus);
virtual ~Client() = default;
Client(const Client&) = delete;
Client& operator=(const Client&) = delete;
// Initiates the connection to DBus and starts processing signals.
virtual void Init();
// |handler| will be invoked when shill's DBus service is available.
// If called and the service is up, it will return true immediately,
// if there is an internal error, it will return false immediately,
// otherwise it will be called at a future point when the service owner
// is updated.
virtual void RegisterOnAvailableCallback(
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> handler);
// |handler| will be invoked whenever shill exits. The boolean parameter
// passed to the callback will be true if a new shill process was started and
// now owns the dbus service; it will be false if shill is no longer running
// (or at least, is no longer available on dbus).
// Only one handler may be registered.
virtual void RegisterProcessChangedHandler(
const base::RepeatingCallback<void(bool)>& handler);
// |handler| will be invoked whenever the default service changes, i.e.
// whenever the default service switches from "none" to a valid path or
// vice-versa.
// Multiple handlers may be registered.
virtual void RegisterDefaultServiceChangedHandler(
const DefaultServiceChangedHandler& handler);
// |handler| will be invoked whenever the device associated with the default
// service changes. The following changes will triggers this handler:
// * The default service itself changes,
// * The default service is connected or disconnected,
// * The device connected to the default service changes,
// * The IP configuration of the default device changes.
// If the default service is disconnected, the device will be null.
// Multiple handlers may be registered.
virtual void RegisterDefaultDeviceChangedHandler(
const DeviceChangedHandler& handler);
// |handler| will be invoked whenever there is a change to tracked properties
// which currently include:
// * The device's IPConfigs,
// * The state of the device's connected service.
// Multiple handlers may be registered.
virtual void RegisterDeviceChangedHandler(
const DeviceChangedHandler& handler);
// |handler| will be invoked whenever a device is added or removed from shill.
// Note that if the default service switches to VPN, the corresponding device
// will be added and tracked. This will not occur for any other type of
// virtual device. Handlers can use |Device.type| to filter, if necessary.
// Multiple handlers may be registered.
virtual void RegisterDeviceAddedHandler(const DeviceChangedHandler& handler);
virtual void RegisterDeviceRemovedHandler(
const DeviceChangedHandler& handler);
// Returns a manipulator interface for Manager properties.
virtual std::unique_ptr<ManagerPropertyAccessor> ManagerProperties(
const base::TimeDelta& timeout = kDefaultDBusTimeout) const;
// Returns the default device.
// If |exclude_vpn| is true, then the device returned will be associated with
// the highest priority service that is not of type "vpn".
// This method always queries the Manager for the latest proeprties. The
// default device can be passively tracked by registering the appropriate
// handler (assuming one is interested in the VPN device).
virtual std::unique_ptr<Device> DefaultDevice(bool exclude_vpn);
// All of the methods and members with protected access scope are needed for
// unit testing.
// Invoked when the DBus service owner name changes, which occurs when the
// service is stopped (new_owner is empty) or restarted (new_owner !=
// old_owner)
// This will trigger any existing proxies to the existing service to be reset,
// and a new manager proxy will be established.
void OnOwnerChange(const std::string& old_owner,
const std::string& new_owner);
// This callback is invoked whenever a manager property change signal is
// received; if the property is one we pay attention to the corresponding
// Handle*Changed handler will be called.
void OnManagerPropertyChange(const std::string& property_name,
const brillo::Any& property_value);
// This callback is invoked whenever the default service property change
// signal is received; if the property is one we pay attention to the
// corresponding Handler*Changed handler will be called.
void OnDefaultServicePropertyChange(const std::string& property_name,
const brillo::Any& property_value);
// This callback is invoked whenever a device property change signal is
// received; if the property is one we pay attention to the corresponding
// handler will be invoked. If the device is new, it will be added to the
// internal list that are tracked.
void OnDevicePropertyChange(bool device_added,
const std::string& device_path,
const std::string& property_name,
const brillo::Any& property_value);
// This callback is invoked whenever a service property change signal is
// received for a service that is connected to a particular device. In this
// case |device_path| will be non-empty. Note that if the service in question
// is also the default service, this handler will be called as well as the
// default service change handler.
void OnServicePropertyChange(const std::string& device_path,
const std::string& property_name,
const brillo::Any& property_value);
// Methods for managing proxy objects. These are overridden in tests to ensure
// registration hooks, callbacks and properties can be plumbed back through
// the interfaces as needed.
virtual void NewManagerProxy();
virtual void ReleaseManagerProxy();
virtual void NewDefaultServiceProxy(const dbus::ObjectPath& service_path);
virtual void ReleaseDefaultServiceProxy();
virtual std::unique_ptr<org::chromium::flimflam::DeviceProxyInterface>
NewDeviceProxy(const dbus::ObjectPath& device_path);
virtual std::unique_ptr<org::chromium::flimflam::ServiceProxyInterface>
NewServiceProxy(const dbus::ObjectPath& service_path);
// This callback is invoked whenever the default service changes, that is,
// when it switches from one service to another. If applicable, the callback
// set via RegisterDefaultServiceChangedHandler will be invoked.
void HandleDefaultServiceChanged(const brillo::Any& property_value);
// This callback is invoked whenever the (physical) device list provided by
// shill changes.
void HandleDevicesChanged(const brillo::Any& property_value);
// Invoked whenever a device's selected service changes.
Device* HandleSelectedServiceChanged(const std::string& device_path,
const brillo::Any& property_value);
// This callback is invoked whenever a new manager proxy is created. It will
// trigger the discovery of the default service.
void OnManagerPropertyChangeRegistration(const std::string& interface,
const std::string& signal_name,
bool success);
// This callback is invoked whenever a new default service proxy is created.
// It will trigger the discovery of the device associated with the default
// service.
void OnDefaultServicePropertyChangeRegistration(
const std::string& interface,
const std::string& signal_name,
bool success);
// This callback is invoked whenever a new device proxy is created. It will
// trigger the discovery of the device properties we care about including its
// type, interface name and IP configuration.
void OnDevicePropertyChangeRegistration(const std::string& device_path,
const std::string& interface,
const std::string& signal_name,
bool success);
// This callback is invoked whenever a new selected service proxy is created.
// It will trigger the discovery of service properties we care about including
// the connected state.
void OnServicePropertyChangeRegistration(const std::string& device_path,
const std::string& interface,
const std::string& signal_name,
bool success);
void SetupManagerProxy();
void SetupDefaultServiceProxy(const dbus::ObjectPath& service_path);
void SetupSelectedServiceProxy(const dbus::ObjectPath& service_path,
const dbus::ObjectPath& device_path);
void SetupDeviceProxy(const dbus::ObjectPath& device_path);
// Wraps a device with its DBus proxy on which property change signals are
// received.
class DeviceWrapper {
scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus,
std::unique_ptr<org::chromium::flimflam::DeviceProxyInterface> proxy)
: bus_(bus), proxy_(std::move(proxy)) {}
~DeviceWrapper() {
bus_->RemoveObjectProxy(kFlimflamServiceName, proxy_->GetObjectPath(),
if (svc_proxy_)
svc_proxy_->GetObjectPath(), base::DoNothing());
DeviceWrapper(const DeviceWrapper&) = delete;
DeviceWrapper& operator=(const DeviceWrapper&) = delete;
Device* device() { return &device_; }
org::chromium::flimflam::DeviceProxyInterface* proxy() {
return proxy_.get();
void set_service_proxy(
std::unique_ptr<org::chromium::flimflam::ServiceProxyInterface> proxy) {
// Note - expect this to be called once - if that ever changes, call
// RemoveObjectProxy first.
svc_proxy_ = std::move(proxy);
org::chromium::flimflam::ServiceProxyInterface* service_proxy() {
return svc_proxy_.get();
scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus_;
Device device_;
std::unique_ptr<org::chromium::flimflam::DeviceProxyInterface> proxy_;
std::unique_ptr<org::chromium::flimflam::ServiceProxyInterface> svc_proxy_;
void AddDevice(const dbus::ObjectPath& path);
// Reads the list of IPConfigs for a device and composes them into an IPConfig
// data structure.
IPConfig ParseIPConfigsProperty(const std::string& device_path,
const brillo::Any& property_value) const;
scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus_;
base::RepeatingCallback<void(bool)> process_handler_;
std::vector<DefaultServiceChangedHandler> default_service_handlers_;
std::vector<DeviceChangedHandler> default_device_handlers_;
std::vector<DeviceChangedHandler> device_handlers_;
std::vector<DeviceChangedHandler> device_added_handlers_;
std::vector<DeviceChangedHandler> device_removed_handlers_;
bool default_service_connected_ = false;
std::string default_device_path_;
// Tracked devices keyed by path.
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<DeviceWrapper>> devices_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<Client> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace shill