blob: aaf7f78bbbfe9f7ed3802295b7ff13599a5e3262 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// API intended for retrieving a snapshot of the network health state. Returns
// properties of any available network technologies and any connected or
// connecting network when available.
// NOTE: This mojom should kept in sync with the copy in Chromium's repo in
// src/chromeos/services/network_health/public/mojom/network_health.mojom.
module chromeos.network_health.mojom;
import "mojo/network_types.mojom";
enum NetworkState {
// The network type is available but not yet initialized.
// The network type is available but disabled or disabling.
// The network type is prohibited by policy.
// The network type is available and enabled or enabling, but no network
// connection has been established.
// The network type is available and enabled, and a network connection is
// in progress.
// The network is in a portal state.
// The network is in a connected state, but connectivity is limited.
// The network is connected and online.
// Wrapper for optional uint32. // TODO( Remove this
// once Mojo properly supports this.
struct UInt32Value {
// The value of the uint64.
uint32 value;
// Contains information for a single network connection and underlying
// network technology e.g WiFi.
struct Network {
chromeos.network_config.mojom.NetworkType type;
NetworkState state;
// The unique identifier for the network when a network service exists.
string? guid;
// The user facing name of the network if available.
string? name;
// Optional string for the network devices's mac_address. This field is not
// intended to be parsed and is only for informational purposes.
string? mac_address;
// Signal strength of the network provided only for wireless networks. Values
// are normalized between 0 to 100 inclusive. Values less than 30 are
// considered potentially problematic for the connection. See
// src/platform2/shill/doc/service-api.txt for more details.
UInt32Value? signal_strength;
// Optional string for the network's ipv4_address. This is only intended to be
// used for display and is not meant to be parsed.
string? ipv4_address;
// Optional list of strings for the network's ipv6_addresses. A single network
// can have multiple addresses (local, global, temporary etc.). This is only
// intended to be used for display and is not meant to be parsed.
array<string> ipv6_addresses;
// An enum of the network's captive portal state. This information is
// supplementary to the NetworkState.
chromeos.network_config.mojom.PortalState portal_state = kUnknown;
// Aggregate structure for all of the network health state.
struct NetworkHealthState {
// This is a list of networking devices and any associated connections. Only
// networking technologies that are present on the device are included.
// Networks will be sorted with active connections listed first.
array<Network> networks;
// Implemented by clients who desire network notifications.
interface NetworkEventsObserver {
// Fired when a network’s connection state changes.
OnConnectionStateChanged(string guid, NetworkState state);
// Fired when a wireless network’s signal strength changes by ten or more
// percent.
OnSignalStrengthChanged(string guid, UInt32Value signal_strength);
// Interface for retrieving aggregated information about the current network
// state and health.
interface NetworkHealthService {
// Adds an observer to be notified on network events. The caller can remove
// the observer created by this call by closing their end of the message
// pipe.
AddObserver(pending_remote<NetworkEventsObserver> observer);
// Returns a list of networks. See NetworkHealthState.networks for more
// details.
GetNetworkList() => (array<Network> networks);
// Returns the current network health state.
// This is currently the same information provided by GetNetworkList. More
// information will be added over time.
GetHealthSnapshot() => (NetworkHealthState state);