blob: 6996e4439c5edc9bdb9ae44ad7e43eed3801b9d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "shill/net/byte_string.h"
#include "shill/net/shill_export.h"
namespace shill {
// Class to represent an IP address, whether v4 or v6.
// Is both copyable and movable.
class SHILL_EXPORT IPAddress {
using Family = unsigned char;
static const Family kFamilyUnknown;
static const Family kFamilyIPv4;
static const Family kFamilyIPv6;
static const char kFamilyNameUnknown[];
static const char kFamilyNameIPv4[];
static const char kFamilyNameIPv6[];
explicit IPAddress(Family family);
IPAddress(Family family, const ByteString& address);
IPAddress(Family family, const ByteString& address, unsigned int prefix);
// Constructs an IPAddress object given a standard string representation of an
// IP address (e.g. "").
explicit IPAddress(const std::string& ip_string);
// Constructs an IPAddress object from a sockaddr_in or sockaddr_in6
// structure, depending on the family specified in |address_struct|. |size|
// specifies the actual size of the structure backing |address_struct|.
IPAddress(const sockaddr* address_struct, size_t size);
IPAddress(const IPAddress& b) = default;
IPAddress(IPAddress&& b)
: family_(b.family_),
prefix_(b.prefix_) {
b.family_ = kFamilyUnknown;
IPAddress& operator=(const IPAddress& b) = default;
IPAddress& operator=(IPAddress&& b) {
if (this != &b) {
family_ = b.family_;
b.family_ = kFamilyUnknown;
address_ = std::move(b.address_);
prefix_ = b.prefix_;
return *this;
// Static utilities
// Get the length in bytes of addresses of the given family
static size_t GetAddressLength(Family family);
// Returns the maximum prefix length for address family |family|, i.e.,
// the length of this address type in bits.
static size_t GetMaxPrefixLength(Family family);
// Provides a guideline for the minimum sensible prefix for this IP
// address. As opposed to GetMaxPrefixLength() above, this function
// takes into account the class of this IP address to determine the
// smallest prefix that makes sense for this class of address to have.
// Since this function uses classful (pre-CIDR) rules to perform this
// estimate, this is not an absolute rule and others methods like
// IsValid() do not consider this a criteria. It is only useful for
// making guesses as to the mimimal plausible prefix that might be
// viable for an address when the supplied prefix is obviously incorrect.
size_t GetMinPrefixLength() const;
// Returns the prefix length given an address |family| and a |mask|. For
// example, returns 24 for an IPv4 mask
static size_t GetPrefixLengthFromMask(Family family, const std::string& mask);
// Returns an IPAddress of type |family| that has all the high-order |prefix|
// bits set.
static IPAddress GetAddressMaskFromPrefix(Family family, size_t prefix);
// Returns the name of an address family.
static std::string GetAddressFamilyName(Family family);
// Getters and Setters
Family family() const { return family_; }
void set_family(Family family) { family_ = family; }
const ByteString& address() const { return address_; }
unsigned int prefix() const { return prefix_; }
void set_prefix(unsigned int prefix) { prefix_ = prefix; }
const unsigned char* GetConstData() const { return address_.GetConstData(); }
size_t GetLength() const { return address_.GetLength(); }
bool IsDefault() const { return address_.IsZero() && !prefix_; }
bool IsValid() const {
return family_ != kFamilyUnknown &&
GetLength() == GetAddressLength(family_);
// Parse an IP address string.
bool SetAddressFromString(const std::string& address_string);
// Parse an "address/prefix" IP address and prefix pair from a string.
bool SetAddressAndPrefixFromString(const std::string& address_string);
// An uninitialized IPAddress is empty and invalid when constructed.
// Use SetAddressToDefault() to set it to the default or "all-zeroes" address.
void SetAddressToDefault();
// Return the string equivalent of the address. Returns true if the
// conversion succeeds in which case |address_string| is set to the
// result. Otherwise the function returns false and |address_string|
// is left unmodified.
bool IntoString(std::string* address_string) const;
// Similar to IntoString, but returns by value. Convenient for logging.
std::string ToString() const;
// Places |address.ToString| onto the output stream.
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IPAddress address) {
os << address.ToString();
return os;
// Populates the address and family portion of a sockaddr_in or
// sockaddr_in6 structure, depending on the IPAddress family. Returns true
// if the specified |size| is large enough to accommodate the address family,
// and a valid address and family are written to the structure. Otherwise,
// false is returned and the memory at |address_struct| is unmodified.
bool IntoSockAddr(sockaddr* address_struct, size_t size) const;
// Returns whether |b| has the same family, address and prefix as |this|.
bool Equals(const IPAddress& b) const;
bool operator==(const IPAddress& b) const { return Equals(b); }
bool operator!=(const IPAddress& b) const { return !Equals(b); }
// Returns whether |b| has the same family and address as |this|.
bool HasSameAddressAs(const IPAddress& b) const;
// Perform an AND operation between the address data of |this| and that
// of |b|. Returns an IPAddress containing the result of the operation.
// It is an error if |this| and |b| are not of the same address family
// or if either are not valid,
IPAddress MaskWith(const IPAddress& b) const;
// Perform an OR operation between the address data of |this| and that
// of |b|. Returns an IPAddress containing the result of the operation.
// It is an error if |this| and |b| are not of the same address family
// or if either are not valid,
IPAddress MergeWith(const IPAddress& b) const;
// Return an address that represents the network-part of the address,
// i.e, the address with all but the prefix bits masked out.
IPAddress GetNetworkPart() const;
// Return the default broadcast address for the IP address, by setting
// all of the host-part bits to 1.
IPAddress GetDefaultBroadcast();
// Tests whether this IPAddress is able to directly access the address
// |b| without an intervening gateway. It tests whether the network
// part of |b| is the same as the network part of |this|, using the
// prefix of |this|. Returns true if |b| is reachable, false otherwise.
bool CanReachAddress(const IPAddress& b) const;
// Compares the byte value of this IPAddress with the byte value of
// |b|. This is used for allow binary search on IP addresses of the
// same type.
bool operator<(const IPAddress& b) const;
Family family_;
ByteString address_;
unsigned int prefix_;
} // namespace shill