blob: 063c59bc6591f2eca0393e3c350da03ce458b1b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/files/file.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/time/clock.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <brillo/key_value_store.h>
#include <brillo/osrelease_reader.h>
#include <session_manager/dbus-proxies.h>
namespace util {
// Maximum time to wait for ensuring a meta file is complete.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kMaxHoldOffTime = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(30);
// Crash information obtained in ChooseAction().
struct CrashInfo {
brillo::KeyValueStore metadata;
base::FilePath payload_file;
std::string payload_kind;
// Last modification time of the associated .meta file
base::Time last_modified;
// Testing hook. Set to true to force IsMock() to always return true. Easier
// than creating the mock file in internal tests (such as fuzz tests).
extern bool g_force_is_mock;
// Gets the base name of the path pointed by |key| in the given metadata.
// Returns an empty path if the key is not found.
base::FilePath GetBaseNameFromMetadata(const brillo::KeyValueStore& metadata,
const std::string& key);
// Returns which kind of report from the given payload path. Returns an empty
// string if the kind is unknown.
std::string GetKindFromPayloadPath(const base::FilePath& payload_path);
// Parses |raw_metadata| into |metadata|. Keys in metadata are validated (keys
// should consist of expected characters). Returns true on success.
// The original contents of |metadata| will be lost.
bool ParseMetadata(const std::string& raw_metadata,
brillo::KeyValueStore* metadata);
// Returns true if the metadata is complete.
bool IsCompleteMetadata(const brillo::KeyValueStore& metadata);
// Records that the crash sending is done.
void RecordCrashDone();
// Returns true if mock is enabled.
bool IsMock();
// Computes a sleep time needed before attempting to send a new crash report.
// On success, returns true and stores the result in |sleep_time|. On error,
// returns false.
bool GetSleepTime(const base::FilePath& meta_file,
const base::TimeDelta& max_spread_time,
const base::TimeDelta& hold_off_time,
base::TimeDelta* sleep_time);
// Gets the client ID if it exists, otherwise it generates it, saves it and
// returns that new ID. If it is unable to create the directory for storage, the
// empty string is returned.
std::string GetClientId();
// This class assists us in recovering from crashes while processing crashes.
// When it is constructed, it attempts to create a ".processing" file for the
// given metadata file, and when it is destructed it removes it.
// If crash_sender crashes, or otherwise exits without running the destructor,
// the .processing file will still exist. ChooseAction uses the existence of
// this file to determine that the crash may be malformed and avoid processing
// it again.
class ScopedProcessingFile {
explicit ScopedProcessingFile(const base::FilePath& meta_file);
// Disallow copy and assign (and implicitly, move).
ScopedProcessingFile(const ScopedProcessingFile& other) = delete;
ScopedProcessingFile& operator=(const ScopedProcessingFile& other) = delete;
const base::FilePath processing_file_;
// Base class for crash reading functionality. Used by both crash sender and
// crash serializer.
class SenderBase {
struct Options {
// Session manager client for locating the user-specific crash directories.
session_manager_proxy = nullptr;
// Do not send the crash report until the meta file is at least this old.
// This avoids problems with crash reports being sent out while they are
// still being written.
base::TimeDelta hold_off_time = kMaxHoldOffTime;
// Alternate sleep function for unit testing.
base::Callback<void(base::TimeDelta)> sleep_function;
SenderBase(std::unique_ptr<base::Clock> clock, const Options& options);
virtual ~SenderBase() = default;
// Actions returned by ChooseAction().
enum Action {
kRemove, // Should remove the crash report.
kIgnore, // Should ignore (keep) the crash report.
kSend, // Should send the crash report.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused
enum CrashRemoveReason {
kTotalRemoval = 0,
kNotOfficialImage = 1,
kNoMetricsConsent = 2,
kProcessingFileExists = 3,
kLargeMetaFile = 4,
kUnparseableMetaFile = 5,
kPayloadUnspecified = 6,
kPayloadAbsolute = 7,
kPayloadNonexistent = 8,
kPayloadKindUnknown = 9,
kOSVersionTooOld = 10,
kOldIncompleteMeta = 11,
kFinishedUploading = 12,
kAlreadyUploaded = 13,
// Keep kSendReasonCount one larger than any other enum value.
kSendReasonCount = 14,
// Lock the lock file so no concurrently running process can access the
// disk files. Dies if lock file cannot be acquired after a delay.
// Returns the File object holding the lock.
base::File AcquireLockFileOrDie();
// Get a list of all directories that might hold user-specific crashes.
std::vector<base::FilePath> GetUserCrashDirectories();
// For tests only, crash while sending crashes.
void SetCrashDuringSendForTesting(bool crash) {
crash_during_testing_ = crash;
// Looks through |keys| in the os-release data using brillo::OsReleaseReader.
// Keys are searched in order until a value is found. Returns the value in
// the Optional if found, otherwise the Optional is empty.
base::Optional<std::string> GetOsReleaseValue(
const std::vector<std::string>& keys);
// Do a minimal evaluation of the given meta file, only performing basic
// validation (e.g. that it's fully written, that the payload field is valid,
// etc).
// In particular, this does _not_ check metrics consent, guest mode, or
// whether the crash is already uploaded.
// Arguments:
// |meta_file| - The path to the metadata file to process.
// |allow_old_os_timestamps| - True iff we should return kSend for metadata
// files created on old (>6 mo) OS versions
// |reason| - output parameter. Human-readable description of the reason for
// the given action. useful for logs.
// |info| - output parameter. CrashInfo struct created while evaluating meta
// file.
// |processing_file| - optional output parameter. If non-null, a
// ScopedProcessingFile will be placed into it.
// This file should remain in scope during all
// additional processing of the meta file.
Action EvaluateMetaFileMinimal(
const base::FilePath& meta_file,
bool allow_old_os_timestamps,
std::string* reason,
CrashInfo* info,
std::unique_ptr<ScopedProcessingFile>* processing_file);
// Record the reason for removing a crash.
virtual void RecordCrashRemoveReason(CrashRemoveReason reason) = 0;
// Makes sure we have the DBus object initialized and connected.
void EnsureDBusIsReady();
// These are accessed by child classes.
base::Callback<void(base::TimeDelta)> sleep_function_;
scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus_;
bool crash_during_testing_ = false;
const base::TimeDelta hold_off_time_;
std::unique_ptr<base::Clock> clock_;
std::unique_ptr<brillo::OsReleaseReader> os_release_reader_;
} // namespace util