blob: 685692d9fdc1e02c08a81e047bdaf586ede53dca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <chromeos/secure_blob.h>
#include "cryptohome/cryptohome_common.h"
#include "vault_keyset.pb.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
namespace cryptohome {
class Crypto;
class Platform;
// VaultKeyset holds the File Encryption Key (FEK) and File Name Encryption Key
// (FNEK) and their corresponding signatures.
class VaultKeyset {
virtual ~VaultKeyset();
// Does not take ownership of platform and crypto. The objects pointed to by
// them must outlive this object.
virtual void Initialize(Platform* platform, Crypto* crypto);
virtual void FromVaultKeyset(const VaultKeyset& vault_keyset);
virtual void FromKeys(const VaultKeysetKeys& keys);
virtual bool FromKeysBlob(const chromeos::SecureBlob& keys_blob);
virtual bool ToKeys(VaultKeysetKeys* keys) const;
virtual bool ToKeysBlob(chromeos::SecureBlob* keys_blob) const;
virtual void CreateRandomChapsKey();
virtual void CreateRandom();
virtual const chromeos::SecureBlob& fek() const;
virtual const chromeos::SecureBlob& fek_sig() const;
virtual const chromeos::SecureBlob& fek_salt() const;
virtual const chromeos::SecureBlob& fnek() const;
virtual const chromeos::SecureBlob& fnek_sig() const;
virtual const chromeos::SecureBlob& fnek_salt() const;
virtual bool Load(const std::string& filename);
// Load must be called first.
virtual bool Decrypt(const chromeos::SecureBlob& key);
// Encrypt must be called first.
virtual bool Save(const std::string& filename);
virtual bool Encrypt(const chromeos::SecureBlob& key);
virtual const SerializedVaultKeyset& serialized() const {
return serialized_;
virtual SerializedVaultKeyset* mutable_serialized() {
return &serialized_;
virtual const std::string& source_file() const {
return source_file_;
virtual void set_legacy_index(int index) {
legacy_index_ = index;
virtual const int legacy_index() const {
return legacy_index_;
virtual const chromeos::SecureBlob& chaps_key() const {
return chaps_key_;
virtual void set_chaps_key(const chromeos::SecureBlob& chaps_key);
virtual void clear_chaps_key();
chromeos::SecureBlob fek_;
chromeos::SecureBlob fek_sig_;
chromeos::SecureBlob fek_salt_;
chromeos::SecureBlob fnek_;
chromeos::SecureBlob fnek_sig_;
chromeos::SecureBlob fnek_salt_;
chromeos::SecureBlob chaps_key_;
Platform* platform_;
Crypto* crypto_;
SerializedVaultKeyset serialized_;
bool loaded_;
bool encrypted_;
std::string source_file_;
int legacy_index_;
} // namespace cryptohome