blob: 209b3bbeeb5bdf183f82b6c8f0547971c59b7aa0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <chromeos/secure_blob.h>
#include "attestation.pb.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
namespace cryptohome {
extern const unsigned int kDefaultPasswordRounds;
extern const unsigned int kWellKnownExponent;
extern const unsigned int kAesBlockSize;
class CryptoLib {
enum PaddingScheme {
kPaddingNone = 0,
// Also called PKCS padding.
// See
kPaddingStandard = 1,
kPaddingCryptohomeDefault = 2,
enum BlockMode {
kEcb = 1,
kCbc = 2,
static void GetSecureRandom(unsigned char *bytes, size_t len);
static bool CreateRsaKey(size_t bits, chromeos::SecureBlob* n,
chromeos::SecureBlob* p);
static chromeos::SecureBlob Sha1(const chromeos::Blob& data);
static chromeos::SecureBlob Sha256(const chromeos::Blob& data);
static chromeos::SecureBlob HmacSha512(const chromeos::SecureBlob& key,
const chromeos::Blob& data);
static chromeos::SecureBlob HmacSha256(const chromeos::SecureBlob& key,
const chromeos::Blob& data);
static size_t GetAesBlockSize();
static bool PasskeyToAesKey(const chromeos::Blob& passkey,
const chromeos::Blob& salt,
unsigned int rounds,
chromeos::SecureBlob* key,
chromeos::SecureBlob* iv);
// Decrypts data encrypted with AesEncrypt.
// Parameters
// wrapped - The blob containing the encrypted data
// key - The AES key to use in decryption
// iv - The initialization vector to use
// plaintext - The unwrapped (decrypted) data
static bool AesDecrypt(const chromeos::Blob& ciphertext,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& key,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& iv,
chromeos::SecureBlob* plaintext);
// AES encrypts the plain text data using the specified key and IV. This
// method uses custom padding and is not inter-operable with other crypto
// systems. The encrypted data can be decrypted with AesDecrypt.
// Parameters
// plaintext - The plain text data to encrypt
// key - The AES key to use
// iv - The initialization vector to use
// ciphertext - On success, the encrypted data
static bool AesEncrypt(const chromeos::Blob& plaintext,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& key,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& iv,
chromeos::SecureBlob* ciphertext);
// Same as AesDecrypt, but allows using either CBC or ECB
static bool AesDecryptSpecifyBlockMode(const chromeos::Blob& ciphertext,
unsigned int start, unsigned int count,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& key,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& iv,
PaddingScheme padding, BlockMode mode,
chromeos::SecureBlob* plaintext);
// Same as AesEncrypt, but allows using either CBC or ECB
static bool AesEncryptSpecifyBlockMode(const chromeos::Blob& plaintext,
unsigned int start, unsigned int count,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& key,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& iv,
PaddingScheme padding, BlockMode mode,
chromeos::SecureBlob* ciphertext);
// Encodes a binary blob to hex-ascii. Similar to base::HexEncode but
// produces lowercase letters for hex digits.
// Parameters
// blob - The binary blob to convert
static std::string BlobToHex(const chromeos::Blob& blob);
// Parameters
// blob - The binary blob to convert
// buffer (IN/OUT) - Where to store the converted blob
// buffer_length - The size of the buffer
static void BlobToHexToBuffer(const chromeos::Blob& blob,
void* buffer,
size_t buffer_length);
// Encodes a binary blob to base64.
// Parameters
// blob - The input blob.
// include_newlines - Whether to include PEM-style newlines.
static std::string Base64Encode(const std::string& blob,
bool include_newlines);
// Decodes a binary blob to base64.
// Parameters
// blob - The input blob.
static std::string Base64Decode(const std::string& blob);
// Computes an HMAC over the iv and encrypted_data fields of an EncryptedData
// protobuf.
// Parameters
// encrypted_data - encrypted data protobuf..
// hmac_key - secret key to use in hmac computation.
static std::string ComputeEncryptedDataHMAC(
const EncryptedData& encrypted_data,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& hmac_key);
static std::string ConvertBlobToString(const chromeos::Blob& blob);
static chromeos::SecureBlob ConvertStringToBlob(const std::string& str);
} // namespace cryptohome