blob: 51bacc1af2a89d29893e5720d8ef0493489e73de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Defines the PlatformReader base class. It provides a default file reading
// implementation that pulls in the contents of the given platform_file_path.
// This content is passed to a subclass-defined Process() helper which will
// return an int. This int should map to the anonymous enum in the
// PlatformReader class or to an extension to that enum in the subclass.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <string>
#include "cros_boot_mode/helpers.h"
namespace cros_boot_mode {
class PlatformReader {
enum { kUnsupported = -1 }; // All subclasses should extend this enum.
virtual ~PlatformReader();
// Provides a default file reader which then calls an override-able
// function for processing. Initialize must leave the class in a usable
// state even on failure.
virtual void Initialize();
// To be provided by the implementation
// The name of the concrete class.
virtual const char *name() const = 0;
// c_str() should return the conversion of the given enum to a lowercase
// char array with no spaces.
virtual const char *c_str() const = 0;
// max_size should return the maximum size that will be read.
virtual size_t max_size() const = 0;
// default_platform_file_path should return the char array of the
// path to the file to be processed.
virtual const char *default_platform_file_path() const = 0;
// Called from initialize over the contents of the platform file. It
// should return an int that matches either kUnsupported or an extension
// of the anonymous enum. If the file does not exist, cannot be read,
// or exceeds the max_size(), Process will be called with (buf, 0) arguments.
virtual int Process(const char *file_contents, size_t length) = 0;
// Accessors for the private value.
// These are largely used for internal references, but kept in public
// to allow for direct unit testing.
virtual int value() const {
return value_;
virtual void set_value(int value) {
value_ = value;
virtual const char *platform_file_path() const;
virtual void set_platform_file_path(const char *path) {
platform_file_path_ = path;
int value_;
const char *platform_file_path_;
} // namespace cros_boot_mode