blob: e05f893e71b32893890fe83c8d51dbfeb73a7cc3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <ares.h>
#include <base/no_destructor.h>
#include "net-base/export.h"
namespace net_base {
// This class is only for separating the real ares calls for the ease of unit
// tests. See the document of c-ares for each function. NET_BASE_EXPORT is
// necessary since the unit test binary also load libnet-base as a shared
// library.
class NET_BASE_EXPORT AresInterface {
static AresInterface* GetInstance();
virtual ~AresInterface();
virtual int init_options(ares_channel* channelptr,
struct ares_options* options,
int optmask);
virtual void destroy(ares_channel channel);
virtual void set_local_dev(ares_channel channel, const char* local_dev_name);
virtual void gethostbyname(ares_channel channel,
const char* name,
int family,
ares_host_callback callback,
void* arg);
virtual struct timeval* timeout(ares_channel channel,
struct timeval* maxtv,
struct timeval* tv);
virtual int getsock(ares_channel channel, ares_socket_t* socks, int numsocks);
virtual void process_fd(ares_channel channel,
ares_socket_t read_fd,
ares_socket_t write_fd);
virtual int set_servers_csv(ares_channel channel, const char* servers);
AresInterface(const AresInterface&) = delete;
AresInterface& operator=(const AresInterface&) = delete;
friend class base::NoDestructor<AresInterface>;
} // namespace net_base