blob: 0a446717be3ca8fc188333dd7018dcd768e5f0d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flex_hwis/flex_hwis.h"
#include "flex_hwis/hwis_data.pb.h"
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <base/logging.h>
namespace flex_hwis {
namespace mojom = ::ash::cros_healthd::mojom;
namespace {
// Track the result of management policies.
void SendPermissionMetric(PermissionInfo info,
MetricsLibraryInterface& metrics) {
PermissionResult result;
if (!info.loaded) {
result = PermissionResult::kError;
} else if (info.managed) {
if (info.permission) {
result = PermissionResult::kPolicySuccess;
} else {
result = PermissionResult::kPolicyDenial;
} else {
if (info.permission) {
result = PermissionResult::kOptInSuccess;
} else {
result = PermissionResult::kOptInDenial;
if (!metrics.SendEnumToUMA("Platform.FlexHwis.PermissionCheckResult",
static_cast<int>(PermissionResult::kMax))) {
LOG(INFO) << "Failed to send hwis permission metric";
// Track the result of client-server interactions.
void SendServerMetric(std::string metric_name,
bool success,
MetricsLibraryInterface& metrics) {
if (!metrics.SendBoolToUMA(metric_name, success)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Failed to send hwis server metric";
// Verify that the user has granted permission or that all necessary policies
// are enabled to send hardware information.
bool CheckPermission(flex_hwis::FlexHwisCheck& check,
HttpSender& sender,
MetricsLibraryInterface& metrics) {
PermissionInfo permission_info = check.CheckPermission();
SendPermissionMetric(permission_info, metrics);
if (permission_info.permission) {
return true;
const std::optional<std::string> device_name = check.GetDeviceName();
if (device_name) {
// If the user does not consent to share hardware data, the HWIS service
// must delete the device name file after confirming that the request to
// delete the hardware data to the server is successfully.
hwis_proto::DeleteDevice delete_device;
bool api_delete_success = false;
if (sender.DeleteDevice(delete_device)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Device has been deleted";
api_delete_success = true;
const std::string kDeleteMetricName =
SendServerMetric(kDeleteMetricName, api_delete_success, metrics);
return false;
bool RegisterNewDevice(flex_hwis::FlexHwisCheck& check,
HttpSender& sender,
hwis_proto::Device& hardware_info) {
DeviceRegisterResult register_result =
if (!register_result.success) {
return false;
// If the device is successfully registered, the server will return a
// device name. The client must save this device name in the local file.
LOG(INFO) << "Device has been registered";
return true;
// Use the One Platform APIs to send hardware information to the server.
// Metrics will be used to track the status of the interaction.
bool SendHardwareInfo(flex_hwis::FlexHwisCheck& check,
HttpSender& sender,
hwis_proto::Device& hardware_info,
MetricsLibraryInterface& metrics) {
bool api_call_success = false;
const std::optional<std::string> device_name = check.GetDeviceName();
// If device name already exists on the client side, then the client service
// should update the device on the server.
if (device_name) {
DeviceUpdateResult update_result = sender.UpdateDevice(hardware_info);
switch (update_result) {
case DeviceUpdateResult::Success:
LOG(INFO) << "Device has been updated";
api_call_success = true;
// TODO(b/309651923): Collect UMA metric for device not found error.
case DeviceUpdateResult::DeviceNotFound:
// If the device name is on the client but not found on the server,
// the client should register the device again.
api_call_success = RegisterNewDevice(check, sender, hardware_info);
case DeviceUpdateResult::Fail:
} else {
api_call_success = RegisterNewDevice(check, sender, hardware_info);
const std::string metric_name =
? /*register status metric=*/"Platform.FlexHwis.ServerPostSuccess"
: /*update status metric=*/"Platform.FlexHwis.ServerPutSuccess";
SendServerMetric(metric_name, api_call_success, metrics);
return api_call_success;
} // namespace
FlexHwisSender::FlexHwisSender(const base::FilePath& base_path,
policy::PolicyProvider& provider,
HttpSender& sender)
: base_path_(base_path), check_(base_path, provider), sender_(sender) {}
void FlexHwisSender::SetTelemetryInfoForTesting(mojom::TelemetryInfoPtr info) {
Result FlexHwisSender::CollectAndSend(MetricsLibraryInterface& metrics,
Debug debug) {
// Exit if HWIS runs successfully within 24 hours.
if (check_.HasRunRecently()) {
return Result::HasRunRecently;
// Exit if the device does not have permission to send data to the server.
if (!CheckPermission(check_, sender_, metrics)) {
return Result::NotAuthorized;
// Collect hardware information from cros_healthd via its mojo interface.
hwis_proto::Device hardware_info;
// Exit if the hardware information is not successfully sent.
if (!SendHardwareInfo(check_, sender_, hardware_info, metrics)) {
return Result::Error;
if (debug == Debug::Print) {
LOG(INFO) << hardware_info.DebugString();
return Result::Sent;
} // namespace flex_hwis