blob: 1ed4530c5d48a01c9a67821779351eda5a8dadcb [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/compiler_specific.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include "bindings/kerberos_containers.pb.h"
#include "kerberos/config_parser.h"
#include "kerberos/krb5_interface.h"
#include "kerberos/proto_bindings/kerberos_service.pb.h"
#include "kerberos/tgt_renewal_scheduler.h"
namespace password_provider {
class PasswordProviderInterface;
namespace kerberos {
class KerberosMetrics;
// Manages Kerberos tickets for a set of accounts keyed by principal name
// (user@REALM.COM).
class AccountManager : public TgtRenewalScheduler::Delegate {
using KerberosFilesChangedCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const std::string& principal_name)>;
using KerberosTicketExpiringCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const std::string& principal_name)>;
// |storage_dir| is the path where configs and credential caches are stored.
// |kerberos_files_changed| is a callback that gets called when either the
// Kerberos credential cache or the configuration file changes for a specific
// account. Use in combination with GetKerberosFiles() to get the latest
// files. |kerberos_ticket_expiring| is a callback that gets called when a
// Kerberos TGT is about to expire. It should be used to notify the user.
// |krb5| interacts with lower level Kerberos libraries. It can be overridden
// for tests. |password_provider| is used to retrieve the login password. It
// can be overridden for tests.
AccountManager(base::FilePath storage_dir,
KerberosFilesChangedCallback kerberos_files_changed,
KerberosTicketExpiringCallback kerberos_ticket_expiring,
std::unique_ptr<Krb5Interface> krb5,
KerberosMetrics* metrics);
~AccountManager() override;
// Saves all accounts to disk. Returns ERROR_LOCAL_IO and logs on error.
ErrorType SaveAccounts() const;
// Loads all accounts from disk. Returns ERROR_LOCAL_IO and logs on error.
// Removes all old accounts before setting the new ones. Treats a non-existent
// file on disk as if the file was empty, i.e. loading succeeds and the
// account list is empty afterwards.
ErrorType LoadAccounts();
// Adds an account keyed by |principal_name| (user@REALM.COM) to the list of
// accounts. |is_managed| indicates whether the account is managed by the
// KerberosAccounts policy. Returns |ERROR_DUPLICATE_PRINCIPAL_NAME| if the
// account is already present.
ErrorType AddAccount(const std::string& principal_name,
bool is_managed) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// The following methods return |ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRINCIPAL_NAME| if
// |principal_name| (user@REALM.COM) is not known.
// Removes the account keyed by |principal_name| from the list of accounts.
ErrorType RemoveAccount(const std::string& principal_name) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Removes account data or full accounts, depending on |mode|. Accounts in
// |keep_list| are not touched.
ErrorType ClearAccounts(ClearMode mode,
std::unordered_set<std::string> keep_list)
// Returns a list of all existing accounts, including current status like
// remaining Kerberos ticket lifetime. Does a best effort returning results.
// See documentation of |Account| for more details.
std::vector<Account> ListAccounts() const;
// Sets the Kerberos configuration (krb5.conf) used for the given
// |principal_name|. Validates the config before setting it.
ErrorType SetConfig(const std::string& principal_name,
const std::string& krb5conf) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Validates the Kerberos configuration data |krb5conf|. If the config has
// syntax errors or uses non-whitelisted options, returns ERROR_BAD_CONFIG
// and fills |error_info| with error information.
ErrorType ValidateConfig(const std::string& krb5conf,
ConfigErrorInfo* error_info) const
// Acquires a Kerberos ticket-granting-ticket for the account keyed by
// |principal_name| using |password|. If |password| is empty, a stored
// password is used if available. If |remember_password| is true and
// |password| is not empty, the password is stored on disk. If
// |use_login_password| is true, the primary user's login password is used to
// authenticate. Both |password| and |remember_password| are ignored by the
// daemon in this case.
ErrorType AcquireTgt(const std::string& principal_name,
std::string password,
bool remember_password,
bool use_login_password) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Retrieves the Kerberos credential cache and the configuration file for the
// account keyed by |principal_name|. Returns ERROR_NONE if both files could
// be retrieved or if the credential cache is missing. Returns ERROR_LOCAL_IO
// if any of the files failed to read.
ErrorType GetKerberosFiles(const std::string& principal_name,
KerberosFiles* files) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Sends KerberosTicketExpiring signals for each expired Kerberos ticket and
// starts scheduling renewal tasks for valid tickets.
void StartObservingTickets();
const base::FilePath& GetStorageDirForTesting() { return storage_dir_; }
// Returns the base64-encoded |principal_name|.
static std::string GetSafeFilenameForTesting(
const std::string& principal_name);
// Wraps |krb5_| in a Krb5JailWrapper.
void WrapKrb5ForTesting();
int last_renew_tgt_error_for_testing() const {
return last_renew_tgt_error_for_testing_;
// File path helpers. All paths are relative to |storage_dir_|.
// TgtRenewalScheduler::Delegate:
ErrorType GetTgtStatus(const std::string& principal_name,
Krb5Interface::TgtStatus* tgt_status) override;
ErrorType RenewTgt(const std::string& principal_name) override;
void NotifyTgtExpiration(
const std::string& principal_name,
TgtRenewalScheduler::TgtExpiration expiration) override;
// Acquires a TGT, sets |error| and returns true if the |principal_name|
// account has access to the password (either the login password or a
// remembered one). Returns false if no password is accessible.
bool MaybeAutoAcquireTgt(const std::string& principal_name, ErrorType* error);
// Directory where files specific to the |principal_name| account are stored.
base::FilePath GetAccountDir(const std::string& principal_name) const;
// File path of the Kerberos configuration for the given |principal_name|.
base::FilePath GetKrb5ConfPath(const std::string& principal_name) const;
// File path of the Kerberos credential cache for the given |principal_name|.
base::FilePath GetKrb5CCPath(const std::string& principal_name) const;
// File path of the Kerberos password for the given |principal_name|.
base::FilePath GetPasswordPath(const std::string& principal_name) const;
// Deletes all files (credential cache, password etc.) for the given
// |principal_name|. Triggers KerberosFilesChanged if the credential cache was
// deleted.
void DeleteAllFilesFor(const std::string& principal_name);
// Calls |kerberos_files_changed_|.
void TriggerKerberosFilesChanged(const std::string& principal_name) const;
// Calls |kerberos_ticket_expiring_|.
void TriggerKerberosTicketExpiring(const std::string& principal_name) const;
// Sets |password| to the login password. Removes a remembered password for
// |principal_name| if there is any.
ErrorType UpdatePasswordFromLogin(const std::string& principal_name,
std::string* password);
// If |password| is empty, loads it from the password file if that exists. If
// |password| is not empty and |remember_password| is true, saves |password|
// to the password file. If |remember_password| is false, deletes the password
// file.
ErrorType UpdatePasswordFromSaved(const std::string& principal_name,
bool remember_password,
std::string* password);
// Sends UMA stats for daily usage counts. The stats are sent at most once a
// day, even if this method is called more often.
void MaybeReportDailyUsageStats() const;
// Directory where all account data is stored.
const base::FilePath storage_dir_;
// File path where |accounts_| is stored.
const base::FilePath accounts_path_;
// Gets called when the Kerberos configuration or credential cache changes for
// a specific account.
const KerberosFilesChangedCallback kerberos_files_changed_;
// Gets called when the a Kerberos ticket is about to expire in the next
// couple of minutes or if it already expired.
const KerberosTicketExpiringCallback kerberos_ticket_expiring_;
// Interface for Kerberos methods (may be overridden for tests).
std::unique_ptr<Krb5Interface> krb5_;
// Returns the index of the account for |principal_name| or |kInvalidIndex| if
// the account does not exist.
int GetAccountIndex(const std::string& principal_name) const;
struct InternalAccount {
// Account state. Gets serialized to disk.
AccountData data;
// Scheduler for automatic TGT renewal.
std::unique_ptr<TgtRenewalScheduler> tgt_renewal_scheduler_;
InternalAccount(AccountData&& data,
TgtRenewalScheduler::Delegate* delegate);
// Returns the InternalAccount for |principal_name| if available or nullptr
// otherwise. The returned pointer may lose validity if |accounts_| gets
// modified.
const InternalAccount* GetAccount(const std::string& principal_name) const;
InternalAccount* GetMutableAccount(const std::string& principal_name);
enum class WhatToRemove { kNothing, kPassword, kAccount };
// Determines what data to remove, depending on |mode| and |account|.
WhatToRemove DetermineWhatToRemove(ClearMode mode,
const InternalAccount& account);
// List of all accounts. Stored in a vector to keep order of addition.
std::vector<InternalAccount> accounts_;
// Interface to retrieve the login password.
// For collecting UMA stats. Not owned.
KerberosMetrics* metrics_;
// For retrieving encryption types from config and send to UMA stats.
ConfigParser config_parser_;
ErrorType last_renew_tgt_error_for_testing_ = ERROR_NONE;
} // namespace kerberos