blob: f8f24bde7f067ff24deee2b75186c3c434d6d664 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "feedback/feedback_daemon.h"
#include <memory>
#include "base/at_exit.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/containers/ring_buffer.h"
#include "base/guid.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include <brillo/process/process.h>
#include "brillo/syslog_logging.h"
#include "components/feedback/feedback_common.h"
#include "feedback/feedback_service_interface.h"
#include <sysexits.h>
namespace {
static const char kSwitchProductId[] = "product_id"; // int
static const char kSwitchDescription[] = "desc"; // string
static const char kSwitchBucket[] = "bucket"; // string
static const char kSwitchUserEmail[] = "user_email"; // string
static const char kSwitchPageUrl[] = "page_url"; // string
static const char kSwitchRawFiles[] = "raw_files"; // colon-separated strings
const char kListSeparator[] = ":";
// Buffer size for feedback attachment files in bytes. Given that maximum
// feedback report size is ~7M and that majority of log files are under 1M, we
// set a per-file limit of 1MiB.
const int64_t kMaxFileSize = 1024 * 1024;
const int64_t kChunkSize = 64 * 1024;
bool ReadFileFromBack(const base::FilePath path,
std::string* contents) {
if (!contents) {
LOG(ERROR) << "contents buffer is null.";
return false;
if (path.ReferencesParent()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "ReadFileFromBack can't be called on file paths with parent "
return false;
base::ScopedFILE fp(base::OpenFile(path, "r"));
if (!fp) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open file " << path.value();
return false;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> chunk(new char[kChunkSize]);
base::RingBuffer<std::string, kMaxFileSize / kChunkSize> buf;
size_t bytes_read = 0;
// Since most logs are not seekable, read until the end with a circular
// buffer. Note that logs will not always be kMaxFileSize even if the file
// exceeds kMaxFileSize, depending on kChunkSize and the size of the file. It
// could vary anywhere from (kMaxFileSize - kChunkSize + 1) to kMaxFileSize.
while ((bytes_read = fread(chunk.get(), 1, kChunkSize, fp.get())) != 0) {
if (bytes_read < kChunkSize) {
chunk[bytes_read] = '\0';
for (auto it = buf.Begin(); it == buf.End(); ++it)
return true;
void CommandlineReportStatus(base::WaitableEvent* event, bool* status,
bool result) {
*status = result;
bool FillReportFromCommandline(FeedbackCommon* report) {
base::CommandLine* args = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
if (!args->HasSwitch(kSwitchProductId)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No product id provided";
return false;
std::string product_id_string = args->GetSwitchValueASCII(kSwitchProductId);
int product_id;
if (!base::StringToInt(product_id_string, &product_id) || product_id <= 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid product id provided, must be a positive number";
return false;
if (!args->HasSwitch(kSwitchDescription)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No description provided";
return false;
report->AddLog("unique_guid", base::GenerateGUID());
std::vector<std::string> raw_files =
kListSeparator, base::KEEP_WHITESPACE,
for (const std::string& path : raw_files) {
auto content = std::make_unique<std::string>();
if (!base::ReadFileToStringWithMaxSize(base::FilePath(path), content.get(),
kMaxFileSize)) {
if (content->empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not read raw file: " << path;
return false;
// Skip files that are too large as it doesn't make sense to send partial
// raw/binary files.
LOG(WARNING) << "Skipping raw file. Exceeds max file size: " << path;
report->AddFile(path, std::move(content));
std::vector<std::string> log_files = args->GetArgs();
for (const std::string& path : log_files) {
std::string content;
if (ReadFileFromBack(base::FilePath(path), &content)) {
report->AddLog(path, content);
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not read log file: " << path;
return false;
return true;
bool SendReport(FeedbackServiceInterface* interface, FeedbackCommon* report) {
base::WaitableEvent event(base::WaitableEvent::ResetPolicy::AUTOMATIC,
bool status;
interface->SendFeedback(*report, base::Bind(&CommandlineReportStatus,
&event, &status));
return status;
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
base::CommandLine::Init(argc, argv);
// Some libchrome calls need this.
base::AtExitManager at_exit_manager;
brillo::InitLog(brillo::kLogToSyslog | brillo::kLogToStderr);
scoped_refptr<FeedbackServiceInterface> itf =
new DBusFeedbackServiceInterface();
scoped_refptr<FeedbackCommon> report = new FeedbackCommon();
if (!FillReportFromCommandline(report.get())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Not sending report";
return EX_USAGE;
return SendReport(itf.get(), report.get()) ? EX_OK : EX_UNAVAILABLE;