blob: 0390ef442c897e8871d640681300cfd67e75eece [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <base/timer/timer.h>
#include "power_manager/powerd/system/dark_resume_interface.h"
#include "power_manager/powerd/system/power_supply.h"
namespace power_manager {
class PrefsInterface;
namespace system {
// Legacy implementation of DarkResumeInterface. Only used on link to shutdown
// from S3.
class LegacyDarkResume : public DarkResumeInterface {
// Within a device directory, kPowerDir contains kActiveFile, kSourceFile, and
// kWakeupTypeFile.
static const char kPowerDir[];
static const char kActiveFile[];
static const char kSourceFile[];
static const char kWakeupTypeFile[];
// Strings to write to sysfs files to enable/disable dark resume functionality
// at the kernel level.
static const char kEnabled[];
static const char kDisabled[];
// Strings to write to sysfs device wakeup type files to enable dark resume
// behavior on wakeup by the device.
static const char kAutomatic[];
static const char kUnknown[];
// Returns true if |kDarkResumeSuspendDurationsPref| file is present.
static bool ShouldUse(PrefsInterface* prefs);
~LegacyDarkResume() override;
void set_legacy_state_path_for_testing(const base::FilePath& path) {
legacy_state_path_ = path;
void set_wakeup_state_path_for_testing(const base::FilePath& path) {
wakeup_state_path_ = path;
void set_pm_test_path_for_testing(const base::FilePath& path) {
pm_test_path_ = path;
void set_pm_test_delay_path_for_testing(const base::FilePath& path) {
pm_test_delay_path_ = path;
void set_power_state_path_for_testing(const base::FilePath& path) {
power_state_path_ = path;
void set_timer_for_testing(std::unique_ptr<base::Timer> timer) {
timer_ = std::move(timer);
Action next_action_for_testing() const { return next_action_; }
// Reads preferences on how long to suspend, what devices are affected by
// suspend, and what devices can wake the system up from suspend.
// Ownership of passed-in pointers remains with the caller.
void Init(PowerSupplyInterface* power_supply, PrefsInterface* prefs);
// DarkResumeInterface implementation:
void PrepareForSuspendRequest() override;
void UndoPrepareForSuspendRequest() override;
void GetActionForSuspendAttempt(Action* action,
base::TimeDelta* suspend_duration) override;
void HandleSuccessfulResume() override;
bool InDarkResume() override;
bool IsEnabled() override;
bool CanSafelyExitDarkResume() override;
bool ExitDarkResume() override;
// Fills |suspend_durations_| based on kDarkResumeSuspendDurationsPref
// (or leaves it empty if the pref is unset or empty).
// Returns true if kDarkResumeSuspendDurationsPref is present and meaningful.
bool ReadSuspendDurationsPref();
// This enables functionality for dark resume in devices that are listed in
// the prefs_file. The base_file is the name of the sysfs file we are writing
// to to enable the functionality for dark resume. This includes whether the
// device should do something different during a dark resume or whether it is
// a wakeup source for dark resume.
void GetFiles(std::vector<base::FilePath>* files,
const std::string& pref_name,
const std::string& base_file);
// Writes the passed-in state to all the files in |files|.
void SetStates(const std::vector<base::FilePath>& files,
const std::string& state);
// Callback which updates the next action and reschedules itself based on the
// current power status.
void ScheduleBatteryCheck();
// Gets the length of time to resuspend for given the current battery level.
base::TimeDelta GetNextSuspendDuration();
// Calculates a new |next_action_| to take based on the current battery level,
// line power status, and shutdown threshold. |next_action_| will then be
// used on the next suspend to decide whether to shut down or not.
void UpdateNextAction();
// Are we currently in dark resume?
bool in_dark_resume_;
// Is dark resume enabled?
bool enabled_;
// Are we using the new wakeup_type sysfs interface for dark resume?
bool using_wakeup_type_;
// True if the system can properly transition from dark resume to fully
// resumed.
bool can_safely_exit_dark_resume_;
PowerSupplyInterface* power_supply_;
PrefsInterface* prefs_;
// Timer used to schedule system wakeups and check if we need to shut down.
std::unique_ptr<base::Timer> timer_;
// Two possible dark resume state paths.
base::FilePath legacy_state_path_;
base::FilePath wakeup_state_path_;
// File read to get the dark resume state.
base::FilePath state_path_;
// File written to request test-only suspends.
base::FilePath pm_test_path_;
// File used to check if the system can safely exit dark resume.
base::FilePath pm_test_delay_path_;
// File written to request a suspend attempt.
base::FilePath power_state_path_;
// Battery percentage threshold at which the system should shut down after a
// dark resume.
double battery_shutdown_threshold_;
// How long the system should suspend (values) at a given battery percentage
// (keys).
typedef std::map<double, base::TimeDelta> SuspendMap;
SuspendMap battery_check_suspend_durations_;
// What the next suspend-time action should be.
Action next_action_;
std::vector<base::FilePath> dark_resume_sources_;
std::vector<base::FilePath> dark_resume_devices_;
} // namespace system
} // namespace power_manager