blob: fa9c1f40bc9c8f81b25ad9c5005ef460e03b1bfe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
package cryptohome;
// Container for the signature-sealed data, including the additional non-secret
// information required for unsealing.
message SignatureSealedData {
// Data for the TPM 2.0 method based on the "TPM2_PolicySigned" feature.
message Tpm2PolicySignedData {
// DER-encoded blob of the X.509 Subject Public Key Info of the key that
// should be used for unsealing.
optional bytes public_key_spki_der = 1;
// The secret blob, wrapped by the TPM's Storage Root Key.
optional bytes srk_wrapped_secret = 2;
// The signature scheme (TPM_ALG_ID) that should be used for unsealing.
optional int32 scheme = 3;
// The signature hash algorithm (TPM_ALG_ID) that should be used for
// unsealing.
optional int32 hash_alg = 4;
// The union containing the data depending on the sealing method.
oneof data { Tpm2PolicySignedData tpm2_policy_signed_data = 1; }