blob: 890cd0c0528c7e51a10bad09b38e14006bc43173 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <linux/nl80211.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include "shill/net/netlink_message.h"
#include "shill/net/shill_export.h"
namespace shill {
class AttributeList;
using AttributeListConstRefPtr = scoped_refptr<const AttributeList>;
using AttributeListRefPtr = scoped_refptr<AttributeList>;
class ByteString;
class NetlinkAttribute;
class SHILL_EXPORT AttributeList : public base::RefCounted<AttributeList> {
using NewFromIdMethod =
base::Callback<std::unique_ptr<NetlinkAttribute>(int id)>;
using AttributeMethod = base::Callback<bool(int id, const ByteString& value)>;
// Instantiates an NetlinkAttribute of the appropriate type from |id|,
// and adds it to |attributes_|.
bool CreateAttribute(int id, NewFromIdMethod factory);
// Helper function for creating control attribute.
bool CreateControlAttribute(int id);
// Helper function for creating nl80211 attribute.
bool CreateNl80211Attribute(int id, NetlinkMessage::MessageContext context);
// Instantiates an NetlinkAttribute of the appropriate type from |id|
// using |factory|, initializes it from |value|, and adds it to |attributes_|.
bool CreateAndInitAttribute(const NewFromIdMethod& factory,
int id,
const ByteString& value);
// Initializes the attribute |id| from the data in |value|.
bool InitAttributeFromValue(int id, const ByteString& value);
// Prints the attribute list with each attribute using no less than 1 line.
// |indent| indicates the amout of leading spaces to be printed (useful for
// nested attributes).
void Print(int log_level, int indent) const;
// Visit each attribute in |payload| starting at |offset|. Call |method|
// for each attribute. If |method| returns false, the travesal is terminated
// and false is returned. If a malformed attribute entry is encountered,
// this method also returns false.
static bool IterateAttributes(const ByteString& payload,
size_t offset,
const AttributeMethod& method);
// Decode an attribute list starting from |offset| within |payload|. Use
// |factory| to create each attribute object.
bool Decode(const ByteString& payload,
size_t offset,
const NewFromIdMethod& factory);
// Returns the attributes as the payload portion of a netlink message
// suitable for Sockets::Send. Return value is empty on failure (or if no
// attributes exist).
ByteString Encode() const;
// Create, get, and set attributes of the given types. Attributes are
// accessed via an integer |id|. |id_string| is a string used to describe
// the attribute in debug output.
bool CreateU8Attribute(int id, const char* id_string);
bool SetU8AttributeValue(int id, uint8_t value);
bool GetU8AttributeValue(int id, uint8_t* value) const;
bool CreateU16Attribute(int id, const char* id_string);
bool SetU16AttributeValue(int id, uint16_t value);
bool GetU16AttributeValue(int id, uint16_t* value) const;
bool CreateU32Attribute(int id, const char* id_string);
bool SetU32AttributeValue(int id, uint32_t value);
bool GetU32AttributeValue(int id, uint32_t* value) const;
bool CreateU64Attribute(int id, const char* id_string);
bool SetU64AttributeValue(int id, uint64_t value);
bool GetU64AttributeValue(int id, uint64_t* value) const;
bool CreateFlagAttribute(int id, const char* id_string);
bool SetFlagAttributeValue(int id, bool value);
bool GetFlagAttributeValue(int id, bool* value) const;
// |IsFlagAttributeTrue| returns true if the flag attribute |id| is true. It
// retruns false if the attribute does not exist, is not of type kTypeFlag,
// or is not true.
bool IsFlagAttributeTrue(int id) const;
bool CreateStringAttribute(int id, const char* id_string);
// SSID attributes are derived from string attributes.
bool CreateSsidAttribute(int id, const char* id_string);
bool SetStringAttributeValue(int id, const std::string& value);
bool GetStringAttributeValue(int id, std::string* value) const;
bool CreateNestedAttribute(int id, const char* id_string);
bool SetNestedAttributeHasAValue(int id);
bool GetNestedAttributeList(int id, AttributeListRefPtr* value);
bool ConstGetNestedAttributeList(int id,
AttributeListConstRefPtr* value) const;
bool CreateRawAttribute(int id, const char* id_string);
// |value| should point to the data (after the |nlattr| header, if there is
// one).
bool SetRawAttributeValue(int id, ByteString value);
bool GetRawAttributeValue(int id, ByteString* output) const;
// This retrieves a string from any kind of attribute.
bool GetAttributeAsString(int id, std::string* value) const;
friend class base::RefCounted<AttributeList>;
virtual ~AttributeList();
friend class AttributeIdIterator;
friend class NetlinkNestedAttribute;
using AttributeMap = std::map<int, std::unique_ptr<NetlinkAttribute>>;
// Using this to get around issues with const and operator[].
SHILL_PRIVATE NetlinkAttribute* GetAttribute(int id) const;
AttributeMap attributes_;
// Provides a mechanism to iterate through the ids of all of the attributes
// in an |AttributeList|. This class is really only useful if the caller
// knows the type of each attribute in advance (such as with a nested array).
class AttributeIdIterator {
explicit AttributeIdIterator(const AttributeList& list)
: iter_(list.attributes_.begin()), end_(list.attributes_.end()) {}
void Advance() { ++iter_; }
bool AtEnd() const { return iter_ == end_; }
int GetId() const { return iter_->first; }
AttributeList::AttributeMap::const_iterator iter_;
const AttributeList::AttributeMap::const_iterator end_;
} // namespace shill