blob: 5b21900de9c6eb287f3554e445c7a514c9ae63ab [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Interactive viewer for memd logs. It displays the logged values and allows
# toggling individual graphs off and on.
"""Interactive visualizer of memd logs."""
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import glob
import math
import os
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Remove spurious warning from pyplot.
import warnings
'.*Using default event loop until function ' +
'specific to this GUI is implemented.*')
def die(message):
"""Prints message and exits."""
def usage():
"""Prints usage message and exits"""
die('usage: <memd-log-directory>')
def eng_notation(x):
"""Converts number to string in engineering notation.
Returns a formatted string for numeric value |x| rounded to an int in
quasi-engineering notation, i.e:
- if |x| is less than 1,000,000 use the standard integer format;
- else use the <a>E<b> form where x = a * 10^b and b is a multiple of 3.
exponent = len(str(int(x))) - 1
# Numbers up to 6 digits are easy to parse visually.
if exponent < 6:
return '%.7g' % x
# Round exponent down to a multiple of 3.
exponent = exponent - (exponent % 3)
mantissa = x / (10 ** exponent)
return '%.4gE^%s' % (mantissa, exponent)
def derivative(v1, v0, t1, t0):
"""Computes the difference quotient.
Returns an approximation of the derivative dv/dt with special handling
of delta(t) = 0.
if t1 > t0:
return (v1 - v0) / (t1 - t0)
return 0
# Dictionary keys that control pyplot keyboard bindings.
pyplot_keymap_entries = {}
def disable_pyplot_keymap():
"""Disables predefined pyplot keyboard bindings."""
for name in pyplot_keymap_entries:
plt.rcParams[name] = ''
def enable_pyplot_keymap():
"""Re-enables predefined pyplot keyboard bindings."""
for name in pyplot_keymap_entries:
plt.rcParams[name] = pyplot_keymap_entries[name]
def initialize_pyplot_keymap():
"""Saves the dictionary keys that control pyplot keyboard bindings."""
for name in plt.rcParams:
if name.startswith('keymap.'):
pyplot_keymap_entries[name] = plt.rcParams[name]
color_table = [
def color_for_name(name):
"""Computes a random but consistent RGB color for string |name|."""
h = hash(name)
# Generating good colors is difficult, so just use a table.
return color_table[h % len(color_table)]
def linestyle_for_name(name):
"""Computes (and memorizes) a random line style for string |name|."""
h = hash(name)
styles = ['-', '-', '-', '--', '-.', ':']
return styles[h % len(styles)]
next_label_key = 0
label_keys = {}
key_labels = {}
def add_grid(fig, max_x):
"""Adds a grid to the plot."""
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
if max_x > 100:
# The grid is too fine for plotting. Ideally this should depend on the
# current window on the plots, not the absolute maximum.
major_xticks = range(0, max_x, 5)
minor_xticks = range(0, max_x, 1)
major_yticks = range(0, 101, 10)
minor_yticks = range(0, 101, 5)
ax.set_xticks(minor_xticks, minor=True)
ax.set_yticks(minor_yticks, minor=True)
ax.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.5)
ax.grid(which='major', alpha=1)
def round_up(x, digits):
"""Rounds up the |digits| most significant digits.
For instance: round_up(12345, 2) returns 13000.
r = 10 ** (len(str(int(x))) - digits)
return math.ceil(x / r) * r
def smooth_out(array, window_size):
"""Smooths out an array of values by averaging over a window."""
for i in range(len(array) - 1, window_size - 2, -1):
if array[i] is None:
sample_count = 1
for j in range(window_size - 1):
v = array[i - (j + 1)]
if v is not None:
array[i] += v
sample_count += 1
array[i] /= float(sample_count)
def set_attribute(label, attribute_name, attribute_value):
"""Sets graph attribute |attribute_name| of |label| to |attribute_value|."""
graph_attributes[label].update({attribute_name: attribute_value})
def clear_attribute(label, attribute_name):
"""Removes graph attribute |attribute_name| of |label|."""
del graph_attributes[label][attribute_name]
def toggle_attribute(label, attribute_name):
"""Clears |attribute_name| of |label| if it is set, else sets it to True."""
if attribute_name in graph_attributes[label]:
clear_attribute(label, attribute_name)
set_attribute(label, attribute_name, True)
# Tables that describe how various values/events are plotted.
# Graph_attributes is for time-varying values.
# Each graph is identified by its name (for instance, 'freeram').
# Graphs with 'ignore' == True are not plotted.
# Graphs with the same 'group' attribute are plotted with the same scale.
# 'off' == True hides the graph at startup
# 'derivative' == True plots the derivatives between samples
graph_attributes = {
# 'uptime' is treated specially since it is never plotted
'uptime': {'ignore': True},
# 'type' is also special because it is a string
'type': {'ignore': True},
'load': {
'off': True,
# Load averages returned by sysinfo need scaling.
'scale': 1.0 / 65536,
'freeram': {
'group': 'ram',
'scale': 1e-3,
'freeswap': {
'scale': 1e-3,
'procs': {
'off': True,
'runnables': {
'off': True,
'smooth': 3
'available': {
'group': 'ram',
'scale': 1000,
'nr_pages_scanned': {
'group': 'pages',
'off': True,
'pswpin': {
'derivative': True,
'group': 'pages',
'off': True,
'pswpout': {
'derivative': True,
'group': 'pages',
'off': True,
'pgalloc_dma32': {
'derivative': True,
'group': 'pages',
'off': True,
'pgalloc_normal': {
'derivative': True,
'group': 'pages',
'off': True,
'pgmajfault': {
'derivative': True,
'group': 'pages',
'off': True,
'pgmajfault_f': {
'derivative': True,
'group': 'pages',
'off': True,
# Parameter_attributes describes fixed values, plotted as horizontal lines.
parameter_attributes = {
'margin': {
'group': 'ram',
'scale': 1000,
'high_water_mark_kbytes': {
'group': 'ram',
'min_water_mark_kbytes': {
'group': 'ram',
'low_water_mark_kbytes': {
'group': 'ram',
# Event_attributes describes events, plotted as vertical lines.
event_attributes = {
'lowmem': {
'name': 'Enter Low Mem',
'lealow': {
'name': 'Leave Low Mem',
'oomkll': {
'name': 'OOM (from Chrome)',
'keroom': {
'name': 'OOM (kernel time)',
'traoom': {
'name': 'OOM (trace delivery)',
'discrd': {
'name': 'Tab/App Discard',
'sleepr': {
'name': 'Sleeper',
max_values = {}
max_values_by_group = {}
class Plotter(object):
"""Methods to input, process and display memd samples."""
def __init__(self, args):
self._args = args
self._samples = {}
self._memd_parameters = {}
self._label_key_index = 0
self._needs_redisplay = True
# Interactive input state
self._ii_state = 'base'
def key_for_name(self, label):
"""Returns the one-character key for string |label|.
Returns a one-character string used to interactively identify a label,
using consecutive characters A to Z.
if label not in label_keys:
key = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'[self._label_key_index]
label_keys[label] = key
key_labels[key] = label
self._label_key_index += 1
return label_keys[label]
def normalize_samples(self):
"""Normalizes the arrays of values in |samples|
Values are modified according to the graph attributes.
Additionally, expected and provided label names are
checked for consistency.
# Sanity check: the names in graph_attributes should match the field names
# in the samples.
if set(graph_attributes.keys()) != set(self._samples.keys()):
die('mismatch in field names\nexpecting:\n%s\nfound:\n%s\n' %
(graph_attributes.keys(), self._samples.keys()))
# Convert uptimes to float (needed by filtering step).
uptimes = [float(t) for t in self._samples['uptime']]
self._samples['uptime'] = uptimes
# Convert values to floats and scale them by given scale factor (if any).
# Also filter values (average over window, and compute derivative).
# A bit hacky since there may be reboots.
for label in graph_attributes:
attr = graph_attributes[label]
if 'ignore' in attr:
scale = attr['scale'] if 'scale' in attr else 1
self._samples[label] = [scale * float(x) for x in self._samples[label]]
if 'derivative' in attr:
s = self._samples[label]
s = [derivative(s[i+1], s[i], uptimes[i+1], uptimes[i])
for i in range(len(s) - 1)]
self._samples[label] = s
if 'smooth' in attr:
window_size = attr['smooth']
smooth_out(self._samples[label], window_size)
# Shift uptimes to a zero base and adjust for gaps between clips, including
# negative gaps due to reboots.
uptimes = self._samples['uptime']
offset = 0.0
last_uptime = -1.0
adjusted_uptimes = []
for i in range(len(uptimes)):
# If the uptimes are not contiguous (i.e. at most about 0.1 seconds apart,
# generously rounded up to 0.5) adjust offset so as to leave a 1-second
# gap.
if abs(uptimes[i] - last_uptime) > 0.5:
offset += last_uptime - uptimes[i] + 1.0
last_uptime = uptimes[i]
adjusted_uptimes.append(uptimes[i] + offset)
self._samples['uptime'] = adjusted_uptimes
# Scale all values to between 0 and 100 so they can all be displayed in the
# same graph. This takes a few steps.
# 1. Find groups of quantities that should be scaled equally.
sample_groups = {}
for label in graph_attributes:
attr = graph_attributes[label]
if 'group' in attr:
group_name = attr['group']
if group_name not in sample_groups:
sample_groups[group_name] = set()
# 2. Find max value for each group.
for group_name in sample_groups:
max_value = 0.0
for label in sample_groups[group_name]:
max_value = max(max_value, max(self._samples[label]))
for label in sample_groups[group_name]:
max_values[label] = max_value
max_values_by_group[group_name] = max_value
# Find max value for values that don't belong to any group.
for label in graph_attributes:
if label not in max_values and 'ignore' not in graph_attributes[label]:
max_values[label] = max(self._samples[label])
# Round up max values so that they aren't ugly. This increases them a max
# of 10%.
for label in max_values:
max_values[label] = round_up(max_values[label], 2)
# Scale so that max_value is mapped to 100.
for label in max_values:
m = max_values[label]
self._samples[label] = [x / m * 100 for x in self._samples[label]]
def add_gaps_to_samples(self):
new_samples = {}
for name in self._samples:
new_samples[name] = []
uptimes = self._samples['uptime']
previous_uptime = -1.0
for i in range(len(uptimes)):
# Check for gap, but skip first (artificial) gap. At each gap, insert a
# None value in all value arrays, except uptime and type.
if i > 0 and uptimes[i] > previous_uptime + 0.3:
for name in self._samples:
if name == 'uptime':
elif name == 'type':
previous_uptime = uptimes[i]
# Copy over old values.
for name in self._samples:
self._samples = new_samples
def plot_values(self, label):
"""Plots the sampled values for label as a function of time."""
on = 'off' not in graph_attributes[label]
legend_entry = '%s %s (100 = %s)' % (
for v in self._samples[label]:
if v and v < 0:
die('negative value for %s: %s' % (label, v))
plt.plot(self._samples['uptime'], self._samples[label],
color=(color_for_name(label) if on else (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0)),
def plot_redisplay(self, fig):
"""Redisplays the full graph."""
add_grid(fig, int(self._samples['uptime'][-1]))
# Graphs.
plot_labels = [label for label in graph_attributes
if 'ignore' not in graph_attributes[label]]
for plot_label in plot_labels:
# Events.
uptimes = self._samples['uptime']
event_types = self._samples['type']
times = {name: [] for name in event_attributes}
values = {name: [] for name in event_attributes}
for i in range(len(uptimes)):
uptime = uptimes[i]
event_type = event_types[i]
if event_type == 'timer':
# Create an isolated vertical line.
for event_type in event_attributes:
if times[event_type]:
plt.plot(times[event_type], values[event_type],
label=('* ' + event_attributes[event_type]['name']))
times = self._samples['uptime']
min_time = times[0]
max_time = times[-1]
for name in parameter_attributes:
attr = parameter_attributes[name]
parameter_value = self._memd_parameters[name]
if 'scale' in attr:
parameter_value *= attr['scale']
if 'group' in attr:
max_value = max_values_by_group[attr['group']]
parameter_value /= max_value
parameter_value *= 100
legend_entry = '* %s (100 = %s)' % (name, eng_notation(max_value))
plt.plot([min_time, max_time],
[parameter_value, parameter_value],
def run(self):
field_names = None
field_names_set = None
lines = []
print('available commands (in addition to pyplot standard commands):')
print('t<key> - toggle graph <key> (see legend)')
print('q - quit')
filenames = glob.glob('memd.clip*.log') or die('there are no clip files')
# Sort files by their time stamp (first line of each file)
filenames = [x[0] for x in sorted([(name, open(name).next())
for name in filenames],
key=lambda x: x[1])]
# Read samples into |self._samples|.
for filename in filenames:
sample_file = open(filename)
# Skip first line (time stamp).
_ =
# Second line: field names.
line =
if field_names:
assert set(line.split()) == field_names_set
field_names = line.split()
field_names_set = set(field_names)
self._samples = {field_name: [] for field_name in field_names}
# Read the following lines, which contain samples.
for line in sample_file:
# Build an array of values for each field.
for line in lines:
for name, value in zip(field_names, line):
def read_parameters(self):
"""Reads the memd parameters file."""
parameters_file = open('memd.parameters')
except Exception:
die('cannot open memd.parameters')
for line in parameters_file.readlines()[1:]:
name, value = line.split()
self._memd_parameters[name] = int(value)
def plot_samples(self):
"""Does all the interactive plotting work."""
# Add None values to create breaks in plotted lines.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(30, 10))
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.keypress_callback)
def plot_interactive(self, fig):
while self._ii_state != 'quit':
if self._needs_redisplay:
self._needs_redisplay = False
def keypress_callback(self, event):
"""Callback for key press events."""
key = event.key
if self._ii_state == 'toggling':
key = key.upper()
if key in key_labels:
label = key_labels[key.upper()]
toggle_attribute(label, 'off')
self._needs_redisplay = True
print('no graph is associated with key "%s"' % key)
self._ii_state = 'base'
elif self._ii_state == 'base':
if key == 'q':
self._ii_state = 'quit'
elif key == 't':
self._ii_state = 'toggling'
def main():
"""Reads memd logs and interactively displays their content."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Display memd logs interactively.')
plotter = Plotter(vars(parser.parse_args()))