blob: 1a309d731c8b9f82cc14b73f432ef489f7c05e46 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <net/if.h> // Interface stuff.
#include <string>
#include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include "portier/ll_address.h"
#include "portier/status.h"
namespace portier {
// A generic interface for network related sockets.
class NetworkSocket {
enum class State { UNINITIALIZED, READY, CLOSED };
static std::string GetStateName(State state);
virtual ~NetworkSocket() = default;
// Socket file descriptor. Returns -1 if the socket is closed.
int fd() const { return fd_.get(); }
// Index of network interface as assigned by the kernel. Used for various
// system calls.
int index() const { return index_; }
// Name of network interface, as provided during construction.
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
// Socket state.
State state() const { return state_; }
bool IsReady() const;
bool IsClosed() const;
// Interface information getters.
// Get link-layer address assigned to this interface.
Status GetLinkLayerAddress(LLAddress* ll_address) const;
// Get the MTU of the interface. This may not be available on all
// interfaces.
Status GetLinkMTU(uint32_t* mtu) const;
// Determine if the interface is a loopback interface.
Status GetLoopbackFlag(bool* loopback_flag) const;
// Enabled or disable non-blocking mode. When enabled, reads and writes
// to the socket will not block. If no data is available to receive,
// read calls will return immediately without data. Writing when the
// interface is busy will queue packet to be sent.
Status SetNonBlockingMode(bool enabled);
// Closes socket. Should be overrided by base class if there are
// special steps required.
virtual Status Close();
explicit NetworkSocket(const std::string& if_name);
virtual Status Init() = 0;
void set_fd(int fd) { fd_.reset(fd); }
bool IsUnitialized() const;
// A special close function used internally. Does not make much
// validation checking.
void CloseFd();
// Initializes the struct ifreq for making an ioctl() call for the
// given socket's associated interface. Simply sets all attributes
// to zero and copies the name of the interface into the struct's
// ifr_name field.
void PrepareIfRequestStruct(struct ifreq* ifreq) const;
// Sets and gets the Linux interface flags via an ioctl() call
Status SetInterfaceFlags(int16_t flags);
Status GetInterfaceFlags(int16_t* flags) const;
// Interface name (Ex. eth0).
std::string name_;
// Interface index as identified by the kernel.
int index_;
// Socket file descriptor.
base::ScopedFD fd_;
// Internal state of socket.
State state_;
} // namespace portier