blob: b211c4b26d6787f1fa38c113310d01860876c609 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "biod/biometrics_manager.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/synchronization/lock.h>
#include <base/threading/thread.h>
#include <base/values.h>
#include "biod/bio_library.h"
#include "biod/biod_storage.h"
namespace biod {
class FpcBiometricsManager : public BiometricsManager {
static std::unique_ptr<BiometricsManager> Create();
// The current fp_pal API requires direct operations on the sensor without
// passing the context back to the caller, so we need to make the context
// accessible globally.
// Make the FD accessible to the PAL. There's only one sensor, opened on biod
// startup and closed on exit, so the FD is const after Init().
static int g_sensor_fd;
static const int kIRQTimeoutMs = 10000;
// BiometricsManager overrides:
~FpcBiometricsManager() override;
BiometricType GetType() override;
BiometricsManager::EnrollSession StartEnrollSession(
std::string user_id, std::string label) override;
BiometricsManager::AuthSession StartAuthSession() override;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BiometricsManager::Record>> GetRecords() override;
bool DestroyAllRecords() override;
void RemoveRecordsFromMemory() override;
bool ReadRecords(const std::unordered_set<std::string>& user_ids) override;
bool ReadRecordsForSingleUser(const std::string& user_id) override;
void SetEnrollScanDoneHandler(const BiometricsManager::EnrollScanDoneCallback&
on_enroll_scan_done) override;
void SetAuthScanDoneHandler(const BiometricsManager::AuthScanDoneCallback&
on_auth_scan_done) override;
void SetSessionFailedHandler(const BiometricsManager::SessionFailedCallback&
on_session_failed) override;
void EndEnrollSession() override;
void EndAuthSession() override;
// Keep this function here because it's used directly by the End* functions.
void KillSensorTask();
using TaskRunnerRef = scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>;
class SensorLibrary;
struct ScanData {
struct Killed {};
ScanData() = default;
explicit ScanData(const Killed&) : killed(true) {}
explicit ScanData(ScanResult r) : success(true), result(r) {}
explicit ScanData(BioImage i) : success(true), image(std::move(i)) {}
// True if the scan ended because of kill_task_
bool killed = false;
// True if there were NO systemic errors
bool success = false;
// Meaningless if success is false, kSuccess on a good scan, user
// correctable error otherwise
ScanResult result = ScanResult::SCAN_RESULT_SUCCESS;
// If success and result is kSuccess, this contains the scanned image
BioImage image;
explicit operator bool() {
return !killed && success && result == ScanResult::SCAN_RESULT_SUCCESS &&
struct InternalRecord {
std::string user_id;
std::string label;
BioTemplate tmpl;
// Our Record implementation is just a proxy for InternalRecord, which are all
// stored inside the FakeBiometricsManager object's records map.
class Record : public BiometricsManager::Record {
Record(const base::WeakPtr<FpcBiometricsManager>& biometrics_manager,
std::string id)
: biometrics_manager_(biometrics_manager), id_(id) {}
// BiometricsManager::Record overrides:
const std::string& GetId() const override;
const std::string& GetUserId() const override;
const std::string& GetLabel() const override;
bool SetLabel(std::string label) override;
bool Remove() override;
base::WeakPtr<FpcBiometricsManager> biometrics_manager_;
std::string id_;
// These are mutable because the const GetUserId and GetLabel methods use
// them as storage for the their respective return string refs.
mutable std::string local_user_id_;
mutable std::string local_label_;
// Only call while holding the records_lock_
InternalRecord* GetInternalLocked() const;
using RecordIterator =
std::unordered_map<std::string, InternalRecord>::iterator;
// Used to ensure that the internal record is always handled with proper
// locks and checking.
template <typename F>
bool WithInternal(F f) const {
if (!biometrics_manager_)
return false;
base::AutoLock guard(biometrics_manager_->records_lock_);
auto internal_record = biometrics_manager_->records_.find(id_);
if (internal_record == biometrics_manager_->records_.end())
return false;
return true;
bool Init();
// These are basic wrappers for the client callback functions. We use them for
// two reasons:
// - these will always work even if the underlying callbacks are null
// - the address of these methods never changes, which is important when
// posting tasks onto the main thread from the sensor thread.
void OnEnrollScanDone(ScanResult result,
const BiometricsManager::EnrollStatus& enroll_status);
void OnAuthScanDone(ScanResult result,
const BiometricsManager::AttemptMatches& matches);
void OnSessionFailed();
// This function are sensor thread only.
ScanData ScanImage();
// The following Do*Task and On*Complete functions are meant to be run as a
// pair using TaskRunner::PostTaskAndReply. The Do*Task functions run in the
// sensor thread and only read sensor_data_, the dynamically loaded functions,
// kill_task_, and the sensor itself. The On*Complete functions interpret the
// result of the task function on the main thread and change the state of this
// BiometricsManager and its records as needed.
void DoEnrollSessionTask(const TaskRunnerRef& task_runner,
const std::shared_ptr<BioTemplate>& tmpl);
void OnEnrollSessionComplete(std::string user_id,
std::string label,
const std::shared_ptr<BioTemplate>& tmpl);
void DoAuthSessionTask(
const TaskRunnerRef& task_runner,
std::shared_ptr<std::unordered_set<std::string>> updated_record_ids);
void OnAuthSessionComplete(
std::shared_ptr<std::unordered_set<std::string>> updated_record_ids);
void OnTaskComplete();
bool LoadRecord(const std::string& user_id,
const std::string& label,
const std::string& record_id,
const base::Value& data);
bool WriteRecord(const BiometricsManager::Record& record,
uint8_t* tmpl_data,
size_t tmpl_size);
// The following variables are const after Init and therefore totally thread
// safe.
base::ScopedFD sensor_fd_;
// Only used by the sensor thread after Init.
std::shared_ptr<BioLibrary> bio_lib_;
std::unique_ptr<SensorLibrary> sensor_lib_;
// Variables used to control the sensor thread and are shared.
bool running_task_ = false;
base::Lock kill_task_lock_;
bool kill_task_ = false;
base::Thread sensor_thread_;
// This lock protects records_.
base::Lock records_lock_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, InternalRecord> records_;
// All the following variables are main thread only.
BiometricsManager::EnrollScanDoneCallback on_enroll_scan_done_;
BiometricsManager::AuthScanDoneCallback on_auth_scan_done_;
BiometricsManager::SessionFailedCallback on_session_failed_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<FpcBiometricsManager> session_weak_factory_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<FpcBiometricsManager> weak_factory_;
BiodStorage biod_storage_;
} // namespace biod