blob: e9d7021a6ac0e02fd1dd5c2b04c2c75ee975a9e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <base/files/file.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <brillo/brillo_export.h>
#include <libcrossystem/crossystem.h>
#include <vpd/vpd.h>
#include "libsegmentation/device_info.pb.h"
#include "libsegmentation/feature_management_interface.h"
#include "proto/device_selection.pb.h"
#include "proto/feature_management.pb.h"
using chromiumos::feature_management::api::software::DeviceSelection;
using chromiumos::feature_management::api::software::FeatureBundle;
using chromiumos::feature_management::api::software::SelectionBundle;
namespace segmentation {
// Temporary file containing the device information and read first,
// for development purposes.
constexpr const char kTempDeviceInfoPath[] =
// VPD key name for persisting CBX status.
constexpr char kVpdKeyDeviceInfo[] = "feature_device_info";
// An implementation that invokes the corresponding functions provided
// in feature_management_interface.h.
class BRILLO_EXPORT FeatureManagementImpl : public FeatureManagementInterface {
// Default implementation that use the database created by package
// feature-management-data.
FeatureManagementImpl(crossystem::Crossystem* crossystem,
vpd::Vpd* vpd,
const std::string& feature_db,
const std::string& selection_db,
const std::string& os_version);
bool IsFeatureEnabled(const std::string& name) override;
FeatureLevel GetFeatureLevel() override;
FeatureLevel GetMaxFeatureLevel() override;
ScopeLevel GetScopeLevel() override;
const std::set<std::string> ListFeatures(const FeatureUsage usage) override;
// Return feature level information based on HWID information and
// hardware requirement.
std::optional<DeviceSelection> GetDeviceInfoFromHwid(bool check_prefix_only);
// Internal feature database
FeatureBundle feature_bundle_;
// Internal selection database
SelectionBundle selection_bundle_;
// Reads device info from the stateful partition, if not present reads it from
// the hardware and then writes it to the stateful partition. After this it
// tries to cache it to |cached_device_info_|.
// If we fail to write it to the stateful partition then this function will
// return false and not set |cached_device_info_|.
bool CacheDeviceInfo();
// Check hardware requirement based on feature level
// Currently for feature level 1 device, we need:
// - 8GB of RAM
// - 128GB SSD
// See go/cros-tiering-prd for reference.
bool Check_HW_Requirement(const DeviceSelection& selection);
// Cache valid device information read from the stateful partition.
std::optional<libsegmentation::DeviceInfo> cached_device_info_;
// Hashed version of the current chromeos version (CHROMEOS_RELEASE_VERSION)
uint32_t current_version_hash_;
// To acccess internal data. Can be overriden, using backend if not.
crossystem::Crossystem* crossystem_;
std::unique_ptr<crossystem::Crossystem> crossystem_backend_;
// To access internal data. Can be overridden, using backend if not.
vpd::Vpd* vpd_;
std::unique_ptr<vpd::Vpd> vpd_backend_;
} // namespace segmentation