blob: 5909626983fcc0f036497bc2820d062057dce182 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include "install_attributes/libinstallattributes.h"
#include "policy/device_policy.h"
// Avoid transitive includes of protofile headers. See b:294577904.
namespace enterprise_management {
class PolicyFetchResponse;
class PolicyData;
class ChromeDeviceSettingsProto;
} // namespace enterprise_management
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
namespace policy {
// This class holds device settings that are to be enforced across all users.
// Before serving it to the users this class verifies that the policy is valid
// against its signature and the owner's key and also that the policy files
// are owned by root.
class DevicePolicyImpl : public DevicePolicy {
DevicePolicyImpl(const DevicePolicyImpl&) = delete;
DevicePolicyImpl& operator=(const DevicePolicyImpl&) = delete;
~DevicePolicyImpl() override;
const enterprise_management::PolicyFetchResponse& get_policy_fetch_response()
const {
return *policy_;
const enterprise_management::PolicyData& get_policy_data() const {
return *policy_data_;
int get_number_of_policy_files() const { return number_of_policy_files_; }
int get_number_of_invalid_files() const { return number_of_invalid_files_; }
// Loads the device policy. The |delete| argument specifies whether to delete
// the device policy files that failed to load or pass validation.
bool LoadPolicyDeleteInvalid(bool delete_invalid_files);
// DevicePolicy overrides:
bool LoadPolicy(bool delete_invalid_files) override;
bool IsEnterpriseEnrolled() const override;
std::optional<int> GetPolicyRefreshRate() const override;
std::optional<bool> GetMetricsEnabled() const override;
std::optional<bool> GetUnenrolledHwDataUsageEnabled() const override;
std::optional<bool> GetEnrolledHwDataUsageEnabled() const override;
bool GetEphemeralSettings(
EphemeralSettings* ephemeral_settings) const override;
std::optional<bool> GetDeviceExtendedAutoUpdateEnabled() const override;
bool GetReleaseChannel(std::string* release_channel) const override;
bool GetReleaseChannelDelegated(
bool* release_channel_delegated) const override;
bool GetReleaseLtsTag(std::string* lts_tag) const override;
bool GetUpdateDisabled(bool* update_disabled) const override;
bool GetTargetVersionPrefix(
std::string* target_version_prefix) const override;
bool GetRollbackToTargetVersion(
int* rollback_to_target_version) const override;
bool GetRollbackAllowedMilestones(
int* rollback_allowed_milestones) const override;
bool GetScatterFactorInSeconds(
int64_t* scatter_factor_in_seconds) const override;
bool GetAllowedConnectionTypesForUpdate(
std::set<std::string>* connection_types) const override;
bool GetOwner(std::string* owner) const override;
bool GetHttpDownloadsEnabled(bool* http_downloads_enabled) const override;
bool GetAuP2PEnabled(bool* au_p2p_enabled) const override;
bool GetAllowKioskAppControlChromeVersion(
bool* allow_kiosk_app_control_chrome_version) const override;
bool GetUsbDetachableWhitelist(
std::vector<UsbDeviceId>* usb_whitelist) const override;
bool IsEnterpriseManaged() const override;
bool GetSecondFactorAuthenticationMode(int* mode_out) const override;
std::optional<bool> GetRunAutomaticCleanupOnLogin() const override;
bool GetDisallowedTimeIntervals(
std::vector<WeeklyTimeInterval>* intervals_out) const override;
bool GetDeviceUpdateStagingSchedule(
std::vector<DayPercentagePair>* staging_schedule_out) const override;
bool GetDeviceQuickFixBuildToken(
std::string* device_quick_fix_build_token) const override;
bool GetDeviceDirectoryApiId(
std::string* device_directory_api_out) const override;
bool GetCustomerId(std::string* customer_id_out) const override;
bool GetChannelDowngradeBehavior(
int* channel_downgrade_behavior_out) const override;
bool GetHighestDeviceMinimumVersion(
base::Version* versions_out) const override;
bool GetDeviceMarketSegment(
DeviceMarketSegment* device_market_segment) const override;
bool GetDeviceDebugPacketCaptureAllowed(bool* allowed) const override;
bool GetDeviceKeylockerForStorageEncryptionEnabled(
bool* keylocker_enabled) const override;
std::optional<bool> GetDeviceReportXDREvents() const override;
// Methods that can be used only for testing.
const enterprise_management::ChromeDeviceSettingsProto&
get_device_policy_for_testing() const {
return *device_policy_;
void set_policy_data_for_testing(
const enterprise_management::PolicyData& policy_data);
void set_verify_root_ownership_for_testing(bool verify_root_ownership);
void set_install_attributes_for_testing(
std::unique_ptr<InstallAttributesReader> install_attributes_reader);
void set_policy_for_testing(
const enterprise_management::ChromeDeviceSettingsProto& device_policy);
void set_policy_path_for_testing(const base::FilePath& policy_path);
void set_key_file_path_for_testing(const base::FilePath& keyfile_path);
void set_verify_policy_for_testing(bool value);
// Verifies that both the policy file and the signature file exist and are
// owned by the root. Does nothing when |verify_root_ownership_| is set to
// false.
bool VerifyPolicyFile(const base::FilePath& policy_path);
// Verifies that the policy signature is correct.
bool VerifyPolicySignature() override;
// Loads policy off of disk from |policy_path| into |policy_|. Returns true if
// the |policy_path| is present on disk and loading it is successful.
bool LoadPolicyFromFile(const base::FilePath& policy_path);
// Path of the default policy file, e.g. /path/to/policy. In order to make
// device policy more resilient against broken files, this class also tries to
// load indexed paths /path/to/policy.1, /path/to/policy.2 etc., see
// resilient_policy_utils.h.
base::FilePath policy_path_;
base::FilePath keyfile_path_;
std::unique_ptr<InstallAttributesReader> install_attributes_reader_;
std::unique_ptr<enterprise_management::PolicyFetchResponse> policy_;
std::unique_ptr<enterprise_management::PolicyData> policy_data_;
// Total number of device policy files identified.
int number_of_policy_files_ = 0;
// Number of device policy files that have been detected as invalid.
int number_of_invalid_files_ = 0;
// If true, verify that policy files are owned by root. True in production
// but can be set to false by tests.
bool verify_root_ownership_ = true;
// If false, all types of verification are disabled. True in production
// but can be set to false by tests.
bool verify_policy_ = true;
} // namespace policy
#pragma GCC visibility pop