blob: 8ab0d5273eb447071d4a21a5fda7017919d5b65c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package vm_tools.apps;
// Corresponds to a .desktop file from the Desktop Entry Spec:
message App {
// A "localestring". Entries with a locale should set the |locale| field to
// the value inside the [] and the default entry should leave it empty. The
// browser is responsible for mapping this to something it can use.
message LocaleString {
message Entry {
string locale = 1;
string value = 2;
repeated Entry values = 1;
// A repeated "localestring". Entries with a locale should set the |locale|
// field to the value inside the [], e.g for the key "Name[fr]", |locale|
// should be "fr"; for the default entry, |locale| should be empty. The
// browser is responsible for mapping this to something it can use.
message LocaleStrings {
message StringsWithLocale {
string locale = 1;
repeated string value = 2;
repeated StringsWithLocale values = 1;
string desktop_file_id = 1;
// These fields map directly to keys from the Desktop Entry spec.
LocaleString name = 2;
LocaleString comment = 3;
repeated string mime_types = 4;
bool no_display = 5;
string startup_wm_class = 6;
bool startup_notify = 7;
LocaleStrings keywords = 9;
string executable_file_name = 10;
// If set, the package_id of the installed package that owns this .desktop
// file. If not set, the .desktop file is not owned by an installed package.
string package_id = 8;
message ApplicationList {
repeated App apps = 1;
string vm_name = 2;
string container_name = 3;
// The owner of the vm and container.
string owner_id = 4;
// Used by the container to request that the host launches a new Terminal
// application.
message TerminalParams {
// Extra parameters to use when launching a terminal application that allow
// executing a command inside the terminal.
repeated string params = 1;
// Name of the VM to launch the terminal in.
string vm_name = 2;
// Name of the container within the VM to launch the terminal in.
string container_name = 3;
// The owner of the VM and container.
string owner_id = 4;
// MIME type mapping information internal to the container.
message MimeTypes {
// MIME type mappings with file extension as the key without a period prefix
// and MIME type as the value.
map<string, string> mime_type_mappings = 1;
// Name of the VM this came from.
string vm_name = 2;
// Name of the container this came from.
string container_name = 3;
// The owner of the VM and container.
string owner_id = 4;