blob: 4972a220c0b102d8040cfd337db3f6a9707b7c45 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package login_manager;
// ARC start options sent from Chrome to session manager. This message is used
// in the SessionManagerInterface.StartArcMiniContainer method.
message StartArcMiniContainerRequest {
enum PlayStoreAutoUpdate {
// Play Store auto-update is left unchanged.
// Play Store auto-update is forced to on.
// Play Store auto-update is forced to off.
optional bool native_bridge_experiment = 1 [default = false];
// The density value passed to "ro.sf.lcd_density" property.
optional int32 lcd_density = 2 [default = -1];
// Experiment flag for go/arc-file-picker.
optional bool arc_file_picker_experiment = 3 [default = false];
// Optional mode for play store auto-update.
optional PlayStoreAutoUpdate play_store_auto_update = 4
// Experiment flag for ARC Custom Tabs.
optional bool arc_custom_tabs_experiment = 5 [default = false];
// Experiment flag for ARC Print Spooler.
optional bool arc_print_spooler_experiment = 6 [default = false];
// Next ID to use: 7
// ARC upgrade options sent from Chrome to session manager. This message is used
// in the SessionManagerInterface.UpgradeArcContainer method.
message UpgradeArcContainerRequest {
enum PackageCacheMode {
// Performs packages cache setup if the pre-generated cache exists.
// Performs packages cache setup if the pre-generated cache exists and
// copies resulting packages.xml to the temporary location after
// SystemServer initialized the package manager.
// Skips packages cache setup and copies resulting packages.xml to the
// temporary location after SystemServer initialized the package manager.
enum SupervisionTransition {
// No transition necessary.
NONE = 0;
// Child user is transitioning to regular account, need to lift supervision.
// Regular user is transitioning to child account, need to enable
// supervision.
// Account ID of the user to start ARC for. This must be the same as the
// one given in StartSession.
required string account_id = 1;
// Whether the account is managed.
optional bool is_account_managed = 14;
// Option to disable ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast for 3rd party apps.
optional bool skip_boot_completed_broadcast = 2 [default = false];
// Optional mode for packages cache tests.
optional PackageCacheMode packages_cache_mode = 4 [default = DEFAULT];
// Option to disable GMS CORE cache.
optional bool skip_gms_core_cache = 13 [default = false];
// Option to notify ARC if the account is a child, allowing us to provide
// special behavior for child account on ARC.
optional bool OBSOLETE_is_child = 9 [deprecated = true];
// Whether the container is being upgraded for a Chrome OS demo session.
optional bool is_demo_session = 10;
// Non-empty only if the ARC container is being upgraded for a Chrome OS demo
// session. The absolute path to the squashfs image that contains the set of
// Android apps to be pre-installed into demo sessions. Note that arc-setup
// expects this to be a path loaded by the imageloader service.
optional string demo_session_apps_path = 6;
// Locale to set in Android container during the boot.
optional string locale = 7;
// Preferred languages to set in Android container during the boot.
repeated string preferred_languages = 8;
// Option to notify ARC that it should transition from a supervised state to
// a non-supervised state, and vice-versa.
optional SupervisionTransition supervision_transition = 11;
// Next ID to use: 15