blob: 28cd789a0f5a57a81810a75f74ed65532020c0fc [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/sh -e
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This library is compatible with set -e, and its use is recommended.
# Expected usage of this library: Create a device-specific or display-specific
# script which looks up the necessary args for update_tcon_fw() and calls that
# function. get_display_res() may be useful for identifying different display
# models which need different firmware.
# It is *not* recommended to source this library from any script responsible for
# more than just using this updater. Instead create a higher level script with
# the broader responsibility, and have it execute in a subprocess the script
# which sources this library.
# If using this library for multiple displays on one device, it is recommended
# to use each from a separate script, and append a unique suffix to
# $NVT_TCON_LOG_TAG so that the source of log messages can be identified.
# Require a minimum battery percentage to mitigate
# as best we can.
# This should NOT be necessary for most firmware update processes in the
# Chromium OS ecosystem.
loginfo() {
echo "$*"
logger --tag="${NVT_TCON_LOG_TAG}" -- "$*"
logerror() {
logger --stderr --tag="${NVT_TCON_LOG_TAG}" -- "$*"
# Pipe a non-negative integer to this.
# If the version is a non-negative integer, this will write the input unmodified
# to stdout and return zero.
# If the input is not a non-negative integer, this will write nothing to stdout,
# and will return non-zero.
verify_integer() {
grep -o -E '^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$'
# Pipe a TCON firmware version to this.
# If the version matches the expected format, this will write the input
# unmodified to stdout and return zero.
# If the input is not formatted properly, this will write nothing to stdout, and
# will return non-zero.
verify_fw_ver() {
grep -o -E '^0x[0-9A-F]{2}-0x[0-9A-F]{2}$'
# Prints display resolution string to stdout as one line, with trailing newline.
# Args:
# dp_modes_path: path to DP modes sysfs file, e.g.
# /sys/class/drm/card0-eDP-1/modes
# Sample display resolutions:
# 1920x1080
# 3840x2160
get_display_res() {
[ "$#" -eq 1 ] || return
local dp_modes_path="$1"
if [ ! -e "${dp_modes_path}" ]; then
logerror "expected sysfs path is missing: ${dp_modes_path}"
return 1
head -n 1 "${dp_modes_path}"
# Prints battery percentage as non-negative integer to stdout as one line, with
# trailing newline.
# Sample percentages:
# 8
# 98
# 100
# Battery charge state is checked to help mitigate
# as best we can.
# Most firmware update processes in the Chromium OS ecosystem should NOT need
# to care about battery charge state.
get_battery_percent() {
# Use of battery_display_percent based on:
# (latest revision 1f9212ce3222e59aa221cccb97b2ce709c5614da)
dump_power_status \
| grep -E '^battery_display_percent [1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)?$' \
| awk '{print $2}' | cut -d. -f1 | verify_integer
# Prints firmware file version string to stdout as one line, with trailing
# newline.
# Args:
# firmware_file: path to TCON firmware binary file
# Sample versions:
# 0x00-0x00
# 0x01-0x02
# 0x01-0x04
# The current implementation resolves any symlinks in firmware_file and then
# uses the real path to determine the firmware version. This is subject to
# change.
get_fw_file_ver() {
[ "$#" -eq 1 ] || return
local firmware_file="$1"
# The use of grep ensures empty output if ${firmware_file} does not match the
# expected format.
realpath -e -- "${firmware_file}" | head -n 1 \
| grep -o -E '_0x[0-9A-F]{2}_0x[0-9A-F]{2}\.bin$' \
| sed 's/^_//; s/\.bin$//; s/_/-/g' | verify_fw_ver
# Prints installed firmware version to stdout as one line, with trailing
# newline.
# Args:
# dp_aux_device: path to DP aux device, e.g. /dev/drm_dp_aux0
# Sample versions:
# 0x00-0x00
# 0x01-0x02
# 0x01-0x04
get_installed_fw_ver() {
[ "$#" -eq 1 ] || return
local dp_aux_device="$1"
if [ ! -e "${dp_aux_device}" ]; then
logerror "expected device file is missing: ${dp_aux_device}"
return 1
hexdump -s 0x40A -n 2 -e '1/1 "0x%02X-" 1/1 "0x%02X\n"' "${dp_aux_device}" \
| verify_fw_ver
# Override this to perform actions immediately prior to display reset.
# This is only invoked when a TCON FW update is about to be attempted.
# A typical action might be to disable Panel Self-Refresh (PSR), which requires
# a driver-specific implementation.
# This MUST be overridden by the script using this library. If no actions are
# needed, override with an empty no-op function.
hook_pre_display_reset() {
logerror "hook_pre_display_reset() is not implemented. THIS IS A BUG."
exit 1
# "chromeos-boot-alert" uses "display_boot_message show_message" which
# conveniently performs the panel reset necessary for PSR disable to take
# effect.
show_message_and_reset_panel() {
display_boot_message action restore_frecon
chromeos-boot-alert update_tcon_firmware
# Override this to perform actions immediately after display reset.
# This is only invoked when a TCON FW update is about to be attempted.
# A typical action might be to verify that Panel Self-Refresh (PSR) is disabled,
# which requires a driver-specific implementation.
# This MUST be overridden by the script using this library. If no actions are
# needed, override with an empty no-op function.
hook_post_display_reset() {
logerror "hook_post_display_reset() is not implemented. THIS IS A BUG."
exit 1
# Args:
# num_attempts: number of times to check for PSR being disabled
# sleep_seconds: number of seconds to sleep between checking PSR status
# dp_aux_device: path to DP aux device, e.g. /dev/drm_dp_aux0
# i2c_device: path to I2C device, e.g. /dev/i2c-3
# config_file: path to TCON firmware updater config file
# firmware_file: path to TCON firmware binary file
invoke_updater_binary_loop() {
[ "$#" -eq 6 ] || return
local num_attempts="$1"
local sleep_seconds="$2"
local dp_aux_device="$3"
local i2c_device="$4"
local config_file="$5"
local firmware_file="$6"
local ret=1
local i
for i in $(seq -- "${num_attempts}"); do
if [ "${i}" -gt 1 ]; then
sleep -- "${sleep_seconds}"
loginfo "invoking TCON firmware updater attempt ${i} of ${num_attempts}"
# Executing this from a cwd that will not exist in the pivot_root results in
# failure, so chdir to / to ensure success. The initial deployment of this
# script executes from / already, but safest not to rely on that.
(cd / && exec minijail0 --profile=minimalistic-mountns -n -p \
--uts=localhost -b /sys -b "${dp_aux_device}" -b "${i2c_device}" \
-u fwupdate-drm_dp_aux-i2c -g fwupdate-drm_dp_aux-i2c -G \
-S /opt/google/tcon/policies/nvt-tcon-fw-updater.update.policy -- \
/usr/sbin/nvt-tcon-fw-updater -p:"${firmware_file}" "${config_file}") \
|| ret="$?"
if [ "${ret}" -eq 0 ]; then
loginfo "TCON firmware updater attempt ${i} of ${num_attempts} succeeded"
logerror "TCON firmware updater attempt ${i} of ${num_attempts} failed" \
"with exit status ${ret}"
return "${ret}"
request_reboot_after_update() {
touch /tmp/force_reboot_after_fw_update
# Args:
# dp_aux_device: path to DP aux device, e.g. /dev/drm_dp_aux0
# i2c_device: path to I2C device, e.g. /dev/i2c-3
# config_file: path to TCON firmware updater config file
# firmware_file: path to TCON firmware binary file
update_tcon_fw() {
[ "$#" -eq 4 ] || return
local dp_aux_device="$1"
local i2c_device="$2"
local config_file="$3"
local firmware_file="$4"
local target_fw_ver
target_fw_ver="$(get_fw_file_ver "${firmware_file}")"
local installed_fw_ver
installed_fw_ver="$(get_installed_fw_ver "${dp_aux_device}")"
if [ "${installed_fw_ver}" = "${target_fw_ver}" ]; then
loginfo "no TCON firmware update needed, installed version" \
"${installed_fw_ver} matches target version"
loginfo "TCON firmware update needed, installed version is" \
"${installed_fw_ver} target version is ${target_fw_ver}"
# Require a minimum battery percentage to mitigate
# as best we can.
# This check should NOT be necessary for most firmware update processes in the
# Chromium OS ecosystem.
local battery_percent
if [ "${battery_percent}" -lt "${NVT_TCON_MIN_BATTERY_PERCENT}" ]; then
loginfo "skipping TCON firmware update due to low battery charge"
hook_pre_display_reset || return
show_message_and_reset_panel || return
hook_post_display_reset || return
# Without this sleep, encountered updater failures resulting in permanently
# broken sleeps. From initial testing 1 second sleep is enough, going with
# 2 seconds just in case. This extra time is trivial compared to updater
# wall time.
sleep 2
invoke_updater_binary_loop 4 2 "${dp_aux_device}" "${i2c_device}" \
"${config_file}" "${firmware_file}" || return
# This sleep is just in case, have not yet tested whether we can do without
# this reliably.
sleep 2
# Reset the display so get_installed_fw_ver can detect the new version.
# This sleep is just in case, initial testing without this was successful.
sleep 2
local post_update_fw_ver
post_update_fw_ver="$(get_installed_fw_ver "${dp_aux_device}")"
if [ "${post_update_fw_ver}" != "${target_fw_ver}" ]; then
logerror "attempted and failed to update TCON firmware, expected" \
"installed version to become ${target_fw_ver} instead it is " \
return 1
# Only request a reboot after successful update to reduce risk of this updater
# causing a boot loop.
loginfo "successfully updated TCON firmware to ${post_update_fw_ver}"