blob: 835e92987a0383f90ecb447ef2573eca49f78b2d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tpm_manager/common/tpm_ownership_interface.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
#include <dbus/bus.h>
#include <dbus/object_proxy.h>
#include "tpm_manager/client/tpm_ownership_signal_handler.h"
#include "tpm_manager/common/export.h"
namespace tpm_manager {
// An implementation of TpmOwnershipInterface that forwards requests to
// tpm_managerd over D-Bus.
// Usage:
// std::unique_ptr<TpmOwnershipInterface> tpm_ = new TpmOwnershipDBusProxy();
// tpm_->GetTpmStatus(...);
class TPM_MANAGER_EXPORT TpmOwnershipDBusProxy : public TpmOwnershipInterface {
TpmOwnershipDBusProxy() = default;
TpmOwnershipDBusProxy(const TpmOwnershipDBusProxy&) = delete;
TpmOwnershipDBusProxy& operator=(const TpmOwnershipDBusProxy&) = delete;
~TpmOwnershipDBusProxy() override;
// Performs initialization tasks. This method must be called before calling
// any other method in this class. Returns true on success.
bool Initialize();
// Connects ownership taken signal. |handler| is used to handle the dbus
// signal. Returns |false| iff |handler| is null or this function is called
// before already. Note that the signal connection failure doesn't make this
// functions return |false| becuase the failure is handled by callback.
bool ConnectToSignal(TpmOwnershipTakenSignalHandler* handler);
// TpmOwnershipInterface methods.
void GetTpmStatus(const GetTpmStatusRequest& request,
const GetTpmStatusCallback& callback) override;
void GetTpmNonsensitiveStatus(
const GetTpmNonsensitiveStatusRequest& request,
const GetTpmNonsensitiveStatusCallback& callback) override;
void GetVersionInfo(const GetVersionInfoRequest& request,
const GetVersionInfoCallback& callback) override;
void GetDictionaryAttackInfo(
const GetDictionaryAttackInfoRequest& request,
const GetDictionaryAttackInfoCallback& callback) override;
void ResetDictionaryAttackLock(
const ResetDictionaryAttackLockRequest& request,
const ResetDictionaryAttackLockCallback& callback) override;
void TakeOwnership(const TakeOwnershipRequest& request,
const TakeOwnershipCallback& callback) override;
void RemoveOwnerDependency(
const RemoveOwnerDependencyRequest& request,
const RemoveOwnerDependencyCallback& callback) override;
void ClearStoredOwnerPassword(
const ClearStoredOwnerPasswordRequest& request,
const ClearStoredOwnerPasswordCallback& callback) override;
void set_object_proxy(dbus::ObjectProxy* object_proxy) {
object_proxy_ = object_proxy;
// Template method to call a given |method_name| remotely via dbus.
template <typename ReplyProtobufType,
typename RequestProtobufType,
typename CallbackType>
void CallMethod(const std::string& method_name,
const RequestProtobufType& request,
const CallbackType& callback);
scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus_;
dbus::ObjectProxy* object_proxy_;
TpmOwnershipTakenSignalHandler* ownership_taken_signal_handler_{nullptr};
} // namespace tpm_manager